In response to a request by the Headquarters of the South African Radio League for the various branches to forward copies of their branch histories to Cape Town, the West Rand branch Committee requested me to assist in compiling the branch history. The oldtimers all agreed to assist in obtaining material for this formidable task however, we were surprised at the response and had not realised how proud, enthusiastic and keen the old West Rand hams are of their branch. Om Piet van Wyk ZS6AJN in QSO with OM Johnny ZS6AGQ made a tape recording to give me a jumping off point. This was followed by notes, log extracts, an old call book and a pile of old Radio ZS's from OM Jack Startup ZS6OQ. OM Bob Innes ZS6RQ handed me a sack full of old branch records. This wealth of information was set down in chronological order to form a skeleton on which to build the history of the West Rand Branch of the South African Radio league.
This skeleton was distributed to OM's Jack ZS6OQ, Piet ZS6AJN, George ZS6KW Charles ZS6IM, Dave ZS6ACC, Pottie ZS6GW, Stan ZS6BLC, ? who filled in the gaps, added callsigns, names, and events, and pointed out errors. To them we owe the unfolding story of the Westrand branch. The history is divided into chapters titled:
1. Birth of the Branch
2. Roodepoort Phase
3. Bodenstein Street
4. The Clubhouse (Old Gallo Centre)
5. The Pumphouse (Kroton Street)
The following hams have contributed to this history:-
Jack Startup ZS6OQ, Pete ZS6AJN, Johnny ZS6AGQ, GeorgeEva ZS6KW, Koos Potgieter ZS6GW, Stan Flack ZS6BLC, Dave LloydZS6ACC, Geoff Levey ZS6C (ADD MORE NAMES AS THEY CONTRIBUTE)
Birth of the West Rand Branch
The following was taken from the Radio ZS December 1948. It replaces a lot of the original text below. Please combine both into one.
On the 4th November 1948 amateur radio in South Africa advanced a step further when the West Rand Branch of the League was formed.
The inaugural meeting was held at OM, Max -Pickett's (ZS6LG) residence, where enthusiastic members gathered in their numbers.
On request, OM Bob Taylor (ZS6CO) temporarily took the chair and, explained the objects of the meeting and to "tune-in" on the feelings of those present on the questing of the formation of a new branch. When the vote was taken in was found that the unanimous opinion was in favour of the proposal and it was decided to approach Council for the recognition of the West Rand Branch of the League with jurisdiction within the magisterial districts of Roodepoort, Krugersdorp and Randfontein.
After OM Van del' Merwe (ZS6AB) had read extracts from the League's Constitution it was decided to go over to the election of the branch committee, and the following were,elected:- Charles Olivier,ZS6KP (Chairman); Tinus Potgieter, ZS6IV (Vice-Chairman); Henk van der Merwe, ZS6AB (Secretary-Treasurer); Bert Coleridge ZS6CH (Member); Vaun North, ZS6MG (Member); Max Pickett, ZS6LG; (Member); Jack Startup.'ZS6OQ (Member); Kel Smith, ZS6KW, (Member and Scribe). At this stage OM Charles took the chair and after expressing his gratitude to the.meeting in electing him ,to the important office, adjourned the meeting to partake in the delicious refreshments served by Mrs. Pickett, Mrs. Charles Olivier, Mrs. Vin Olivier and Miss Alexander, and all mingled freely and caused a good deal of QRM.
So, YL'sand OM's, the West Rand Branch of the League is now an established fact, and we rely upon your able support to make this branch the model one of the League. So here is your chance and remember, unity is strength.
The following new ZSL members are welcomed to your fold and trust they will shortly acquire their transmitting licences:- YL Lewthwaite, OM Lewthwaite, OM Postma, OM Danie De Wet and OM Fritz Meltzer.
Die adres van u sekretaris is Approachlaan 6, P.K. Discovery, en alle korrespondensie moet aan daardie adres gerig word.
Henk, ZS6AB. has greatplans for the future. Wants to use a string of 80Ts. Going to use the50-cycle mains supply for your fundamental, OM?
