Instructor: Mrs. V. Veigel
Room: 1208 Phone: 402-8094
Course Description:
This course provides students the opportunity to develop skills in applying the elements and principles of design to interiors. Students will learn about architectural features, house and furniture styles, textiles, floor, window and wall treatments, lighting and accessories.
Concurrent Enrollment:
This course is available for Concurrent Enrollment credit through Weber State University for Juniors and Seniors only. A one-time $30 WSU admittance fee is required. Once this fee has been paid, students can take any WSU concurrent enrollment class that SHS offers. In addition, students must pay a $5.00 per credit fee. For this course it will be $15.00 to earn 3 semester credits at WSU for course #IDT 1010. This credit will also transfer to other colleges in Utah. The admittance and registration process needs to be done at home by the deadlines given in class.
The grade earned will go on the student’s college transcript, therefore they should earn a B or better in this class and must have 90% attendance (you can only miss 5 days during the entire semester).
Supplies Needed:
- 100% Cotton T-shirt, style is your choice
- 1 inch - 3 ring binder for keeping assignments
- Colored pencils
- 5 Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Clear ruler or protractor
- #2 pencils and eraser
- Pencil style white out
- Fine-tipped black sharpie marker for labeling
- $5.00 class fee that will cover materials provided for projects (pay in the office)
- Other materials as needed later to fulfill assignment requirements such as foam board, and samples of carpet, fabrics, paint, woods, etc.
Students will earn their grade by completing assignments, tests, notes, portfolio, and projects. Students will be responsible to get makeup work and notes from the Mrs. Veigel or another student.
Grading Scale:94-100% A / 83-86% B / 73-76% C / 63-66% D
90-93% A- / 80-82% B- / 70-72% C- / 60-62% D-
87-89% B+ / 77-79% C+ / 67-69% D+ / Below 60% - F
I will follow the Syracuse High School Academic Participation Policy. These points will comprise
25% of the student’s final grade. Check the SHS website for details about this policy.
Academic participation points will be deducted or regained according to the following scale:
AttendanceInfraction / Deduction of Academic
Participation Points / Regaining Academic Participation Points
Truancy / -30 pts / Not Allowed
Tardy / -5 pts / Not Allowed
Unexcused Absence / -20 pts / 1 hour / +20 pts
Excused Absence (4th) / -10 pts / 30 minutes / +10 pts
No work is accepted for unexcused absences. If a student is to be excused for school business, he/she must collect work for the missed day before the absence takes place.
Assignments will be accepted up to 3 class periods late for a 20% reduction on the assignment. After the 3 class period, no work will be accepted, and the student will receive a “0” on the assignment. The final project must be handed in on the due date and will not be accepted late.
Tests must be made up within the 3 class periods also, but only if the student has an excused absence.
The Davis County School District citizenship policy will be enforced. A student with 3 or more absences or 4 or more tardies will receive a “U”. At midterm, 2 absences or 2 tardies will show a warning “U”. A “U” will also be given for cheating, serious negative behavior, or problems with a substitute. Students who have 10 or more unexcused absences in a term will not receive credit.
Career and Technical Education Skills Certificate:
All students taking the Interior Design course will be given a state exam at the end of the semester. This test covers all information during the course. Along with this test, students are to perform state required competencies. Any student who has a passing grade in the Interior Design course and who receives a combined total score on the test and competencies of 80% or higher will receive a State Skills Certificate.
Family, Career, Community Leaders of America is a national, state, and local leadership organization that provides the opportunities for growth and recognition in FACS related course work. All FACS students are encouraged to join. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in service, social activities and competitive events connected with FCCLA. Only $19.00 to join. Come and get involved!
Other General Information:
- Please do not bring food or drink to class.
- NO CELL PHONES! School policy for disruption with a cell phone during class time, 1st offense—phone taken away to be picked up from teacher at the end of the day, 2nd offense—phone taken away to be picked up from administration, 3rd offense—suspension.
- Please leave your supplies in the classroom and make sure they are labeled.
Please keep this portion in your folder for reference, and return the bottom portion to Mrs. Veigel for 25 points.
Student Name (please print): ______Date:______
I have read the Disclosure and understand what is required of this course.
Parent Signature Student Signature