BSC 2093 L 20094


ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT: You must provide. They can be purchased at the

bookstore or other businesses

Dissection Kit

Apron or Lab Coat (to protect your clothing)

Gloves (you must bring your own)


BSC 2093L will cover Lab Exercises from 1 through 23. BSC 2094L will cover the remaining Lab Exercises. The laboratory experiences will be closely integrated with the contents of the textbook.


Laboratory grades will be added together and an average obtained.

At times a question may arise concerning a test question or a grade. I will be willing to address the problem concerning the grade or test question if it is presented to me in writing and within five (5) working or school days of said test or grade. If it is not done within these guidelines, the subject is considered moot. It is your responsibility to read back over your old exams and make sure you understand why you missed each question.


The questions will come mainly from the text and maybe a couple will be from outside of the text but will be covered in class. Read the lab exercise chapter, dissection activities, look at the charts, graphs, and the illustrations. Any of these is fair game. You used your hard-earned money to purchase these books, so learn as much as you can from them.


You are welcome and encouraged to come to my office to talk over any problem you may have concerning the material in this course. Office hours are posted on my office door. However, it would be of help if you would schedule an appointment time. The best method of doing this would be to check my schedule, note the times I have scheduled for office hours, and slip a note under my door stating your name, the time you wish to see me, and a reference to the reason for the meeting.


Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Each student should become involved in all class and lab activities. Every effort will be made by your instructor to develop and maintain a classroom atmosphere in which the student would feel free to ask questions and become involved in class discussions. Authorized, official school functions are not counted as absences. Evaluation of absences is my responsibility. Students with excessive absences may suffer grade loss. Also those on financial aide may suffer by having to repay funds for not attending class. Tardiness to class is discouraged. When the quiz is given in lab, it will be done usually at the start of class. If you are tardy and come in after it has begun, you are not able to take it. The only time I expect you to leave class early is when there is an emergency or you have finished your work completely. If I get long winded, I do expect someone to assist in notifying me that time is up. Most clocks in classrooms are to my back. I would not want to make you late for your next class, I simply want you to get the maximum from the class experience. All absences will be counted regardless of the reason for the absence. Please see me if this happens. I will not withdraw you from a class for absences.

Please try not to miss a test. A test schedule is provided. MAKE-UP TESTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON!!! You are encouraged to take all tests even if you are not prepared for the one that you can miss. Accidents have been known to happen after you have missed a test because of non-preparedness.

THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS FOR LAB TEST!! Whatever grades you have will be averaged by all possible numbers tests, even if you did not take all of them. Lab test will be of varying forms. Please be on time for lab. Lab quizzes will be usually given at the first part of lab. You are expected to stay until you have finished your lab. Please prepare yourself for lab before you arrive. If you have done this, you may finish on time or even early and can leave. If you are not prepared, you will not be able to finish most labs on time. Because of my schedule, I will not be able to allow you extra time in lab.


Occasionally during the semester, science seminars may be presented. These will receive 5 points extra credit to be added to the total number of points for the semester for the class. There is a form to fill out. This form will be available if there are science seminars presented. This form must be turned in by the next class meeting following the seminar to receive credit. Usually you will place these in the tray in lab where I collect papers. Credit will not be given if it is turned in late.


Turn off all cell phone and beepers before class! If there is an emergency, have someone call student services and they will get a message to you if it occurs during class time. Refer to the Campus wide policy as stated in the 2009-2010 Handbook/Planner on page 47.

As you may remember from having read the course requirements, some of you have had biology in college and some took the test to check your biology retention from high school. Just because you “eeked” by does not mean that you will pass or do well in this course. Just read the book and look at the pictures to see the complexity of the material. This course is not “a piece of cake”. As you may note from the numbering of this class, it is a 2000 level course. This puts it into the sophomore level college numbering system. This is not an introductory class and is not taught as such. This level class assumes you remember you biology. As your text and I assume, if you don’t remember your biology, you are expected to go to the library or dig up your old biology book and read along with your anatomy and physiology lab and testbook.

You have embarked into a career choice that requires intense effort on your part. I did not sign you up for this course nor did I pay your fees. YOU DID. You have the responsibility to come to class every day. Read ahead in your book. Do extra work with no credit given. Do your own drop paperwork if you have not committed yourself before the final drop date.

We all have problems during the semester: Doctor’s appointment, personal and relative sickness, deaths, accidents, traffic tickets, automobile troubles, financial troubles, and others. I am sorry if these woes befall you. I have them also. You have a text that provides you with all the information needed to pass your test. I have read it and I expect you to read and study it. There is no one page less important than the other is. The class is not geared to only one profession. Many majors require this class. By in large most are in nursing.

My job in this class is to assist you in understanding the material. I will do some lecturing. Mainly my emphasis in class is in relating the material to one’s self-functioning and giving an overall view of relationships “the rest of the story”, and answering related questions to facilitate understanding. You are to read, memorize, assimilate, and apply. I try to practice what I preach. Your patients will greatly appreciate you if you posses a depth and wealth of knowledge. Patients are more inclined to ask a greater number of questions from those in the health profession other than their doctors. Many times these questions will be ask of you as a clarification of what the doctor has said.

