Course Syllabus (CSC110Revision 1)

Discipline Prefix: CSC / Course Number: 110 / Course Title: Introduction to Computing
Course Section: N02B
Credit Hours: 3 / Lecture Hours: 3 / Clinical Hours: NA / Lab Hours: NA
Contact Hours: 3 / Studio Hours: NA / Semester: Spring2017
Meeting Times: Mon & Wed, 6:00pm – 8:40pm
Meeting Location: Virginia Beach Campus, Lynnhaven Building, Room E-137

Instructor Information

Name:A. Jeffrey GoldsteinEmail (Best way to contact):

Office Location:LynnhavenBldg, Room E-137Phone:(757) 575-4517

Office Hours:Mon Wed: 5:00pm – 6:00pmMy Web site:

Course Information

Course Description

Introduces problem solving through computer applications and a programming language. Examines development of computers, and properties of programming languages. Covers input, storage, data manipulation, software and hardware.

Prerequisites and/or Co-requisites:

Prerequisites – Placement into MTH 173

Corequisites – None

General Education Core Competencies Supported by this Course

After completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Quantitative Reasoning
    A person who is competent in quantitative reasoning possesses the skills and knowledge necessary to apply the use of logic, numbers, and mathematics to deal effectively with common problems and issues. A person who is quantitatively literate can use numerical, geometric, and measurement data and concepts, mathematical skills, and principles of mathematical reasoning to draw logical conclusions and to make well-reasoned decisions.

Required Course Texts and Supplementary Materials

  • Computer Science Data Representation and Machine Concepts, by Pearson Custom, ISBN 978-0-558-02409-3
  • Programming and Problem Solving with C++, Comprehensive 6th Edition, by Jones & Bartlett Publishers, ISBN 978-1-284-02876-8 (Note: This text is also used for CSC201)
  • It is recommended (but not mandatory) that you purchase the text new, or make sure that the copy you purchase also includes the Access Code for the Online CodeLab system. (This code is good for one year.)
  • It is also desirable to bring a flash drive of at least 2 GB to class to transfer work from home to school or vice versa (Or, be prepared to use Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc…)
  • Scientific Calculator
  • C++ IDE – We will be using Code::Blocks in class, but you may use any IDE outside of class. (Code::Blocks and Dev-C++ are available on the computers in our lab and in the ATC Bldg.)

Course Learning Outcomes

  • State the value of numbers expressed in Base 10 (Decimal), Base 2 (Binary) and Base 16 (Hexadecimal).
  • Convert numbers from any one of the three number systems studied to any other of these number systems.
  • Identify what is necessary in order to correctly interpret any binary pattern.
  • Create rules for representing information in terms of the basic patterns of information already provided, e.g., represent integers, floating point values, text or other quantities using only 0's and 1's.
  • Interpret a simple machine language program given the machine architecture and the rules for the language.
  • Translate a simple English instruction into an equivalent machine language instruction and vice versa.
  • Write a syntactically correct C++ program.
  • Use simple variables and constants, control structures (if-else, while, for), functions with and without parameters and with and without return values, and arrays, to solve computer-related problems of modest complexity (defined here to mean requiring a program of no more than about 200 lines of code in length).
  • Identify and correct errors in syntax or logic in a C++ program.
  • Create, code, compile, debug and execute a C++ program.

Topics Covered in the Course

  • Number Systems
  • Introduction to the Logical Design of Computers
  • Introduction to Data Representation
  • Introduction to Machine Language
  • Basics of C++ Syntax
  • Problem solving using C++
  • Data Representation: Constants, Variables, Simple Data Types
  • Information Input/Output
  • Coding, Debugging and Executing C++ Programs
  • Control Structures: Decisions and Loops
  • Functions and Parameters
  • Arrays

Description of Assignments/Assessments

Exercises: Written homework assignments will be given for each lab programming chapter. All homework assignments will be graded with programming lab assignments.In addition, there will be review “self-quizzes” posted for most topics. These are self-grading and will give you additional practice in working with the concepts covered in the course.

Computer Programs: One of the objectives of this course will be to learn about writing computer programs using the C++ programming language. A number of programs will be assigned. Students will need to design, code, debug and run these programs. After successfully completing a programming assignment, the student will turn in a copy of the source code for the program. This source code will be submitted in a text file (.cpp), generally developed using the programming environment presented in class. The programs that are submitted should be correct, compilable programs. They should not, for example, be Word documents. And they should not contain programming errors. Programs submitted with errors or in an improper document format will result in a significantly reduced score.