Bert, ZS6CH. Still pounds the brass in preference to fone.Hear he has his modulator going fb. Now what gives, Bert? Do you still enjoy your Wild West better than DX?
Met leedwese moet onsmeedeel dat die huise van ouks. Coetzee (ZS6QQ) en Miller (ZS6RE) onlangs in die ramp te Roodepoort in die slag gebly het en ons vertrou dat alles eersdaags weer herstel sal wees.
Les, ZS6FU. Missed your face at the first meeting. That's the trouble with shift working, but you still get plenty of time for DX, Hear the W's calling you often.
Bennie, ZS6IH. Ham with the new M.G. and that does not mean motor generator. Has fitted three B,C. series of receivers in his new car and reports fb reception,on all bands. Is going to Cape Town for a well-earned break and we hope to hear him working portable.
Charles,ZS6IM. Haven't heard you for a long time, too much work? Tinus. ZS6IV. Baie geluk met die geboorte van 'n seun.Aan mevrou ook ons beste wense. Nou het Tinus altans hulp om sy "Quad" vas tehou.
Charles, ZS6KP. Your worthy chairman, rebuilding a super new rig. Good luck, and tons of DX on your new HRO 7.
Kel, ZS6KW.Battling hard to work an occasional DX on a new 3- element beam.
Max ZS6LG. At long last decided to give 10 a go. Lost some watts but hopes to find them soon.Max you'd betterquestion those who were in your shack the night of the meeting.
Vaun, ZS6MG. Still looking for the perfect VFO.Has tried Clapp, Franklin,Colpitts, etc., etc. Does manage to work a spot of DX,duringrebuilding activities.
Steve, ZS6MR. Wants a modulation transformer to complete his rig, which is now a rack-and panel affair. Sorry, no spare ones knocking about, Steve.
Vic, ZS6OY. Now works plenty of DX on his 807. Wait till he gets his beam going. Occasionally lends out his P.A. system or is it his modulator?
Wilf, ZS6EV. Now has an fb antenna on the top of the building and is getting out very well. What do you do with two receivers, Wilf? Change over when one gets hot?
Eric. ZSL6JH. Has acquired a new S,40 and is going flat-out with his morse. Very nice, Eric. Won't be long now.
Steps are being taken to form morse classes for the benefit of our ZSL members and those interested are required to contact the secretary, who will furnish the desired information.
That's all the news for this month, and I shall be glad to receive any interesting information from you or about other members for insertion in this column. So don't wait, write now.
Alles van die beste en 'n baie geseende Kersfees en voorspoedige Nuwejaar.
By 1948 there was a large and enthusistic band of men and women who lived on the West Rand. Many of these travelled to Johannesburg to attend radio league meetings but this meant setting out in the early evening and returning home late at night.
These enthusiastic hams decided to meet and discuss their problems. The first meeting was on a Saturday morning in mid 1948 at the QTH of old man Jack Startup ZS6OQ. The result of that meeting was the formation of the West Rand Branch of the South African Radio League. The hams present on that auspicious occasion were:
Jack Startup ZS6OQ, Iris Startup ZS6UM, Fritz Meltzer ZS6UX,Percy Garnet ZS6AID a lecturer in electrotechs at RandfonteinTechnical College, Bossie Bosman ZS6AAJ and Arthur Howard ZS6TV.
As OM Jack's lounge was too small for the growing band of Westrand Hams an alternative meeting place had to be found. OM Fritz, who was the Randfontein Town Clerk, arranged for permission to use the Town Hall for branch meetings.
As more and more members joined the West Rand Branch it was decided to alternate venues between Florida and Randfontein in order to split the burden of travelling to meetings. The Randfontein Town Hall was used when meetings were held in Randfontein and OM Max Picket ZS6LG's QTH was initally used for for meetings held in Florida.
At the meeting held on the 7th Dec 1948 in the Randfontein Town Hall, mention is made of the very fine spread put on by Mrs Buttrum ZS6UK and Mrs Scott.
At this stage the first West Rand bulletin was read using the callsign ZS6WR on a frequency of 7110Khz. bulletin readers were OM's Charles Buttrum ZS6IM, and Hennie ?? ZS6AB???.
