International conference on ‘Critical Public‬ Health‬ Consequences of the Double ‬Burden ‬of ‬Malnutrition and the Changing Food Environment in South and South-East Asia’

Many countries of South and South-East Asia have some of the highest levels of undernutrition in the world and progress has been slow, both relative to most other regions and in absolute terms. Simultaneously, the region is seeing a rapid transition to a new situation where it faces a ‘double burden of malnutrition’ whereby gains related to reduction in under-nutrition, are being undermined by an increase in overweight and obesity.

Given this background, the Public Health Resource Network (PHRN), the Peoples’ Health Movement (PHM-Global), Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA),) World Public Health Nutrition Association (WPHNA), NarotamSekhsaria Foundation (NSF) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) propose to organize a 3-day international conference on ‘Critical Public‬ Health‬ Consequences of the Double ‬Burden ‬of ‬Malnutrition and the Changing Food Environment in South and South East Asia’at India International Centre, New Delhi on 28th,29th and 30th March. The conference is designed to raise and debate important issues that underlie the high levels of malnutrition in South and South-East Asia.

It is anticipated that the conference will be attended by about 250 participants, drawn largely from South and South-East Asia, but also including some experts and participants from other regions. Resource persons will include eminent practitioners, academics, policy makers and activists in the areas of food, nutrition and public health.

Discussions at the conference will be organized in four sections:

  1. Opening Plenary: Situation analysis, including technical presentations on links between malnutrition and the burden of disease.
  2. Section on Undernutrition: Discussions will be organized in plenary sessions and workshops that will run in parallel.
  3. Section on Overweight/Obesity: Discussions will be organized in plenary sessions and workshops that will run in parallel
  4. Synthesis Plenary: This will distill and elaborate on the common themes emerging from and related to the structural and systemic causes of both undernutrition and overweight /obesity, including the role of food systems, markets, economic policies, development policies, etc. It will highlight the potential actions that can be undertaken at different levels – global, regional, national, sub national and community – based on recommendations that emerge from the conference.

Call for Abstracts and Posters

Contributions on theme Undernutritionand Overweight/Obesitycovering the following sub themes are invited for Abstract& poster submission:

  • Laws and policies (including social protection) related to nutrition,
  • Food systems, land reform and access to land,
  • Agricultural policies, food production and processing and their impact,
  • The role and regulation of agribusiness, food and beverages corporations and corporations which promote breastmilk substitutes and infant formula.
  • Programmes, human resources, pharmaceutical issues and research in relation to nutrition.
  • Current challenges and positive actions to address them.
  • Technical (biomedical)issues related to nutrition and disease consequences (SAM, Malaria, TB, stunting, etc in the case of undernutrition and Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Stroke etc. in the case of ‘overnutrition’).
  • Strategizing around lobbying, advocacy and social mobilization on issues related to malnutrition.
  • Field innovations/experiences

Abstracts on the above themes can be sent by research scholars, academicians, independent researchers, nutrition experts, and activists engaged in Nutrition and Public Health in India through e-mail at.

Rules for Submission:

  • The submissions should be based on original research/analysis.
  • Only one submission per person.
  • Only online submissions of abstract and poster shall be accepted.
  • The abstract text should not exceed 500 words.
  • The poster should be 120 cm by 80 cm in size.
  • Abstract/poster should be submitted in English.
  • Author will receive an e-mail confirming that submitted abstract/poster has been received.
  • All abstract/poster received will be reviewed by an Academic Committee appointed for the conference.
  • Shortlisted abstracts/posters will be sent acceptance mail and comments will be sent by the Academic Committee, with a request to review for presentation in the conference.
  • The last date for receiving abstract/posters is 8thJanuary , 2018.

Travel support and accommodation:

Organisers will be able to provide travel support (By train up to AC III tier) and accommodation (arranged by organizers) to some participants whose abstracts are selected for the conference, in particular activists, students and research scholars. However, a registration of Rs 500 is applicable for every participant.