A significant part of the programming process is to write comments in the code that provide important information to an individual reading the code. The complete requirements for this type of documentation will be provided in class. At a minimum, however, it should include (1) The name of the program, (2) The name of the programmer, (3) The date of the program, and (4) A brief description of the purpose of the program. Failure to include appropriate documentation will result in a penalty of at least 10 points.

As indicated in the grading scale (See below), students are required to score an average of at least 70% over all programs in order to pass the course. These C++ Lab programs will count 40% of the student’s final grade.

Note: While you are encouraged to discuss programs and possible strategies for writing them, each student should do and submit their own work. Any evidence of copying a program between students or from other sources will result in each offending party receiving a 0 for the program. (See Statement on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct below.)

Exams: There will be one Mid-Term exam and onecomprehensive Final Exam. All exams will be given as closed book, first. These will be exchanged for an Open Book Exam. This exam may use resources from your textbook and from printed programs already done. An excellent review of these exams will be provided at least one week in advance.

These exams are mandatory and will result in 60% of the student’s grade. The final exam must be taken to pass the course. Students with an "A" grade will not be excused from the final exam. A makeup test may be given for the final exam if there are documented extenuating circumstances as to why the final cannot be taken during the scheduled time. Such a makeup will likely be more difficult than the regularly scheduled final exam. Arrangements must be made in advance for making up the final exam.

Cheating on an exam will result in a grade of “0” for that exam. A zero on the final exam or more than one instance of cheating on any exam or assignment will result in failure for the course. (See Statement on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct below.)

Course Schedule (Revision 1)

The following course schedule may change due to the progression of the course. The course schedule may change at the discretion of the instructor; however, students will be notified in writing when any changes/additions are made to this schedule.

Week / Date / Topic(s) / Reading / Projected Program Due Dates
1 / 5/22 /
  • Introduction/Syllabus
  • Number Systems & Gates
  • Main Memory
  • Representing Information as Bit Patterns
  • The Binary System
  • Brookshear – Section 1.1
  • Brookshear – Sections 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
  • Conversion Handout

5/24 /
  • Addition, Fractions
  • Storing Integers, Two’s Complement Notation
  • Storing Integers and Fractions
  • Introduction to Programming/C++
  • Brookshear – Sections 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7
  • J & B – Chapter 1

2 / 5/29 / Memorial Day. TCC Closed
5/31 /
  • Introduction to Programming/C++ (cont’d)
  • C++ Syntax
  • J&B – Chapter 2

3 / 6/05 /
  • Program Input
  • J&B – Chapter 3

6/07 /
  • Data Types and Output
  • Program Input
  • J&B – Chapter 3
  • J&B – Chapter 4

4 / 6/12 /
  • Review for Mid-Term
  • Lab 1 Due

6/14 /
  • Mid-Term Exam
  • Study Sheet

5 / 6/19 /
  • Intro Selection/Conditionals
  • J&B – Chapter 5

6/21 /
  • Repetition/Loops
  • J&B – Chapter 6

6 / 6/26 /
  • Nested Logic
  • Lab 2 Due
  • J&B – Chapter 6

6/28 /
  • Loops & Loop Controls
  • J&B – Chapter 7

7 / 7/03 /
  • Machine Language
  • Arithmetic/Logic Instructions
  • Brookshear – Chapter 2

7/05 /
  • Selection/Conditionals
  • Selection and Loops
  • J&B – Chapters 5 - 7
  • Lab 3 Due

8 / 7/10 /
  • Functions (Value Returning) and w/ Value and Reference parameters, Arrays
  • J&B – Chapter 8 & 9
  • J&B – Chapter 11

7/12 /
  • Review for Final Exam
  • Study Sheet
  • Lab 4 Due

9 / 7/17 /
  • Final Exam
  • Study Sheet

Grade Policy

Note: Average score of all programs must be at least 60% to pass the class. Grades will not be rounded up! / 40% / Grading Scale:
90 – 100 / A
Mid-Term Exam / 30% / 80 – 89 / B
Final Exam / 30% / 70 – 79 / C
60 – 69 / D
< 60 / F

The Final exam will be a comprehensive. At the discretion of the instructor, if a student has demonstrated reasonable effort throughout the semester, and the final exam demonstrates significant mastery of the material, the weight of the final exam may be increased on a case by case basis in favor of that student’s grade. Note however, that students must average at least 70% on the programming assignments to pass the course.

Final grades are made available to each student within the Student Information System (SIS) now web delivered via MyTCC or SIS.