The following names are mentioned by old hands:-
Arthur Howard ZS6TV, Chris Meltzer ZS6UX, Jack Startup ZS6OQ,Don Goldblatt ZS6CX, Percy Garnet ZS6AID, ZS6AX, Jack'sXYL Iris ZS6UM, Bert Coleridge ZS6CH, Harold Cheveaux ZS6ANX,Piet van Wyk ZS6AJN, Jannie v d Watt ZS6AIZ ??, CynthiaLewthwaite ZS6ACT, Frikkie Meyer ZS6AAC,Lionel Charles ZS6BJX,Vic Faulkner ZS6OY, P J Coetzee ZS6BZ, ( rem ZS6ANX only 1954&AIZ only 1953 6AJN only 1953?)
Iris Bew was the first YL on the West Rand to obtain her licence.Her call-sign was issued on the 3rd December 1948. Iris marriedJack Startup ZS6OQ. when?????? Jack and XYL Iris obtained licences in 1947 & 1948 respectively.
The roof of OM Dusty Miller's ZS6GE QTH was damaged by the Roodepoort Tornado on the 26th November 1948. [Thanks - Roodepoort Record].
The December meeting of the West RandBranch was held in the Town Hall, Randfontein, on the 7th and was well attended by members and friends.
Everyone spent a most interesting evening and thoroughly enjoyed the refreshments served by Mrs. Buttrum and Mrs. Scott, who, however, were too shy to come forward and receive a vote of thanks passed in their favour.
A vote of thanks also to OM Fritz Meltzer, ZSL6AC, for obtaining the use of the Town Hall.
Our first branch bulletin (frequency 7110 Kcs.) was put over the air by OM's Charles, ZS6KP, and Hennie, ZS6AB, on the 19th December. Don't forget to listen to your own bulletin every Sunday morning after completion of the Headquarters' one.
Ouk. Danie de Wet, ZSL6AE, sal moontlik eersdaags by lisensie bekom. Pasop, keres, hy is 'n ou kalant met die sleutel.
Loutjie Postma, ZSL6AD, is nou die ene vuur en vlam. Hy praat eet en slaap net radio. Hoop ook om binnekort op die lug te wees. OM Len Smith hiding somewhere in Discovery. Why so quiet, OM?
Ouk. Coetzee, ZS6QQ, is ook maar stil. Hoop dat ons meer van jou in die toekoms sal hoor.
Cynthia and Philip Lewthwaite are getting on very nicely with their morse.Believe Philip has handed his instructor's badge to Hermie, ZS6AB, hi.
Charles Buttrum has been promoted. Congrats on your election to the branch committee.
Some members should be called upon to explain their movements after the meeting at' Randfontein. Two hours after the close of the meeting to get back to Discovery and Florida is a bit thick.
We wish to welcome our first YL transmitting member on the West Rand, Iris Bew, ZS6UM. So, OM's, if you hear her calling, please give her a shout.
We have some new ZSL members and it is rumoured that by the time you receive this issue of "Radio ZS" some of them will be transmitting members.
Here's a tip for anyone who wants to run 750 volts on a 6L6 told by a pre-war ham. Turn the 6L6 upside down and place it in a jar, cup or tin or what you have of water and there you have a water cooled tube, hi. Don't forgetto keep the socket above water level.'!
We hear that Dusty, ZS6RE, is back in his home which was wrecked during the recent tornado at Roodepoort. We have missed your sigs on 20, OM.
Bert, ZS6CH, isveryquiet these days.Hehas acquiredanew shack and mustbe rebuilding or is heworking2 metres DX?
Jimmie, ZS6JE, has beenheard once ortwice,butmuststillbebusy on hisFB transmitter,which looks likea pukkacommercialstation. Where areyouhidingyourself, Jimmy?
Les, ZS6FU, washeardtelling the W's all about the Dingaan's Day Handicap.What oddsdid youlay, Les?
Tinus, 61V, hada visitfromOM Doc, 1CH.Whatdidyou lose, T'inus?