Many of you experience test anxiety. If you are to achieve in your profession, you must overcome this handicap. Personally I can think of no one and have met no one who does not experience this to some degree. The first avenue of attack is:

Are you committed?

Have you prepared yourself?

Have you investigated self-help techniques?

If you have done your part then seek help from:

Disabled Student Services

Success Center


Computer labs

Many of you are clock watchers. I tend to milk the clock for everything that I can get out of it. Make sure you complete the lab work and clean up your work area. When you finish, you may leave. If I see you leave, I am making the assumption that you have done ALL of your work.

Your class grade will not be governed by how I feel about you. It will be based on the numerical points that you earn. Note in the syllabus are two sheets where you keep up with your grades. They are the same as I use. You can receive a few points for keeping up with this. Your grade is your business. I simply have the misfortune to have to assign a letter grade to it.

You have in your syllabus all the sections scheduled. Keep up with this. This class is not easy. Simply look at the lab book. Your test will come from any where within those chapters that it is to cover. I will also give you additional material that will help with the labs.

I have my fingers in lots of pies. I simply want to keep up with what is going on around me. For A&P, this means anything that relates to living – from being born to dying and after death. This means world and local news, chemistry, math, biology, psychology, sociology, eating, sleeping, exercise, and anything that you can name that affects life from yesterday to tomorrow and to the future.

Yes, I expect you to read before you come to class and do as much of the review sheets before hand as you can. I want you to know more than me. Going to school is a full time job. It is work. If you don’t grasp concepts quickly, go over them lots of time, especially before class and ask questions. Form study groups. Form internet chat groups. Talk about A&P among your selves. Read it, see it, say it, hear it, feel it, eat it, ect., and live it!

Tentative Lab Schedule for BSC 2093 20094

Review sheets for each lab are found at the end of each lab manual exercise. Each lab assignment must be completed in their entirety before the next lab meeting. At that time you can check it off as completed only if it is completely finished. All lab books will be turned in completed on December 7. Except for the very first lab meeting, there will be a lab quiz over the proceeding week’s lab at the beginning of each lab period. On the beginning lab, there will be a safety quiz after the video. These lab quizzes will vary in length and format. Computer labs (those designated with a “B”) are to be completed outside of class and the print-off turned in the next lab day. Don’t forget to do the Review Sheet for the “B” lab.

Week beginning for MondayQuizLab Review Sheet, Handouts

Aug. 24 Safety, Metrics (xvii-xix), Lab 1, 2, 3______, ____, ____, ____

31Lab 3, 4______, ____, ____, ____

Sept. 7Labor Day (No Classes)

14 Lab 5A, 5B, 6B______, ____, ____, ____

21Lab 6A______, ____, ____, ____

28Lab 7, 8______, ____, ____, ____

Oct. 5Lab 9, 10______, ____, ____, ____

12Lab 11, 12, 13______, ____, ____, ____

19Fall Break (No Classes)

26Lab 14 (We will continue on to give time to study bones)______, ____, ____, ____

Nov. 2Lab 15, 16B, DE 1 Cat______, ____, ____, ____

9Lab 15, DE 1, “BIG” bone test, Lab 17, 18B______, ____, ____, ____

16Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 19______, ____, ____, ____

23Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Labs 20, 21, 22______, ____, ____, ____

30Lab 22, 23, “BIG” muscle test______, ____, ____, ____

Dec 7No lab, Lab notebook due

Totals ______+ ______= ______÷ ______x 100 = ______

(totals for quizzes)(totals for review)(your total points)(possible total points)(your grade)

There are no make-ups for lab. You will be given a quiz at the beginning of each lab for the preceding week in lab. There are no make-up lab quizzes. There is no final exam for lab.

This sheet is to be completed and handed in on the last class meeting in December or on the day of the final.


Tentative Lab Schedule for BSC 2093 20094

Review sheets for each lab are found at the end of each lab manual exercise. Each lab assignment must be completed in their entirety before the next lab meeting. At that time you can check it off as completed only if it is completely finished. All lab books will be turned in completed on December 8. Except for the very first lab meeting, there will be a lab quiz over the proceeding week’s lab at the beginning of each lab period. On the beginning lab, there will be a safety quiz after the video. These lab quizzes will vary in length and format. Computer labs (those designated with a “B”) are to be completed outside of class and the print-off turned in the next lab day. Don’t forget to do the Review Sheet for the “B” lab.

