NQTG Update


Issue 1- August 2001

The Newsletter of the National Qualifications Task Group




Welcome to this first edition of “NQTG Update”. This newsletter is intended to keep all stakeholders up-to-date on progress on the implementation of the NQ Review recommendations.

“NQTG Update” will be published regularly, most likely after each NQTG meeting. We hope you find it useful, and if you have any comments on the newsletter please contact us. Contact details are on page 4.

Key decisions will be reported in “NQTG Update”, but more detailed information will be available on the NQTG website which will be launched in the near future.

We need to make rapid progress on key issues, but also need to take full account of your views, and would welcome comments and discussion. See contact details on Page 4.

Colin MacLean

Chair of NQTG

NQ Review Report

Between January and June 2000, the National Qualifications Steering Group (NQSG) conducted a review of the initial implementation of National Qualifications (NQs). The report, which was published on 25 June 2001, set out the findings of the review and made recommendations to Scottish Executive Ministers for action.

These included a number of recommendations for immediate action which could be implemented without changing any of the original design principles of NQs. They also included a proposal to consider and consult on more fundamental changes.

The recommendations highlighted the need to:

reduce the complexity, variety and total volume of assessment;

provide advice to establish a clearer understanding of the volume and type of assessment required and establish a better common understanding of standards;

review the National Assessment Bank to increase consistency across subjects;

design a better system of data transfer that is easier for all concerned but which maintains the integrity of data; and

undertake a thorough review of the basis on which markers are appointed.

NQSG considered that addressing these areas would have a positive impact, but that they might be insufficient to resolve the key issue of the total burden of assessment. The Group recognised that radical change would require a change to at least one of the underlying principles and recommended that Ministers consult before making any firm decision to introduce such a change.

Two models for change were favoured by the Group. Option A allowed unit assessments to be voluntary. Option B allowed students to gain a course pass if all unit learning outcomes were achieved, with an optional external exam available for those candidates who wished to achieve a graded award.

Other recommendations related to the design of the Scottish Qualification Certificate, core skills, staff development, materials for special needs and open learning students and subject specific support materials.

Jack McConnell, Minister for Education, Europe and External Affairs, accepted all the recommendations in the report and established the National Qualifications Task Group to take these forward.

National Qualifications Task Group

NQTG is chaired by Colin MacLean, National Exams Co-ordinator and includes representatives of schools, further education, education authorities, Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS), the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) and HM Inspectorate of Education. A full list of members is on Page 4.


The remit of the group is to:

Co-ordinate delivery of support for NQs;

Co-ordinate implementation of the recommendations in the review of NQs; and

Lead the consultation on more fundamental issues and options for change.


NQTG also has three objectives which are:

To ensure that teachers and lecturers have the support they need to deliver NQs;

To develop the quality of assessment;

To simplify the processes and procedures, and thereby reduce workload and minimise problems associated with assessment and certification.

In relation to the first objective, you will be aware that Learning and Teaching Scotland have now taken over the work of the former Higher Still Development Unit. LTS will be working closely with SQA and SFEU to ensure that teachers and lecturers have the necessary material and other support to deliver NQs.

NQTG will have a lead role in co-ordinating the delivery of the remaining elements of support and will carry out a thorough review of what has been delivered, and what is still required, to enable effective implementation of new courses.

NQTG met for the first time on 3rd August 2001 and held initial discussions on the majority of the recommendations. There is still a lot of work to be done and the group will be meeting every month to ensure the recommendations are implemented as quickly as possible.

First Meeting Action Points

Subject Review

SQA will conduct a review of subjects on a phased basis to identify where improvements and simplifications can be made to administrative and assessment arrangements and Arrangement Documents, including unit and course specifications. NQTG will consider more detailed proposals at the next meeting.

English and Communication was considered to be a subject for consideration outwith the main subject review. The group agreed to establish a sub-group which would focus on the design of the English and Communication course.

Assessment Evidence

Further work would be carried out on identifying quick action to aid understanding of the type of assessment evidence required, for example evidence to support appeals.

Appointment of Markers

The Group identified a number of issues on which it would be helpful to have a clear policy. These included:

The basis on which individuals participate in marking;

Marker Experience;

Recruitment and retention of markers;

Payment of markers;

Training and development of markers;

Quality Assurance; and

Impact on marker’s normal place of work.

SQA has established a team to review the administrative process of appointments which will report shortly. The fees review team will also be shortly consulting a sample of markers seeking views on the basis for payment, in order that changes may be made for the 2002 exams.

Key decisions will be announced before for the recruitment of markers for 2002 begins.

Data transmission

NQTG members agreed a number of objectives for simplifying data transmission. These included:

Data requirements are clear, simple and understood by everyone;

Data transmission and processing follows a clear, agreed schedule;

Workload on teaching staff and administrative staff in schools and colleges and SQA is minimised; and

School and college IT systems make it easy for staff to meet SQA data requirements.

The Task Group, and SQA, are committed to reducing burdens during the new session, as well as in the longer term. Action will be agreed soon and Centres informed


The group considered the consultation on fundamental change.

In addition to a formal written consultation, a series of seminars will also be run to enable more detailed feedback to be received. Seminars are likely to be held in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Dates and venues will be confirmed shortly. A further seminar will probably be held in Stirling for other stakeholders, including students, parents and employers.

We hope to issue the consultation paper in mid-September with a closing date of mid-November. The seminars will take place roughly mid way through the consultation period, but will be spread over a few weeks to allow delegates to avoid holiday periods.



Membership of NQTG

Colin MacLean, National Exam Co-Ordinator (Chair)

Margaret Clarke, Learning and Teaching Scotland

Anton Colella, Scottish Qualifications Authority

Ken Cunningham, Hillhead High School

Margaret Doran, Stirling Council

Tom Kelly, Association of Scottish Colleges

John Laird, Scottish Further Education Unit

George MacBride, Govan High

Ken Muir, HM Inspectorate of Education

Ian Ovens, Dundee College

Alistair Aitken, SEELLD

Gillian Crosier, SEELLD

Francesca Osowska, SEED

Contact Details

NQTG Chair

Colin MacLean, National Exams Co-ordinator, Scottish Executive Education Department, Room 3-B03, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ

NQTG Secretariat

Eileen Gill, Head of New National Qualifications Branch, Qualifications, Assessment and Curriculum Division, Scottish Executive Education Department, Area 2-A, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ, Telephone 0131 244 0969

Fiona Campbell, New National Qualifications Branch, Qualifications, Assessment and Curriculum Division, Scottish Executive Education Department, Area 2-A, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ, Telephone 0131 244 0972

e-mail address:

website:The website is in development and we hope to be able to provide more details in the next issue.