Bob,6CO, haven'theardyou since yourlastbulletin.Hope you enjoy yourstayin theCape. Plenty of workwaiting foryou,Bob.
Max, 6LG, ismakingFBcon tactson10 now, but isseriously thinkingofabeamandagood tu beinthe final, an807, hi.
Voc, 60Y,is battling witha new 10-metre Workshop beam, butwe hopeyougetitworkingsoon.
George"The Whispering Bari tone"6KL, hasbeen ontheair againworking DX,afteralong spellaway fromhome on business.
QRX amoment, yourscribe has to havea beertocoolhisfevered brow.
Toby, 6D, is heard sometimes on 40fone. Whatabout20and10 metresfoneDX,old-timer?
Well, folks, that'sallfornow. Please dropmea lineorgiveme a ring andtellmeallabout your troublesandlatestexploits.
Untilnextmonth,tonsofluck andbagsfullof rareDX.
During this period (1948 and 1949) slow morse was transmitted by Jack ZS6OQ at 18h15 each evening on 80 metres to enable new members to learn the code or improve on their speed.
The Januarymonthlymeeting was heldatOMMaxPickett’s residence .on the4th,and33 members,friends and visitors werepre sent.Apologies werereceivedon behalfofsixmembers.
Wewerehonouredtohave amongthevisitorsOM'sWally BrowningandEricLowe, Council members, andOM’s Andy Walker, RenaFaberandPeterBrightman fromJohannesburgBranch.
Wedotrustthatmembersof otherbrancheswithinthisprovincewillalsoattendourmeetings,should theybeina position todoso.Wewouldalsoliketo extend an openinvitation to membersofotherbranchesthroughout ourLeague,whomaybeinthe Transvaaleitheronbusinessor pleasure,toanyofourmeetings. OurSecretary,OMRennievan derMerwe,ZS6AB'(phoneNo. 62-2494) shouldbe contacted for anyinformationinregardtodate andplaceofmeetings.
Weare verypleasedtoputon recordthatthecollectiontaken at Max’s placeon thenightof the Meeting, forassistance to members who sustaineddamageintherecentRoodepoorttornado,realised theamountof£5/6/6.Thanks, OM’s andYL's,thiswasafine effort.Anyfurtherdonations may beforwardedtotheSecretary or handed to anycommittee member. Ourbranchbulletinis putover theaireverySundaymorningat thecompletionoftheHeadquartersBulletin.Thefrequencyis 7110 Kcsandthecall sign ZS6WR.
60Q,Jack,is stillputting outan FBsignalonfonewithhis6L6 final.
60Y,Vic; nowhasa Hallicrafter VFOandapanoramicadaptor. (Next timeVic goes awayon businesssame bodyisgoingtovisit hisshack withscrewdriver,pliers andlotsofspannersandtheV8, hi.
OMPercy,ZSL6CD, complete withSWandjuniors, tooka trip down toDurbanforamonthto try out hisnewBuick.
6FU, Les, is still theRandfontein DXchamp. Hedecidedhejust couldnotstandthe racketfrom Charles,6IM,sospent anindustrious hourfixing hismodulator.
OMFritz,ZSL6AC, stillbattling withhismorse, buthopes to take histicketvery soon.Nicework OM.'
Notmuch beingheard fromLes, 6IR,andZSL6IW,Ken. What aboutit,Ken,whenare you going to visittheP.M.G. in regard toyourticket.
6IR, Bennie,workingDX(at least,F'lorida) ,with11/2watts on 40.
6IV,Tinus, wilmaarnieafsien vansy geliefkaasde "Quad" nie.
6LG, Max.has beenon leaveand workedalotofFBDXon10.
Alsodid somepainting at home, so hesez.
6CO, Bob,very,veryquiet these days.What gives, OM?Rebuilding?
Nuusismaar skaarsmaar ons vertraudatalmal aktief is ennie veelmeete deelhetnie.Laat oris maarweetwataangaan.
