Interim Ministries-Abc Resource Library

Interim Ministries-Abc Resource Library


Books are listed alphabetically by title; newer titles appear in shadow boxes.

This list is revised periodically; prices and discounts are subject to change without notice.



9.11.01...... Martha Simmons & 12.80

African American Leaders RespondFrank A. Thomas, Editors

to an American Tragedy(Judson)

10 Lies the Church Tells Women...... J. Lee Grady 13.00

How the Bible has been misused to keep Foreword by Joy Strang

women in spiritual bondage(Charisma)

40 Days & 40 Bytes...... Aaron Spiegel, Nancy Armstrong, & 17.00

Making Computers Work for Your CongregationBrent Bill


A Change of Pastors...... Loren B. Mead 13.00

…And How it Affects Change in the Congregation(Alban)

A House of Prayer for All Peoples...... Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook 19.00

CongregationsBuilding Multiracial CommunityForeword by Traci C. West


A Praying Congregation...... Jane E. Vennard 17.00

The Art of Teaching Spiritual PracticeForeword by Jerry Haas


A Servant’s Journey...... Thomas Kilgore, Jr., with 1.00

The Life and Work of Thomas KilgoreJini Kilgore Ross

Forewords by Hugh M. Gloster &

J. Alfred Smith Sr.


The Alban Guide to Managing the...... John Vonhof 14.95

Pastoral Search Process(Alban)

Antagonists in the Church...... Kenneth C. Haugk 14.99

How to Identify and Deal with(Augsburg)

Destructive Conflict

Baptist Born Baptist Bred...... Dr. Serenus T. Churn, Sr. 17.00

A Study for Church Members(Brentwood)

Baptist Ways...... Bill J. Leonard 22.50

A HistoryForeword by Edwin S. Gaustad


Be Not Afraid...... Fredric M. Roberts 18.00

Building Your Church on Faith and Knowledge(Alban)

Beating Burnout in Congregations...... Lynne M. Baab 15.00


Becoming a Blessed Church...... N. Graham Standish 18.00

Forming a Church of Spiritual Purpose,Foreword by E. Stanley Ott

Presence, and Power(Alban)

Becoming Barnabas...... Paul Moots 16.00

The Ministry of EncouragementForeword by Robert Reber


Behavioral Covenants in Congregations...... Gilbert R. Rendle 15.00 (7/12/07)

A Handbook for Honoring Differences(Alban)

Being Clergy, Staying Human...... Dorothy McRae-McMahon 10.95

Taking Our Stand in the River(Alban)

Beyond Greens and Cornbread...... Diane Givens Moffett 8.00

Reflections on African AmericanForeword by Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Christian Identity(Judson)

Bringing Your Church Back to Life...... Daniel Buttry 14.00

Beyond Survival Mentality(Judson)

The Care of Troublesome People...... Wayne E. Oates 10.95


Caring for the Caregiver...... Gary L. Harbaugh 12.95

Growth Models for Professional Leaders(Alban)

and Congregations

The Church in Transition...... Tim Conder 9.51

The Journey of Existing Churches into theForeword by Dan Allender

Emerging Culture(Zondervan)

Clergy Killers...... B. Lloyd Rediger 16.95

Guidance for Pastors and Congregations(Westminster)

Under Attack

Clergy, Retirement, and Wholeness...... Gwen Wagstrom Halaas 18.00

Looking Forward to the Third AgeForeword by Gary L. Harbaugh


Clergy Self-Care...... Roy M. Oswald 15.95

Finding a Balance for Effective Ministry(Alban)

Clergy Sexual Misconduct...... Nancy Myer Hopkins, Editor 13.00

A Systems Perspective(Alban)

The Competent Pastor...... Ronald D. Sisk 18.00

Skills and Self-knowledge for Serving Well(Alban)

