INTERCOM 2009 Annual Conference Bursaries

Museums and Community

Torreon, Mexico

10-13 November 2009


Thanks to The Getty Foundation, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) is able to offer a limited number of bursaries to museum professionals from low GDP countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe to attend the annual conference of ICOM’s International Committee for Management INTERCOM from 10-13 November 2009 in Torreon, Mexico.


§  Applicants must be individual members of ICOM or work for an institution that is an institutional member of ICOM.

§  Applicants must be qualified museum professionals and must be currently employed in a museum or related institution.

§  Applicants are invited to submit a proposal for a paper or workshop session under one of the themes of the conference. Details on conference themes and proposals can be found at and at the back of this application form.

If you wish to apply, please fill out this application form (it can be filled out directly in the Word Doc format) and submit the required information to the INTERCOM Secretary, Françoise McClafferty at .

All documents should be sent in an electronic format if possible. If you are unable to send an electronic copy, please see postal address at the end of the application form.

The deadline for applying is 14 August 2009. Submissions received after this date will not be considered.

Selection process

Applications will be evaluated by the INTERCOM Selection Committee and applicants will be informed of the committee’s decision by 28 August 2009. Within 10 days of notification of approval of a bursary, applicants must confirm their acceptance. (no later than 7 September 2009)

Name and Surname:

ICOM Number:

Country of provenance:

Complete address:

Telephone number:

Fax number:



Up-to-date curriculum vitae indicating training, work experience, publications and current work responsibilities (maximum of 250 words)


Proposal for paper

Proposals should be no more than 300 words. For a reminder on the conference themes, see notes at the end of application or go to the conference website on



The Getty Foundation Grant will cover conference fee, accommodation and subsistence in Torreon from 9-14 November (5 nights), as well as travel costs (economy fare).

However, it is expected that candidates are able to seek funding in their own country, in particular to cover expenses such as insurance and visa.

In order to be eligible for the grant, you MUST indicate below the estimated travel costs from your home city to Mexico City and the additional flight to Torroeon.


Please answer the following questions :

1.  What are the most important reasons why you want to participate in conference?

2.  Have you already submitted a proposal for a paper?

3.  How do you plan to disseminate the information and knowledge gained at the conference upon your return to your home country?

4.  Have you attended other INTERCOM meetings or conferences? If yes, when?

5.  Have you ever received a grant to attend an INTERCOM meeting/conference?

If yes, when?

6.  Have you ever received a grant to attend other international conferences?

If yes, when? And which ones?

7.  Are you a member of other professional bodies/associations?

Please send the complete application form (preferably by e-mail) to the INTERCOM Secretary BEFORE 14 August 2009. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Contact: INTERCOM Secretary, Françoise McClafferty


Postal address: National Museums Liverpool

Director’s Office

World Museum Liverpool

William Brown Street

Liverpool L3 8EN




Museums and Community

10-13 November 2009, Torreon, Mexico

Today, museums are institutions which are closely connected to their local communities, but also to many other agencies and organizations, local, regional, national and, in am increasingly globalised world, international. The modern museum is at once a business, a school, a cultural centre, an academy, a virtual site and a recreational space, which roles combine to make the museum a powerful factor in contemporary society.

These multiple roles produce wide and numerous questions: What role does the museum have with the different sectors of the society? How should the museum relate with its communities? What characteristics does it share with private companies? What links are there between the museums and universities, schools and the educational system in general? What relationships are there with local and national governments, including tourism relations, economic development, parks and other non governmental organizations? What relationships need to be established with other museums? How do we win audiences other than those which usually visit it? What role does the web perform to create virtual communities in different locations?

These days the museum must be thought of as a civically engaged institution. This means being close to other actors in the community, looking for a mutual understanding with them, recognizing common preoccupations and cooperating in looking for solutions to problems in the benefit of everybody. A successful museum is accessible to all people, shares authority among professionals, volunteers, friends and visitors, is connected with its communities, inspires a feeling of belonging and is a place to explore and express ideas. It has to be extrovert, connecting with local communities, with other museums and agencies, and globally.

The INTERCOM 2009, Museums working in partnership Conference, will examine these questions and will suggest answers through a diversity of international speakers of exceptional level, in order to initiate projects and share experiences around the two themes that involve us all: Museums and Community.

Key Subjects:

1.  Museums and Public

Community Museums: the role of the museum as an agent of social change

The museum as a space for families

The museum as a space for diverse audiences

2.  Museums and Government:

Relations with the education sector

Relations with the tourism sector and the museum as a tourist attraction

The museum as a cultural and economic development driver in the community

3.  Museum and Educational Institutions:

Museums and universities – joint ventures

The museum as an engine of learning

4.  Museums as Virtual Communities:

The internet as a communication device

Museums as cybernetic neighbourhoods

5.  Museums and Management:

The museum as a private entity

The museum as a supplier and as a client

The museum as a self-sustaining entity

The museum as a model of mixed financing

6.  Museums and Museums

National and international networking

Strategic alliances: gains and challenges

For more information go to or email