Manchester Airport Disability Community Forum
01st November 2017
Giovanni Cinque / Colostomy UK /Libby Herbert / Colostomy UK /
Amelya Glynn / Independent traveller /
Natasha Ellis / Support Dogs /
Marion Coleman / Alzheimer’s Society /
Carrie-Ann Lightly / Tourism for All
John Walsh / Stomawise /
Georgina Sprackling / Support Dogs /
Nicky Timmis / Alzheimer’s Society /
John Doherty / Service user
David Lodder / MS Society /
Emma Roberts / National Autism Society /
Phil Bennett / MNDA Manchester /
Gary Dawson / Spinal Injuries /
Michelle Foster / MAG /
Samantha Berry / OCS /
Sharon Hinxman / OCS /
Andy Wright / Independent Chair & Accessible Travel /
Andy – introduced as new independent chair of this forum. Shared insight on his experience. He is Managing Director Of Accessible Travel and Leisure which provides holidays for disabled holiday makers, wheelchair users and less mobile travellers since 1990.
He explained that following the poor rating in CAA’s accessibility report, he wanted to support MAG on improving moving forward. He urged the attendees to seek feedback from their service users.
One element measured as part of the accessibility report was the CAA survey, which, was quite lengthy.
Sam confirmed that another element of the report looked at how airports supported passengers with hidden disabilities and suggested the attendees may want to review the OCS Report
In addition, Manchester Airport had also started using the hidden disability initiative (sunflower lanyard) to support passengers moving forward. Sam confirmed that, to date, circa 5000 lanyards had been issued. She also confirmed that this replaced the previous autism bracelet scheme.
Giovanni confirmed that feedback to Colostomy UK was as follows:
- ‘It’s all about the way I am treated’
- ‘I was shown a complete lack of respect’
- ‘Staff were discourteous’
- ‘There is a lack of understanding’
- ‘There is a lack of compassion.
John Doherty from an Alzheimer’s Service User Group advised that the two key parts of the passenger journey which impacted his previous journeys were the security process and passport control. He described being sent to a self service UKBF desk, where he got very flustered and confused but he was unable to get any help.
David Lodder from MS Society described the different classifications (please see glossary at end). He explained that it is very difficult for passengers to classify themselves without having an in depth knowledge of the infrastructure. In addition, the nature of an individual’s disability can result in changes to their requirements – for example, someone with MS could reasonably require a WCHR at the start of their journey through the airport, however this could become a WCHS or WCHC as they tire.
John Walsh from Stomawise confirmed the following for his service users. Part of the ostomy friendly award was for airports to provide maps on their websites as to where disabled toilet with ostomy facilities are located.
XXX gave in depth briefing on MANTP project.
ACTION ITEM: Andy W to pull together a sub-group to ensure MANTP builds with inclusive design
Sam gave briefing on Accessibility Expo, due to take place on Wednesday 22nd November. She asked for volunteers to attend the event. In addition, she asked that the organisations share details of the event with their service user groups.
ACTION ITEM: Organisations to respond if they are interested in attending the event.
Susan Deane gave update on changes to MAG Website.
Next meeting to be confirmed.
CAA / Civil Aviation Authority (regulatory body)PRM / Persons with reduced mobility
IATA / International Air Transport Organisation
WCHR / Wheelchair required – can walk short distances/climb aircraft steps
WCHS / Wheelchair required – can’t walk very far/unable to climb aircraft steps
WCHC / Wheelchair required – can’t walk at all/will require assistance to seat
BLND / Blind passenger
DEAF / Deaf passenger
DPNA / Disabled person needing assistance – persons with wide ranging disabilities such as dementia/autism/ADHD/cognitive loss (due stroke etc)