Completing the Circle...... David R. McMahill 11.00

Reviewing Ministries in the CongregationForeword by Clyde J. Steckel


Conflict Management in Congregations...... David B. Lott, Editor 19.00

Introduction by Speed B. Leas


The Congregation Is Also a Victim...... Nancy Myer Hopkins 10.50

Sexual Abuse and Violation of Pastoral Trust(Alban)

Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times...... Peter L. Steinke 18.00

Being Calm and Courageous No Matter What(Alban)

Coping With Clergy Burnout...... G. Lloyd Rediger 5.95


Creating a Healthier Church...... Ronald W. Richardson 18.00

Family Systems Theory, Leadership, and(Fortress)

Congregational Life

Critical Moment of Ministry...... Loren B. Mead 8.95

A Change of Pastors(Alban)

Designing Worship Together...... Norma deWaal Malefyt & 16.00

Models and Strategies for Worship PlanningHoward Vanderwell

Foreword by Robert Webber


Discipleship for African American Christians...... William C. Turner, Jr. 12.00

A Journey through the Church Covenant(Judson)

Discover Your Conflict Management Style...... Speed B. Leas 5.95


Ending With Hope...... Beth Ann Gaede, Editor 18.00

A Resource for Closing Congregations(Alban)

Entering the World of the SmallChurch...... Anthony G. Pappas 14.95

(Revised and Expanded Edition)Foreword by Douglas A. Walrath


The Equipping Pastor...... R. Paul Stevens & Phil Collins 16.95

A Systems Approach to Congregational Leadership(Alban)

Find a Niche and Scratch It...... Robert L. Perry 18.00

Marketing Your Congregation(Alban)

Five Challenges for the Once and FutureChurch....Loren B. Mead 13.00


From One Brother to Another, Volume 2...... Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Editor 8.80

Voices of African American Men(Judson)

From Stuck To Unstuck...... Kenneth A. Halstead 19.00

Overcoming Congregational Impasse(Alban)

Future Faith Churches...... Don Posterski & Gary Nelson 15.95

Reconnecting with the Power of the (WoodLake)

Gospel for the 21st Century

Generations of Faith...... Carl G. Eeman 22.00

A Congregational AtlasForeword by William Strauss & Neil Howe


Getting the Word Out...... Frederick H. Gonnerman 20.00

The Alban Guide to Church CommunicationsForeword by Martin E. Marty


Good News from Great Leaders...... Robert D. Dale 14.95


Growing in Authority, Relinquishing Control...... Celia Allison Hahn 17.00

A New Approach to Faithful Leadership(Alban)

Healing the Congregation...... Rev. Denise D. Tracy 10.00

A Resource(Alban)

Healthy Congregations...... Peter L. Steinke 18.00 (7/12/07)

A Systems Approach(Alban)

The Hidden Lives of Congregations...... Israel Galindo 18.00

Discerning Church DynamicsForeword by Ronald W. Richardson


Holy Conversations...... Gil Rendle & Alice Mann 25.00

Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for(Alban)


The Homiletical Plot...... Eugene L. Lowry 16.00

The Sermon as Narrative Art FormForeword by Fred B. Craddock

(Expanded Edition)(Westminster)

How to Live with Diversity in the LocalChurch.....Stephen Kliewer 9.95


How Your Church Family Works...... Peter L. Steinke 18.00 (7/12/07)

Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems(Alban)

The Indispensable Guide for Smaller Churches.....David R. Ray 24.00


The Interim Pastor...... Ralph Macy 7.25


The Interim Pastor’s Manual...... Alan G. Gripe 15.00

(Revised Edition)(Geneva)

Jesus, CEO...... Laurie Beth Jones 12.95

Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership(Hyperion)

Just Don’t Marry One...... George A. Yancey & 18.00

Interracial Dating, Marriage, and ParentingSherelyn Whittum Yancey, Editors

Foreword by Curtiss Paul DeYoung


Lay Person's Guide to Conflict Management...... Speed B. Leas 6.95


Leadership is an Art...... Max DePree 15.95

(Bantam Dell)

