International Recognition Day (IRD)

Paula and I arrived in Orlando at 11:00pm, after a very long day of travel on the 13th. We hit the sack and passed out. On the 14th Pat Rael arrived in Orlando. The three of us went to a Cyber TOPS meeting/dinner and had a blast. There were about 60 CyberTOPs members that I had the pleasure of meeting. I decided I would join the group since they have so much valuable information about TOPS and great ideas for contests, skits, program ideas, etc. On the 15th, we started the day with a Field staff meeting. What fun, getting to meet all the other Area Captains throughout the TOPS organization. That evening we enjoyed a great healthy dinner and the music of a group called the Dukes at the Field Staff Extravaganza.

Bright an early the next morning we got up and headed out for a march around the lake(approx .75 mile) with Barbara Cady leading the way. I needed that. The Coronado Springs Resort is absolutely gorgeous. Our room was located about a ½ mile from the ballroom and we had to make many trips a day back and forth. Needless to say we got in our exercise while we were there.

Later that day we attended several workshops. They included the Retreat Open House given by Cynthia Mack, a motivational talk by our TOPS President Barbara Cady, a motivational speech by Gene Columbus, a production person for Walt Disney Studios.

Barbara Cady’s speech titled “You Hold the Key” discussed how we should open our minds to what we already know. She stated the keys to success include a positive attitude, education about healthy lifestyles, encouragements, and self esteem. She also made several points:

1. Your day proceeds as your mouth is turned – so smile.

2. Your desires in time will externalize into concrete facts.

3. Your reality forms around your commitment to succeed.

4. If you want to do something bad enough you will find a way to get it done.

5. Desire is the fire of life.

6. Your life will be what you make it.

7. You can not do everything but you can do something.

8. Only you can make it happen, no one can do it for you.

9. Always accept responsibility for actions.

10. Always set a high standard for yourself.

11. Choose the thoughts and actions that will lead you to success.

12. Your success is but a determined action away.

Gene Columbus’s speech was titled, “What Does a Leader Look Like”. People look at what we say and what we do, so you should lead by example, embrace responsibility, and respect everyone.

At 7:00pm on the 16th the IRD officially kicked off with “The Dream Begins” general session. Here the State, Provincial, and overseas Royalty was introduced by state and walked across the stage. I had the honor of representing NM.

On the 17th we awoke and had to prepare for pictures. A few hours later at the next general session, “Leading us to our Dreams” Beverly, Paula, Pat and me were introduced along with all the other field staff up on stage. Next more motivational speakers, Carol Clendinen talked about the inner peace we all seek to find and the road map to get there. Kevin Morrision’s talk was about, “Making Your Dreams a Reality.” That evening at the third general session, “Believe and Succeed”, it was all about the KOPS. KOPS Alumni ranging from under one year to over 40 year KOPS paraded across the stage and were recognized. A beautiful ceremony for KOPS Graduates was held finalized by the Circle of Light. 2600 TOPS members were in attendance. It was a beautiful sight.

On the 18th, the final session, “Dreams Come True in TOPS” all the State, Provincial, and Overseas Royalty were officially recognized on stage. Grand Finale was the introduction of the International King, Johnny Hall Jr. (Knoxville, Tennessee) with a 198.5 pound loss and Queen, Mollie Kamm (Ontario, Canada) with a 190 pound loss.

Other IRD News:

Paula Norero was recognized for 25 yeas of service as a field staff.

The Medical Doctor also spoke and discussed the progress they have made in regards to an Obesity cure. They found that when we reach our ideal goal we now have to eat less to maintain that goal. After more research they strongly believe that obesity is not always caused by unhealthy eating but by our genes. They have identified 9 genes that effect weight. They are currently trying to locate which gene is the main one. Lots more research to do.

Barbara Cady reported on the results of the Million Mile Walk Challenge. We TOPS members walked a total of 10, 347,056 miles. 1500 chapters participated. Over a billion calories were burned. 8 chapters walked more than 40,000 miles, 7 Chapters walked more than 7500 miles, and 96 chapters walked over 1000 miles.

Barbara also issued a new Challenge for 2010 (I’m sure you knew she would). The challenge is Cut and Burn. Essentially you will need to cut one thing and do one extra activity to lose 10 pounds pound by the next IRD. She wants a 1,000,000 weight loss.

I hope to put a collection of all the IRD pictures on-line at Check in and see if they are there yet. Also at click on Events and on the left side there are multiple options to review all the pictures of the entire IRD event.

Thanks you for allowing me the opportunity to attend IRD on your behalf.

Nancy Montgomery and Barbara Cady

Cindarella Escorts