Week beginning for TuesdayQuizLab Review Sheet, Handouts

Aug. 25 Safety, Metrics (xvii-xix), Lab 1, 2, 3______, ____, ____, ____

Sept. 1Lab 3, 4______, ____, ____, ____

8 Lab 5A, 5B, 6B______, ____, ____, ____

15Lab 6A______, ____, ____, ____

22Lab 7, 8______, ____, ____, ____

29Lab 9, 10______, ____, ____, ____

Oct. 6Lab 11, 12, 13______, ____, ____, ____

13Lab 14 (We will continue on to give time to study bones)______, ____, ____, ____

20Fall Break (No Classes)

27Lab 15, 16 A (Activity 4 only), 16B______, ____, ____, ____

Nov. 3Lab 15, DE 1, “BIG” bone test, DE 1 Cat______, ____, ____, ____

10Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 17, 18B______, ____, ____, ____

17Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 19______, ____, ____, ____

24Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 20, 21, 22______, ____, ____, ____

Dec. 1Lab 22, 23, “BIG” muscle test______, ____, ____, ____

Dec 8No lab, Lab notebook due

Totals ______+ ______= ______÷ ______x 100 = ______

(totals for quizzes)(totals for review)(your total points)(possible total points)(your grade)

There are no make-ups for lab. You will be given a quiz at the beginning of each lab for the preceding week in lab. There are no make-up lab quizzes. There is no final exam for lab.

This sheet is to be completed and handed in on the last class meeting in December or on the day of the final.


Tentative Lab Schedule for BSC 2093 20094

Review sheets for each lab are found at the end of each lab manual exercise. Each lab assignment must be completed in their entirety before the next lab meeting. At that time you can check it off as completed only if it is completely finished. All lab books will be turned in completed on December 9. Except for the very first lab meeting, there will be a lab quiz over the proceeding week’s lab at the beginning of each lab period. On the beginning lab, there will be a safety quiz after the video. These lab quizzes will vary in length and format. Computer labs (those designated with a “B”) are to be completed outside of class and the print-off turned in the next lab day. Don’t forget to do the Review Sheets for the “B” labs).

Week beginning for WednesdayQuizLab Review Sheet, Handouts

Aug. 26 Safety, Metrics (xvii-xix), Lab 1, 2, 3______, ____, ____, ____

Sept. 2Lab 3, 4______, ____, ____, ____

9 Lab 5A, 5B, 6B______, ____, ____, ____

16Lab 6A______, ____, ____, ____

23Lab 7, 8______, ____, ____, ____

30Lab 9, 10______, ____, ____, ____

Oct. 7Lab 11, 12, 13______, ____, ____, ____

14Lab 14 (We will continue on to give time to study bones)______, ____, ____, ____

21Lab 15, 16 A (Activity 4 only), 16B, DE 1 Cat______, ____, ____, ____

28Lab 15, DE 1, “BIG” bone test, DE 1 Cat______, ____, ____, ____

Nov. 4Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 17, 18B, 19______, ____, ____, ____

11Veteran’s Day (No Classes)

18Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 20, 21, 22______, ____, ____, ____

25Thanksgiving Holidays (No Classes)

Dec. 2Lab 22, 23, “BIG” muscle test______, ____, ____, ____

9No lab, Lab notebook due

Totals ______+ ______= ______÷ ______x 100 = ______

(totals for quizzes)(totals for review)(your total points)(possible total points)(your grade)

There are no make-ups for lab. You will be given a quiz at the beginning of each lab for the preceding week in lab. There are no make-up lab quizzes. There is no final exam for lab.

This sheet is to be completed and handed in on the last class meeting in December or on the day of the final.


Tentative Lab Schedule for BSC 2093 20094

Review sheets for each lab are found at the end of each lab manual exercise. Each lab assignment must be completed in their entirety before the next lab meeting. At that time you can check it off as completed only if it is completely finished. All lab books will be turned in completed on November 21. Except for the very first lab meeting, there will be a lab quiz over the proceeding week’s lab at the beginning of each lab period. On the beginning lab, there will be a safety quiz after the video. These lab quizzes will vary in length and format. Computer labs (those designated with a “B”) are to be completed outside of class and the print-off turned in the next lab day. Don’t forget to do the Review Sheet for the “B” lab.

Saturday – every 3rd SaturdayQuizLab Review Sheet, Handouts

Aug. 29 Safety, Metrics (xvii-xix), Lab 1, 2, 3______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 3, 4______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 5A, 5B, 6B______, ____, ____, ____

Sept. 19Lab 6A______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 7, 8______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 9, 10______, ____, ____, ____

Oct. 10Lab 11, 12, 13______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 14 (We will continue on to give time to study bones)______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 15, 16 A (Activity 4 only), 16B______, ____, ____, ____

Oct. 31Lab 15, DE 1, “BIG” bone test, DE 1 Cat______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 17, 18B______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 19______, ____, ____, ____

Nov.21Lab 15, Cat Muscles/Man, DE 1, Lab 20, 21, 22______, ____, ____, ____

Lab 22, 23, “BIG” muscle test______, ____, ____, ____

No lab, Lab notebook due

Totals ______+ ______= ______÷ ______x 100 = ______

(totals for quizzes)(totals for review)(your total points)(possible total points)(your grade)

There are no make-ups for lab. You will be given a quiz at the beginning of each lab for the preceding week in lab. There are no make-up lab quizzes. There is no final exam for lab.

This sheet is to be completed and handed in on the last class meeting in December or on the day of the final.