Life Cycle of a Congregation...... Martin F. Saarinen 7.95


The Little Church That Could...... Steven E. Burt & 14.00

Raising SmallChurch EsteemHazel Ann Roper


Living Into the Answers...... Valerie Isenhower, Diane Taylor, 10.00

A Guide to Personal Spiritual DiscernmentRichard Taylor, & Judith Todd, Editors

(Water in the Desert Ministries)

Making Gospel Sense to a Troubled Church...... James Wm. McClendon, Jr. 14.95


Managing Church Conflict...... Hugh F. Halverstadt 19.95


Mediation: The Book...... Sam Leonard 19.95

A Step-by-Step Guide for Dispute Resolvers(Evanston)

Memories, Hopes, and Conversations...... Mark Lau Branson 18.00

Appreciative Inquiry and Congregational ChangeForeword by Inagrace Dietterich


Moving Your Church Through Conflict...... Speed B. Leas 14.00


Music in Churches...... Linda J. Clark 12.95

Nourishing Your Congregation’s Musical Life(Alban)

My Soul Shouts!...... Vinton Randoph Andereson 12.00

The Spiritual Wisdom of Bishop AndersonForeword by Cain Hope Felder


The Once and FutureChurch...... Loren B. Mead 12.00

Reinventing the Congregation for a New (Alban)


The Once and Future Pastor...... William Chris Hobgood 14.25

The Changing Role of Religious Leaders(Alban)

One Bread, One Body...... C. Michael Hawn 17.00

Exploring Cultural Diversity in Worship(Alban)

Pastoral Transitions...... Wm. Bud Phillips 9.95

From Endings to New Beginnings(Alban)

The Postindustrial Promise...... Anthony E. Healy 18.00

Vital Religious Community in the 21st Century(Alban)

The Postmodern Parish...... Jim Kitchens 15.00

New Ministry for a New EraForeword by William H. Willimon


Power Analysis of a Congregation...... Roy M. Oswald 5.95


The Power of Asset Mapping...... Luther K. Snow 18.00

How Your Congregation Can Act on Its GiftsForeword by John McKnight &

Jody Kretzmann


The Practicing Congregation...... Diana Butler Bass 17.00

Imagining a New OldChurchForeword by Loren B. Mead

Afterword by Brian D. McLaren


Practicing Right Relationship...... Mary K. Sellon & Daniel P. Smith 16.00

Skills for Deepening Purpose, Finding Fulfillment,Foreword by Gil Rendle

and Increasing Effectiveness in Your Congregation(Alban)

Preventing Sexual Abuse in Congregations...... Karen A. McClintock 18.00

A Resource for LeadersForeword by Nancy Myer Hopkins


Projects That Matter...... Kathleen A. Cahalan 15.00

Successful Planning & Evaluation for(Alban)

Religious Organizations

Pursuing Excellence in Ministry...... Daniel V. Biles 10.50


Reflecting with God...... Abigail Johnson 15.00

Connecting Faith and Daily Life in Small GroupsForeword by Barbara Troxell


Rekindling the Mainline...... Stephen C. Compton 18.00

New Life through New ChurchesForeword by Jackson W. Carroll


Restoring the Soul of a Church...... Nancy Myer Hopkins & 19.95

Healing Congregations Wounded by ClergyMark Laaser, Editors

Sexual Misconduct(Liturgical)

Revitalizing Congregations...... William O. Avery 16.00 (7/12/07)

Refocusing and Healing Through TransitionsForeword by Loren B. Mead


Running Through the Thistles...... Roy M. Oswald 6.95

Terminating a Ministerial Relationship with a Parish(Alban)

Saying Goodbye...... Edward A. White 12.25

A Time for Growth for Congregations and Pastors(Alban)

Single in the Church...... Kay Collier-Stone 15.95

New Ways to Minister With 52% of God’s People(Alban)