Pasop hierkom
On 4th January, 1949 a meeting, attended by thirty-three people, was held at the QTH of OM Max Picket ZS6LG. Amongst the visitors were Wally Browning, Eric Louw, Reno Faber, Peter Brightman and Andy Walker from the Johannesburg Branch. The presence of these well known hams was a boost for the newly formed West Rand Branch.
Between 1949 and 1953 a few meetings were held in the West Rand Consolidated Mines recreation hall. Johnny Du Plessis ZS6AGO arranged this venue.
At the February, 1949 meeting, the Secretary, OM Hennie v d Merwe ZS6AB, passed the hat around and the princely sum of five pounds six shillings and six pence was collected for Tornado victims.
The following members attended this meeting:-
Percy Garnet ZS6AID, P J Coetzee ZS6QQ, Len Smith ZS6RP, Louwtjie Postma ZS6AD, Les Scott ZS6CU, Danie v d Watt ZS6AE, Bert Coleridge ZS6CH, Jimmie Renwick ZS6JE, Tinus Potgieter ZS6IV, Max Picket ZS6LG, Vic Faulkner ZS6OY, George Eva ZS6KL, Toby Innes ZS6D, D Goldblatt ZS6CX, Bob Taylor ZS6CO, Charles Buttrum ZS6IM, Fritz Meltzer ZS6UX, Les Grusd ZS6IR, Ken ?? ZS6IW, Bennie Pienaar ZS6IH, and Iris Bew ZS6UM, the first YL on the West Rand.
Extracts from the logbook of OM Jack ZS6OQ show that the branch members were busy establishing their stations for example:-
Kel ZS6KW was testing an 807 Tx
Jack ZS6OQ using a HT18 With 807 Final
Arthur ZS6TV has a new S40 Hallicrafter RX
Charles ZS6IM was using an ex army TCS Collins RX/TX
Fritz ZS6UX Tests a 6L6 final
On the 20/02/49 the Branch held a field day/picnic at the Pines.
(DETAILS ??????)
Radio communications were provided by the branch on the 7th and 8th January 1950 for the air race run by the Randfontein Celebration Committee. (DETAILS PLEASE ?????)
During 1950 meetings were held in the Roodepoort Club for a while.
For several years meetings were held at the Florida MOTH Hall.The Committee was:-
Doug Lawson ZS6JN,Cynthia Lewthwaite ZS6ACT,George Eva ZS6KL
The venue then moved to Discovery in 1952 ??and the Florida Town hall ? ? and the Dardanelles Moth Hall
In March 1952 the meeting was held at the Bantjies Recreation Hall.Although not very well attended this meeting was nevertheless most enjoyable. OM Vick, ZS66OY, brought his brother along and showed some very interesting films. It was decided to make the Bantjies recreation hall our permanent meeting place.
Our annual picnic has come and gone once more, OM Toby, ZS6D, the most enthusiastic member, was up at dawn in order to welcome the less energetic OMs and YLs. Hi!
Quite a deal of water has passed under the bridge since the last Branch notes were printed. Autumn has commenced and from what one hears on the band, one takes it the 80 will probably be more popular with members now.
Unfortunately I have not got much in the way of social notes this month, but owing to pressure of work and lack of cooperation on the part of the members it is the best I can do.
Here and There
Congratulations to OMs ZS6AEO and ZS6IH and their SWs on the bith of their respective juniors.
Our hard working Secretary has almost completed his rig and hopes to be more active on the air as from April 1. Dennis has also managed to obtain a telephone. Any member wishing to get in touch with our Secretary, ZS6US, should therefore phone 62-4689 .
It is rumoured that there is a SW of a ZS6WR member keen on learning the code and obtaining her ticket. I guess the OM will have to go shack-crawling if he feels like a QSO. Hi!
Congratulations to OM Frick, ZS6AAC, on winning the DX cup for 40 and 80 metres presented by Toby Innes, ZS6D.
A hearty welcome is extended to our newn YL member, ZSL6WRD; I believe the name is Ozrin; would you like to confirm or rectify this sometime, YL.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to OM George on the loss of his father.
Theo, ZS6AGA and his SW are back home once more after their holiday which was spent in Uvongo.