International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
1IList of Publications for ACE 3 RCRC Induction / Semarang/ 23-28 May 2016

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

List of Publications

List of Publications for ACE 4 RCRC Induction / Semarang/ 09-13 October 2017

For more information about Red Cross Red Crescent in Southeast Asia, visit

Titles / Copies
IFRC Framework for Community Resilience (2014) / 20
A series of Resilience Infographics which are described in the IFRC community safety and resilience framework:
  • Resilience Infographic 1: What is a community?
  • Resilience Infographic 2: What contributes to Resilience
  • Resilience infographic 3: Resilience at multiple levels
  • Resilience Infographic 4: A resilient community

A guide for parliamentarians to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement / 20
Principles and Rules for Red Cross Red Crescent Humanitarian Assistance / 20
The Handbook on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction / 5
Introduction to the guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance(IDRL Guidelines) / 20
Model Act for the Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance (with commentary) / 5
Effective law and regulation for disaster risk reduction: a multi-country report (Summary)
The checklist on law and disaster risk reduction / 20
International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) in Indonesia Report / 2

Strengthening Law and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Indonesia – Checklist Assessment Report

/ 2
Vietnam: Country Case Study Report (How law and regulation support disaster risk reduction) / 2
Minimum standard commitments to gender and diversity in emergency programming - pilot version(2015) / 20
Gender and Diversity for Urban Resilience: An Analysis / 20

Unseen, Unheard: Gender-Based Violence in Disasters. Asia Pacific case studies

/ 5
Regional Resilience Initiative: four case studies

-Case Study: Regional Resilience Knowledge Hub

-Case Study: Supporting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to build community resilience in Member States

-Case Study: Mainstreaming Gender and Diversity in Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives

-Case Study: Supporting National Societies to Contribute to Disaster Law Development

/ 25 copies each

Contact information

For further information, please contact:

Herve Gazeau, DRR Manager