LKS2 Topic: WW2: A Child’s Eye View from the Home Front Block F: Victory

Learn about the significance of the D-Day landings and the events leading up to the end of the war.Write coded messages and make a World War 2 final timeline display.Present all your World War 2 models and make a special exhibition as you recreate VE day street parties with flags, songs and party food.

Block F: Victory
[3 sessions] / Main outcome: History
Other outcomes:English,Geographyand D&T
By the end of this block you will have achieved the following outcomes: /
  • Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British and World history.
  • To ask and address historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity, difference and significance.
  • Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate and describe features studied.
  • To discuss what they are learning and to develop their wider skills in spoken language, becoming confident in using language in a greater variety of situations, for a variety of audiences and purposes, including through drama, formal presentations and debate.
  • To develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently.

Session 1: History and GeographyThe beginning of the End
Learn about the D-Day landings and the beginning of the liberation of Europe; write coded messages; study the map of the English channel and the Normandy beaches. / Children will:
  • Consider how the people of Britain would feel now that the war had be going on for years.
  • Begin to know about the D-Day landings and the beginning of the liberation of Europe.
  • Understand what people at home might have done to help the D-Day landings.
  • Look at a map of the English Channel and begin to understand why Normandy beaches were a surprise choice.

Session 2: Historyand D&T
Surrender andParty Planning
Learn about the final days of the war and plan a VE day party, including bunting, food and hats. / Children will:
  • Listen to the announcement that the war is over.
  • Begin to consider what this could mean for the people at home.
  • Plan a party, including bunting, food and hats!

Session 3: History and English
Victory Party!
Re-cap your learning about WW2, begin to understand about the United Nations and host a victory party for your class and visitors. / Children will
  • Host a victory party for their class and visitors.
  • Re-cap their learning about WW2, including the significant dates.
  • Begin to understand about the United Nations.
  • Display and discuss all that they have learned about WW2 for the people at home.


Session 1
Provided: English Channel map; Images of the D-Day landings; Circular code wheel.
You will need: Split pins; Atlases.

Session 2
Provided: Bunting template (1 for each date on the WW2 class timeline); Paper hat template (1 each plus extra for visitors).
You will need: Jelly mixture and jelly bowls; Strawberries and raspberries; String or ribbon to tie the bunting together; Scissors and glue; Coloured pens & pencil; Glitter; Feathers and sequins for decoration (not essential).

Session 3
You will need: Jelly and other party food; Juice & cups; Tablecloth; Tea and coffee; Music from the WW2 era (CD of 1940’s music readily available from most retailers or YouTube clips); Bunting and party hats from previous session.

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