International Baccalaureate Programme

Mount PleasantHigh School

Honor Code

As a student in the International Baccalaureate Programme at Mount PleasantHigh School, you are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. The International Baccalaureate Organization places strong emphasis on responsible citizenship and ethical behavior. A commitment to academic honesty and integrity is essential for Mount Pleasant High School Middle Years and Diploma Programme students.

There are two main forms of academic dishonesty.

  • Collusion occurs when a student gives or receives any unauthorized aid or assistance on any form of academic work. It may include:
  • Copying another student’s work and presenting it as your original work;
  • Purchasing work from someone else;
  • Looking at someone else’s paper during a test or quiz;
  • Writing notes in a convenient place and referring to them during a test or quiz;
  • Sharing answers with another student during a test or quiz including sliding your paper into the viewing range of another student;
  • Sharing questions or problems from a test or quiz with someone who has not yet taken it;
  • Asking another student for information about what is on a test that he/she has already taken;
  • Previewing test questions by obtaining copies of questions or by looking at a test or quiz prior to its administration;
  • Providing another student the opportunity to review or copy any assignments you have completed;
  • Utilizing electronic instruments such as a PDA or graphing calculator to gain an unfair advantage on a test or quiz.
  • Plagiarism occurs when a student copies or represents another’s work as one’s own. It may include:
  • Copying another person’s work and presenting it as your original work;
  • Copying material from any source including books, magazines, and/or Internet sites without proper acknowledgement to the creator of the source, including quotation marks and citations;
  • Paraphrasing of any quantity of material from any source including books, magazines, Internet sites, and other students’ work without proper acknowledgment to the creator of the source.

Students in the MYP and IB Diploma Programmes are expected to demonstrate good character and high standards of personal integrity.

  • Integrity may be compromised when a student:
  • Misrepresents information (hours, events or other data) concerning the CAS component of the programme;
  • Violates the BrandywineSchool District Student Code of Conduct;
  • Violates local, state and/or federal laws.

Both the Mount Pleasant High School and the International Baccalaureate Organization will treat violations of the Honor Code as a serious matter. The IBO does not concern itself with whether an incident of collusion or plagiarism was intentional or not. The act itself, not the intent, is addressed.

The IBO will not accept work for external assessment or moderation without a teacher signature confirming that, to the best of the teacher’s knowledge, the work is the authentic work of the student. Without the teacher’s signature, no mark will be given for the component and no grade will be awarded in the subject. This may result in the student being denied the IB Diploma. In order to assist students in preparing plagiarism-free assessments, all documents prepared for submission to IBO will be verified electronically. In addition, students may be required at any time to produce evidence of the work in progress to the teacher and/or the IB Coordinator. Satisfactory evidence may include notes, original sources, bibliographic references, preliminary drafts and/or outlines.

If it is determined that a student is using work other than their own (cheating, helping another to cheat and plagiarism) there will be an administrative referraland following procedures will be enforced. The first offense will result in the students having the option of receiving a zero for the assignment or redoing it for a maximum grade of 50% of the score earned on the resubmitted work. Students who are caught cheating on a test/exam will receive a zero for the test/exam.A second offense in the same subject/test/exam will result in an “F” for the marking period and no extra credit work can be submitted and parents will be notified. Based on the decision of an Academic Review Board, any subsequent offense may result in the student being dismissed from the MYP or Diploma Programme. The Board will be comprised of the MYP or DP Coordinator, a school administrator, and an IB teacher. In addition, the student will not be recommended for any honor societies, and if he/she is already a member, the sponsor of the organization will be notified. For first offenses where a student’s integrity has been compromised, the student will appear before the Academic Review Board. A parent conference may be required for any violation of the honor code.

All students who are enrolled in the MYP or Diploma Programme at Mount Pleasant High School and their parent/guardian are required to sign the Honor Pledge.

Leslie Carlson, Diploma Programme Coordinator

Jeanne Beadle, Middle Years Programme Coordinator

Mount PleasantHigh School

5201 Washington Street Extension

Wilmington, DE19809

Phone: 302-762-7054 Fax: 302-762-7045

Honor Pledge

Mount PleasantHigh School

International Baccalaureate Programme

I understand that while I am a student in the IB Middle Years and/or Diploma Programmes, ethical conduct is expected from me at all times. I hereby resolve to uphold the Honor Code of Mount Pleasant High School and the International Baccalaureate Programme.

I shall refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty and/or deceitful means of obtaining grades.

I understand that as a member of the IB Programme, I have the responsibility to come forth and report any known violation of the Honor Code.

I will refrain from conduct that will reflect negatively on the IB Programme and/or Mount PleasantHigh School.

I understand that as a Diploma Programme student I am expected to sit for all international examinations and complete all course assessments in those areas in which I am a registered student. Failure to pay the examination registration fees will result in removal from the IB class.

I understand that any breach of the Honor Code may result in my removal from the IB Programme.


Printed Student NameDate Student Signature


Printed Parent NameDate Parent Signature

Electronic Verification of Work

I give permission to the IB Middle Years and/or Diploma Programme faculty to scan all work submitted through electronic verification methods.


Printed Student NameDate Student Signature


Printed Parent NameDate Parent Signature