Interviewer: Det. Hanson

10-20-09/9:35 pm

Case # 123456

Page 3


Q=Det. Hanson

A=(David Delich)

Q: Uh, he was talkin’ about - does he work with you in the - in the, ah, automotive field?

A: Yeah, he works with me, does Internet stuff with me an- it - but he’s - but h- he’s just - it’s - there’s - he’s just got this ha- he’s got this - this hatred about his - what - what happened to him in Texas and - and…

Q: Mm-hm.

A: …and what happened to him with his step-father. And he - he grew up – he’s a - he’s a decent child, he just - I don’t know what fuckin’ set him off. I think he wanted to get killed today -- I really do.

Q: Yeah.

A: I think he wanted to get killed.

Q: Now has he had, uh, any mental health issues at all?

A: Let me have y- what phone number are you at right now? I don’t know who I’m even ta- I’ve - I’ve had more calls from reporters and people today.

Q: No, no it’s - yeah, I’m a detective. I’m at 791-4499 and the extension is 1174. I’m the case detective on this case.

A: Let me wri- let me write this down. Not that I don’t trust you, sir.

Q: That’s fine.

A: I’ve ha- I’ve had people call.

Q: No that’s fine.

A: The TV station calling. I've had more people calling me today.

Q: You bet.

A: Hold on, let me write this down. 791…

Q: 4499, and the extension is 1174.

A: 1174. I’ll call you right back.

Q: All right sir. Thank you.

A: Bye.

Q: Detective Hanson, we’re gonna be off tape for a minute. It’s 2137 hours. We’ll see if he calls us back. I’ll put it on pause until that point. Back on tape at 2138. Homicide, Detective Hanson, may I help you?

A: This is (David Delich) callin’.

Q: Yes sir. I appreciate you calling me back.

A: I - I - I God I’ll tell ya – I di- I don’t know what to say. I’ll come down there if I need to.

Q: Yeah, well, you don’t have to do that tonight, sir. We may be talking to you in, uh, in the near future though. But do you know if there was any mental health issues with (David) at all?

A: We had a problem, uh, gosh about, I don’t know, five years ago, six years ago.

Q: Mmm.

A: And, uh, and I had him - I had him arrested by the Sheriff’s Department. I went over to, uh, to, uh - uh, the place behind (TMC) over there. We had him evaluated.

Q: Mm-hm.

A: And I’ll pu- I’m going to pull those records in the morning on what they said.

Q: Okay.

A: And then the - what - what flared things were - things were good except back in September. Him and his mother start emailing each other and there was some vile emails going back and forth -- especially on his behalf.

Q: Mm-hm.

A: Saying what he wanted to do to his step-father.

Q: Right.

This transcription has been reviewed with the audio recording submitted and it is an accurate transcription.