So You’re on the Search Committee...... Bunty Ketcham 8.00

with Celia Allison Hahn


The Spirit-led Leader...... Timothy C. Geoffrion 18.00

Nine Leadership Practices and Soul PrinciplesForeword by Thomas W. Gillespie


Spiritual Formation for Pastors...... Michael Gemiganani 14.00

Feeding the Fire WithinForeword by Thomas Bandy


Systems-Sensitive Leadership...... Michael C. Armour, Ph.D. & 12.99

Empowering Diversity Without Polarizing theDon Browning

Church (Revised and Updated)(College)

Temporary Shepherds...... Roger S. Nicholson, Editor 17.95

A Congregational Handbook for Interim Ministry(Alban)

Transforming Church Boards into...... Charles M. Olsen 17.00

Communities of Spiritual Leaders(Alban)

Transforming Rituals...... Roy M. Oswald 16.95

Daily Practices for Changing Liveswith Jean Morris Trumbauer


Traveling Together...... Jeffrey D. Jones 18.00

A Guide for Disciple-forming CongregationsForeword by Brian D. McLaren


Understanding Your Congregation as a System.....George Parsons & Speed B. Leas 19.25

The Manual(Alban)

What’s Theology Got to Do with It?...... Anthony B. Robinson 18.00

Convictions, Vitality, and the Church(Alban)

When a Congregation Is Betrayed...... Beth Ann Gaede, Editor 25.00

Responding to Clergy Misconduct(Alban)

When Better Isn’t Enough...... Jill M. Hudson 16.00

Evaluation Tools for the 21stCenturyChurchForeword by Roy M. Oswald


When God Speaks Through Change...... Craig A. Satterlee 18.00

Preaching in Times of Congregational Transition(Alban)

Where 20 or 30 Are Gathered...... Peter Bush/Christine O’Reilly 17.00

Leading Worship in the SmallChurch(Alban)

Why Not Women?...... Loren Cunningham & 15.00

A fresh look at scripture on women in missions,David Joel Hamilton

ministry, and leadershipwith Janice Rogers


Wonderful Worship in Smaller Churches...... David R. Ray 20.00


...... Richard Bass, Editor 18.00

A Guide to Resources for Building(Alban)

Congregational Vitality

Your Brain Goes to Church...... Bob Sitze 18.00

Neuroscience and Congregational LifeForeword by Robert Sylv ester



(Available for loan only)

AUDIO CASSETTE....Self-Esteem for Women...... Julie White

How to increase your self-worth,CareerTrack

self respect, life satisfaction

COMPACT DISC...... Organize Your Life & Get Rid of Clutter...... CareerTrack

Learn to clear your home and office of the

messy buildups that cramp your mind—and

crimp your productivity.

COMPACT DISC...... The Psychology of Achievement...... Brian Tracy

Building a Positive Self-conceptNightingale-Conant

Accepting Responsibility and Taking Charge

Programming for Success

Goals and Goal Achieving

Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making

Superior Human Relations

COMPACT DISC...... Relationship Strategies...... Dr. Tony Alessandra

Using the Platinum Rule toNightingale-Conant

Create Instant Rapport

COMPACT DISC...... Stress Management for Women...... Lillian Zarzar

Lead a less stressful, more productive lifeFred Pryor Seminars

VIDEOTAPE...... The Balancing Act...... Dr. Peter Steinke

The Congregation As Emotional SystemSeraphim Communications, Inc.

(With Discussion Guide)

(This video requires a $30.00 deposit which

will be refunded when the tape is returned.)

VIDEOTAPE...... Dialogue on Biblical Interpretation...... Dr. Manfred Brauch &

and HomosexualityDr. William Herzog II

Ministers Council Senate in Partnership

with the Board of National Ministries

VIDEOTAPE...... Forgiveness: A Miracle of Love...... Produced by

(With Discussion Guide)Seraphim Communications, Inc.


IM-ABC Resource Library
