
Western Region Chapter

International Fiscal Association – India Branch

Office No.111, Jolly Bhavan No.1, 10, New Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400 020, India

Tel: 91-22-22075673, 66331720 (Telefax). Email:

Seminar on IFA 2014 Mumbai Congress


17 January 2015, Hotel Palladium, Mumbai

IFA India hosted a successful 68th IFA Congress in Mumbai from 12-17 October 2014. The selection of current and significant topics delivered by a star-studded group of Indian and international panelists has left a lasting impression of the Annual IFA Congresses on regular and first-time participants.

The Seminar:

Having discussed the global and, in some cases, academic perspective of the main topics and seminars over 5 days during the IFA Congress, IFA India WRC is now organizing a 1-day seminar that will provide:

  • A snapshot of the session as it was held during the IFA Congress
  • The practical aspects of the topics discussed
  • India centric panel discussions on each topic by leading Indian tax experts

Who should attend:

  • Participants of IFA 2014 Mumbai Congress shall particularly gain from the seminar
  • Tax Professionals, Tax Directors, CFO’s, Revenue Officials & Revenue Authorities who could not attend the IFA 2014 Mumbai Congress


Ms. Anuradha Dutt, Ms. Bela Sheth, Ms. Daksha Baxi, Mr. Deepak Dhanak, Mr. Dinesh Kanabar,

Mr. Gautam Doshi, Mr. Gautam Nayak, Mr. Hitesh Gajaria, Mr. Jairaj Purandare, Mr. Manish Kanth,

Mr. Niraj Sheth, Mr. Padamchand Khincha, Mr. Paresh Parekh, Mr. Pinakin Desai, Mr. Porus Kaka,

Mr. Pramod Kumar, Mr. Rohan Shah, Mr. Sanjay Puri, Ms. Shefali Goradia, Mr. Sunil Shah, Mr. Sushil Lakhani, Mr. T.P. Ostwal, Mr. V. Lakshmikumaran

For further details and registration, please contact:
Ms. Marizinha Chitnis at IFA India-WRC
Office No.111, Jolly Bhavan No. 1, 10, New Marine Lines, Mumbai – 400 020, India
Tel: 91-22-22075673, 66331720 (Telefax). Email:

Western Region Chapter

International Fiscal Association – India Branch

Office No.111, Jolly Bhavan No.1, 10, New Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400 020, India

Tel: 91-22-22075673, 66331720 (Telefax). Email:

IFA 2014 Mumbai Congress - Practical Aspects & Indian Perspective
Saturday, 17 January 2015, Palladium Hotel, Mumbai
08:30 a.m. - 09:30 a.m. Registration
1. Cross Border Outsourcing
9.30 a.m. – 10.15 a.m. / 6. Taxation and Non-Tax Treaties
2.15 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Session Summary / Shefali Goradia, BMR Associates LLP / Session Summary / V. Lakshmikumaran, Lakshmikumaran & Shridharan
Panel / Padamchand Khincha, H.C. Khincha & Co
Pinakin Desai, Ernst & Young
Shefali Goradia, BMR Associates LLP / Panel / Anuradha Dutt, Dutt Menon Dunmorrsett
Rohan Shah, Economic Laws Practise
V. Lakshmikumaran, Lakshmikumaran & Shridharan
2. Qualification of Taxable Entities
10.20 a.m. – 11.05 a.m. / 7. Tax Issues relating to Intangibles
3.00 p.m. – 3.45p.m.
Session Summary / Pramod Kumar, Member ITAT / Session Summary / Sanjay Puri, DIT, New Delhi
Panel / Gautam Doshi, ADAG
Gautam Nayak, CNK & Associates LLP
Pramod Kumar, Member ITAT / Panel / Deepak Dhanak, Star India Pvt Ltd
Hitesh Gajaria, KPMG
Sanjay Puri, DIT, New Delhi
11.05 a.m. ‐ 11.30 a.m Tea Break / 3.45p.m. ‐ 4.15 p.m. Tea Break
3. Indirect Transfer of Assets
11.30 a.m. – 12.15 p.m. / 8. Update on BEPS work
4.20 p.m.– 5.05p.m.
Session Summary / TBA / Session Summary / Paresh Parekh, Ernst & Young
Panel / Dinesh Kanabar, Dhruva Advisors
Jairaj Purandare, JMP Advisors
Porus Kaka, IFA / Panel / Bela Sheth, Shell India Market Pvt Ltd
Paresh Parekh, Ernst & Young
T.P. Ostwal, T.P. Ostwal & Associates
4. The Taxable Residence of Companies
12.20 p.m– 1.00 p.m. / 9. Recent Developments in International Taxation
5.10p.m. – 5.25p.m.
Session Summary / Sunil Shah , Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP / Session Summary / Manish Kanth
Panel / Daksha Baxi, Khaitan & Co
Sunil Shah , Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
Sushil Lakhani, Lakhani & Associates
1.00 – 2.00 Lunch Break
5. Judges Seminar
2.00 p.m. – 2.15p.m.
Session Summary / Niraj Sheth


IFA India-WRC Seminar

IFA 2014 Mumbai Congress – Practical Aspects & India Perspective
17 January, 2015, Hotel Palladium, Mumbai

Name: …………………………………..…..………………………………………………………………..

Registration category (please tick as appropriate)

IFA MembersNon-members

Delegate fee⃞ Rs. 5057/-⃞ Rs. 6180/-
Service tax of 12.36% is included in the registration fees

IFA Membership No: …………………………………..…..….

Mailing address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Tel: (O)……………...…...... (R)……...... ………...... Fax…...... …......

Mobile………….…………………….. Email ID ……………………………………

Detail of Payments:-

Draft/Cheque No……….….…… Dated……………… Drawn on ……….………………………………Bank for Rs. …..………….. [………………………………………………………………………..]

(In words)



  1. Please use block letters, preferably typewritten and fill complete details.
  2. Outstation members should pay by Demand Draft, payable at Mumbai.
  3. The demand drafts / cheque should be drawn in favor of “INTERNATIONAL FISCAL ASSOCIATION – INDIA BRANCH – WRC”

For further details and registration, please contact:

Ms. Marizinha Chitnis at IFA India-WRC

Office No.111, Jolly Bhavan No.1, 10, New Marine Lines, Mumbai – 400 020, India

Tel: 91 22 22075673, 66331720 (telefax) Email: