Detailed Curriculum Vitae

Constantinos D. Halevidis


1. General Information

2. Personal Information

3. Education

3.1. Ph.D. Diploma

3.2. Electrical and Computer Engineer Diploma

4. Scholarships

5. Teaching Experience

6. Participation in Committees

7. Professional Experience

7.1. Forensic reports

7.2. Work experience

8. Skills and Competences

8.1. Languages

8.2. Computer Skills and Competencies

9. Publications

9.1. Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (with impact factor)

9.2. Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (without impact factor)

9.3. Peer-Reviewed Articles in International Conference Proceedings

9.4. Peer-Reviewed Articles in Greek Conference Proceedings

9.5. Books / Chapters in Books

1. General Information

Halevidis Constantinos was born in Athens, Greece, in 1987. He obtained the Electrical and Computer Engineer Diploma from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, in 2009. He acquired his diploma in 8semesters instead of the normal 10, with a 9.26 grade. He was awarded the title of Doctor by the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. He published over 10 papers in peer-reviewed journals, as well as a significant number of papers in conference proceedings. Additionally, he assisted in the teaching of a number of courses, and supervised laboratory experiments. Furthermore, he lectured in a HVAC seminar for the Technical Chamber of Greece. Finally, he is contracted as a technical expert for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator) and other private-sector companies.His main research interests are diverse including topics such as power transmission and distribution, high voltage testing, smart grids, renewable energy sources, and ELF fields.

2. Personal Information

Surname/ First name:Halevidis Constantinos

Address:35 Rodopis Str., 13676, Athens, Greece

Phones:+302102432989 , +306932337468



Date of birth:08/24/1987

3. Education

3.1. Ph.D. Diploma

Dates: 10/2009 - 10/2012

University:National Technical University of Athens

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. title:Dielectric and thermal phenomena in transmission and distribution lines

3.2. Electrical and Computer Engineer Diploma

Dates: 10/2005 - 07/2009

University:National Technical University of Athens

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Notes:Diploma acquisition in 4 years (8 semesters) instead of the normal 5 with a 9.26 grade

4. Scholarships

  • Award from the National Bursary Foundation for being forth (4th) during the 3rd year of the Electrical Computer Engineering School.
  • Bursar of the Electrical Computer Engineering department of the National Technical University of Athens during 2009-2010.
  • Research scholarship from the Research Fund of the National Technical University of Athens.

5. Teaching Experience

Teaching assistant at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, for the following courses:

Course:Electrical Design (1st semester)

Dates 10/2009-01/2010, and 10/2011-01/2012

Course:Electromechanical Installations in Industry and Buildings (8th semester)

Dates 03/2010-05/2010, 03/2011-06/2011, and 03/2012-06/2012

Laboratory assistant at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, for the following courses:

Course:Electrical Measurements I (3rd semester)

Dates 10/2009-01/2010, and 10/2011-01/2012

Course:Electrical Measurements II (4th semester)

Dates 02/2010-05/2010, 02/2011-06/2011, and 02/2012-06/2012

Instructor at the Technical Chamber of Greece for the HVAC seminar.

Course:Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Seminar

Dates 09/2011, 10/2013

6. Participation in Committees

  • Member of the International Program Committee of EuroPES 2011.

10th IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Crete, Greece, 2011.

  • Member of the International Program Committee of EuroPES 2012.

11th IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Napoli, Italy, 2012.

  • Reviewer for the following journals:

Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on.

Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on.

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems


7. ProfessionalExperience

7.1. Forensic reports

  1. Testcertificateforthethermalbehaviorofsubstations such as the one implicated in the wildfireon 17-07-2010 in Varnava, Attiki,for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  2. Testcertificateforthethermalbehaviorofconcentric cables such as the one implicated in the wildfireon 13-08-2005 in Moustako, Chania, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  3. Testcertificateforthethermalbehaviorofelectrotechnical equipment such as that implicated in a factory fire in Elefsina on 27-06-2007,for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  4. Testcertificatefortheapplied forces between conductors of an 150 kV OHL and a 400 V line such as those implicated in the wildfireson 05-07-2006 and 20-07-2006 in Voskia, Amfilochia, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  5. Testcertificateforthethermaland dielectric behaviorof distribution grid conductors such as those implicated in the wildfireon 31-07-2009 in Kalakeika, Lechena, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  6. Forensic report and test certificate for the causes of the wildfire on 25-08-2012 in Afidnes, Attiki, in which a medium voltage line, and a medium to low voltage substation were implicated,for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  7. Forensic report and test certificate for the causes of the wildfire on 27-06-2012 in Poros, in which a medium voltage line was implicated,for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  8. Test certificate for the causes of the electrocution on 21-06-2006 in Acharnes, Attiki, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  9. Forensicreportfor the causes of the fire on 03-02-2013 at a containerized substation of a 6,25 MWpPV power stationin Aksiohori, Kilkis, forCantrevaS.A..
  10. Expert opinion on the installation of medium voltage cables, grounding conductor, and optical fibers in filled troughsof a wind farm in Aderes, Trizinia, for Protergia S.A..
  11. Supplementaryforensic reports and test certificate for the causes of the fire on 10-08-2006 in a warehouse in Ag. Anargiri, Attiki, in which a low voltage line was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  12. Forensic report for the causes of the wildfire on 06-07-2012 in Ag. Kiriaki, Kalamos, in which a surge arrester of a medium to low voltage substation was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  13. Forensicreportforthecausesofthefireandthedamagesto electrical equipment on 29-03-2012 in apartments in Pagkrati, Attiki, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  14. Forensic report for the causes of the wildfire on 28-08-2013 in Tseresi, Arahova, in which a medium voltage pole was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  15. Forensicreportandsupplementaryforensicreportfor the causes of the wildfire on 12-07-2010 in Karaoulia, Nafpaktos, in which a low voltage line was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  16. Forensicreportforthecausesofthefireon08-08-2004 in a building complex in Tirnavos, in which the medium and low voltage grid was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  17. Forensicreportfor the causes of the electrocution on 11-11-2009 in Patmos, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  18. Forensicreportforthecausesofthewildfireon29-05-2013 in Vamvakopoulo, Chania, in which a low voltage line was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  19. Forensicreportfor the causes of the electrocution on06-05-2012 in Kitros, Pieria, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  20. Forensic report for the causes of the electrocution on 29-10-2006 in Sisi, Lasithi, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  21. Forensic report for the causes of the wildfire on 20-08-2012 in Dariza, Poros, in which a medium to low voltage substation was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  22. Forensicreportforthecausesofthefireon28-12-2013 at Polipotamos high voltage substation,for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  23. Forensicreportforthecausesoftheinjury due to a pole breakageon
    22-12-2006 in Lilantia, Evoia, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  24. Forensic report for the causes of the wildfire on 21-08-2008 in Platanorema, Agrinio, in which a medium voltage line was implicated, for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  25. Forensic report and test certificate for the causes of the wildfire on 29-07-2008 in Gonia, Voitia, in which a medium voltage pole was implicated,for HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator).
  26. Forensic report and test certificate for the causes of the wildfires on
    01-08-2012 in Mpatharistra, Korinthos, in which a high voltage line was implicated, for HTSO (Hellenic Transmission System Operator).

7.2. Work experience

Dates: 06/2012 - Present

Employer:J&P Avax S.A.

Duties:Electrical studies for CCGT power plants (load flow studies, short- circuit studies, transient stability studies, insulation coordination studies, selectivity studies, etc.).

Dates: 12/2011 - 06/2012

Employer:WRE Hellas S.A.

Duties:Design, operation, and maintenance of renewable energy sources- based power stations (PV stations as well as wind farms).

Dates: 11/2009

Employer:Pittas Α.Β.Ε.Ε.

Duties:Consultant regarding the fine adjustment of an impulse current generator.Development of an automation for the operation of an impulse current generator.

8. Skills and Competences

8.1. Languages

English:Excellent, degree: Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge.

French:Very Good, degree: Diplôme d' Etudes en Langue Française 2eme Degré, L' Institut Français.

8.2. Computer Skills and Competencies

Operating Systems:Windows, Linux

Software:Microsoft Office

Design Software:AutoCAD, AutoCAD MEP, Visio, Solidworks.

Specialized Software:MathCAD, Mathematica, Matlab, OrcadPSpice, PVSyst, ETAP, Neplan, WaSP, ComsolMultiphysics, Quantum GIS.

Programming Languages:Python, Matlab, C

9. Publications

9.1. Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (with impact factor)

[1]Halevidis C.D., Anagnostatos S.D., Polykrati A.D., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., Proposal of a protection method against probable consequences to humans and the environment from short-circuit or abruption of a low-voltage distribution line conductor, Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET, 4 (2010) 793-800.

[2]Halevidis C.D., Anagnostatos S.D., Polykrati A.D., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., Abruption cross-section and bending change of ACSR energy lines in fire environment, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, (2010), doi: 10.1155/2010/291630

[3]Proios A.N., Halevidis C.D., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., Magnetic-Field Measurements Near Two-Pole-Type Distribution Substations, Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, 26 (2011) 1137-1144.

[4]Anagnostatos S.D., Halevidis C.D., Polykrati A.D., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., High-Voltage Lines in Fire Environment, Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, 26 (2011) 2053-2054.

[5]Koustellis J.D., Anagnostatos S.D., Halevidis C.D., Karagrigoriou F.S., Polykrati A.D., Bourkas P.D., Contact of heavy vehicles with overhead power lines, Safety Science, 49 (2011) 951-955.

[6]Halevidis C.D., Wooden pole ladder network model development and verification using finite element analysis, European Transactions on Electrical Power, 23 (2013) 62-71. doi: 10.1002/etep.643.

[7]Koufakis E.I., Halevidis C.D., Polykrati A.D., Tsarabaris P.T., Calculation of the Activation Energy of Oil-Paper Insulation in a Distribution Transformer, Electrical Insulation Magazine, 28 (2012) 52-58.

[8]Halevidis C.D., Bourkas P.D., Karagiannopoulos C.G., Thermal Effect of the Recloser Operation Cycle on Bare Overhead Conductors, Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, 27 (2012) 568-574.

[9]Halevidis C.D., Koustellis J.D., Polykrati A.D., Bourkas P.D., Exposure of workers to ELF magnetic fields during the temperature-rise test of electrotechnical equipment, Measurement, 45 (2012) 1960-1965.

[10]Halevidis C.D.,Koufakis E.I.,Power Flow in PME Distribution Systems during an Open Neutral Condition, Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 28 (2013) 1083-1092.

[11]Koustellis J.D.,Halevidis C.D.,Polykrati A.D.,Bourkas P.D.,Analysis of a Fatal Electrical Injury due to Improper Switch Operation, Safety Science, 53 (2013) 226-232.

[12]AnagnostatosS.D., Halevidis C.D., PolykratiA.D., BourkasP.D., KaragiannopoulosC.G., Examinationofthe 2006 blackoutinKefalloniaIsland, Greece, International Journal on Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 48 (2013) 122-127.

[13]G. K. Soulinaris, C. D. Halevidis, A. D. Polykrati, P. D. Bourkas, Evaluation of the thermal stresses and dielectric phenomena in the investigation of the causes of wildfires involving distribution power lines, Electric Power Systems Research, 117 (2014) 76-83.

9.2. Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (without impact factor)

[1]Halevidis C.D., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., Protective media in low voltage lines, Electrical Technical Review, 242 (2012) 18-23. (in Greek).

9.3. Peer-Reviewed Articles in International Conference Proceedings

[1]Halevidis C.D., Anagnostatos S.D., Koufakis E.I., Polykrati A.D., Bourkas P.D., Causes and Consequences of sparks on the Surface of Insulators of Middle Voltage Lines, in Proc. of INTERFLAM, Nottingham, 2010, pp. 1641-1646.

[2]Halevidis C.D., Koufakis E.I., Anagnostatos S.D., Polykrati A.D., Short-circuit and overheating test of stationary electric contacts, in Proc. of DEMSEE 2010, Sitia, 2010.

[3]Koufakis E.I., Halevidis C.D., Anagnostatos S.D., Polykrati A.D., Breakdown strength measurements of insulating oils under elevated temperature and shake up, in Proc. of DEMSEE 2010, Sitia, 2010.

[4]Anagnostatos S.D., Halevidis C.D., Polykrati A.D., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., Partial Discharges on Bakelite Insulators under Impulse Voltage, in Proc. of DEMSEE 2010, Sitia, 2010.

[5]Halevidis C.D., Koufakis E.I., Anagnostatos S.D., Polykrati A.D., Temperature increase of middle voltage network conductors due to the three operation cycles of reclosers, in Proc. of DEMSEE 2010, Sitia, 2010.

[6]Halevidis C.D., Polykrati A.D., Karagianopoulos C.G., Bourkas P.D., Protection from the Abruption of the Concentric Cable, in Proc. of EuroPES 2011, Crete, 2011, pp. 280-283.

[7]Halevidis C.D., Karagianopoulos C.G., Bourkas P.D., Causes of Conductor Abruption during Normal Weather Conditions, in Proc. of EuroPES 2011, Crete, 2011, pp. 284-288.

[8]Polykrati A.D., Halevidis C.D., Psarros E.G., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., Causes of the Melting Image of a Conductor of Low Voltage Power Line Network, in Proc. of EuroPES 2011, Crete, 2011, pp. 289-291.

[9]Mouzakitis P.I., Halevidis C.D., Soulinaris G.K., Koustellis J.D., Koufakis E.I., Feasibility of Fire Ignition from Molten Particles of Electrical Appliances, in Proc. of EuroPES 2011, Crete, 2011, pp. 292-295.

[10]Soulinaris G.K., Halevidis C.D., Karagrigoriou F. S., Halaris P.G., Bourkas P.D., Partial Discharges Measurements on Coated and non-Coated Solid Dielectric in Air, in Proc. of EuroPES 2011, Crete, 2011, pp. 448-451.

[11]Halevidis C.D., Mouzakitis P.I., Polykrati A.D., Bourkas P.D., The effect of the fuse enclosure temperature rise on overhead conductor protection, in MED POWER 2014 - 9th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, 2014, Athens, accepted for publication.

[12]Mouzakitis P.I., Dimitriadou D.D., HalevidisC.D., PolykratiA.D., BourkasP.D., Study of the fall of molten copper and aluminum beads in interior places, in MED POWER 2014 - 9th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, 2014, Athens, accepted for publication.

[13]Dimitriadou D.D., Athanasiadis T., Mouzakitis P.I., HalevidisC.D., PolykratiA.D.,Thermal stress of bolted connectors used in medium voltage lines, in MED POWER 2014 - 9th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, 2014, Athens, accepted for publication.

9.4. Peer-Reviewed Articles in Greek Conference Proceedings

[1]HalevidisC.D., BourkasP.D., Protectionagainstprobableconsequencestohumans and the environment from the abruption of a distribution conductor,in Proc. of Ikarian Studies Conf., Ikaria, 2010. (in Greek)

[2]Bourkas P.D., Halevidis C.D., Koufakis E.I., Protective media for consumer installations against neutral abruption and voltage unbalances, in Proc. of Ikarian Studies Conf., Ikaria, 2010. (in Greek)

[3]Halevidis C.D., Koufakis E.I., Bourkas P.D., Protection method against probable consequences due to voltage imbalances or conductor abruption (phase or neutral) in low voltage lines, in Proc. of CIGRE Athens 2011, Athens, 2011. (in Greek).

9.5. Books / Chapters in Books

[1]Halevidis C.D., Polykrati A.D.,Tsarabaris P.T., Theodorou N.J., Notes for the Electrical Measurements Laboratory, 2011, National Technical University Press. (in Greek).

[2]Halevidis C.D., Polykrati A.D.,Bourkas P.D., Electrical and Mechanical Design, 2011, National Technical University Press. (in Greek).

[3]Halevidis C.D., BourkasP.D., Electrical Forensic Reports, 2012, National Technical University Press. (in Greek).