Based on the progression of the course, the grade distribution for each assignment may change. However, if changes are made, I will notify students in a timely manner and in writing.

Blackboard and Course Communication

Blackboard will be used as a communication tool between instructor and students as well as student introductions. Your participation is expected. Please check your TCC student emails, regularly for any additions/deletions from our scheduled events and projects. Your instructor will do the same. Expect at least a 24 hour turn-around on questions emailed. If I haven't responded within 24 hours, please call me on my cell phone (listed above). Usually, I will respond to an afternoon email or voice mail message in the evening. Please begin assignments soon after they are assigned. Do not wait until the evening before it is due. I can offer email assistance if given enough notice before class. Otherwise, I'm available during office hours (listed above) to answer any questions or offer assistance on the programming assignments.

Course Policies

  1. Attendance Policy

All students are expected to be present and on time at all scheduled class and laboratory meetings. Instructors are not required to admit a student who arrives late to the classroom. A student who adds a class or registers after the first day of classes is counted absent from all class meetings missed.

If a student is absent more than 15 percent of scheduled instructional time, attendance may be defined as unsatisfactory. This calculation includes absences occurring during the add/drop period. See also the Withdrawal Policy in this syllabus for more information. Per the college’s attendance policy, faculty has the right to develop a more stringent policy as well. Students who do not attend or participate in class by the deadline to drop for tuition refund will be deleted from the course.

  1. Late Work/Make-up Exam Policy

Five points will be deducted for each class that a lab assignment is turned in late. No lab assignment will be accepted that is more than two weeks late, and a zero grade will be assigned for that lab/homework. No overdue lab assignments will be accepted after6:00 PM, Monday, July 17, 2017 (Day of Final Examination).

3. Statement on Classroom Behavior

TCC is committed to maintaining a social and physical environment conducive to carrying out its education mission. Therefore, all members of the TCC community are expected to demonstrate standards for civility:

  • Be moderate in speaking. Loud, obscene, argumentative, or threatening speech is disruptive to teaching and learning and is offensive to others. It has no place in an academic setting. (This standard applies to any class-related communications that occur over the semester and is not limited to oral communications).
  • Resolve any disagreements in a positive, non-combative manner. Request the assistance of college authorities if needed.
  • Show respect for the comfort of others in an educational setting by observing acceptable standards for personal cleanliness and dress. (not applicable online)

4. Electronic Devices Policy

Cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices are prohibited from use in classrooms, laboratories, and libraries, unless authorized by the appropriate faculty or staff. Although soundless communication devices such as cell phones and pagers are permissible in classrooms, college offices, and/or meeting rooms, they must not be answered during class.

5.Inclement Weather/Emergent Hazardous Conditions

Tidewater Community College uses TCC Alerts to immediately contact and inform faculty, staff and students of a major crisis or emergency. TCC Alerts delivers important emergency alerts, notifications, and updates via:

Email account (work, home, other)

Cell phone


Smartphone/PDA (BlackBerry, Treo & other handhelds)

When an incident or emergency occurs, authorized senders will be instantly notified via TCC Alerts. TCC Alerts is a personal connection to real-time updates, instructions on where to go, what to do, or what not to do, who to contact, and other important information. New users may also register by sending a text message to 411912 keyword: TIDEWATER. To cancel the service, text TIDEWATER STOP to 411911.

If an alert is sent affecting our class, I will email each student in the class with a short programming assignment to be done and completed before the following class. Your completed assignment should be emailed to me before the next class meeting.

6. Disposition of Classes for Emergency Shutdown of the College:

In the event of an emergency shutdown of the college, the president and her executive staff may elect to conclude the term in session if eighty-five percent or more of that term has been completed. If the term in session is concluded, faculty shall compute final grades of students based on coursework completed at that point.

Course Management Policies

Assignments will be posted under the assignment links on Blackboard. Submissions will be made under these same links.

Submitted Assignments are so indicated in the Student GradeBook on Blackboard by displaying an exclamation point for the grade after the student has submitted the work. Once the work is collected and graded by the instructor, the students will be able to review their grades under the same gradebook along with any comments the instructor may have provided. In some cases the instructor may also send the student a marked up copy of the submitted work, via email.

Students should check in to my website: times a week to check for new assignments and supplemental materials to aid in our programming Labs. The instructor will also send out periodic emails to the class to alert students to specific issues pertaining to the class.

Participation Policy

In addition to class attendance, student participation in the course is documented based on assignment completion/submission. There is no grade component for participation. However, failure to participate/attend on a regular basis may be cause for withdrawal from the course. (As per TCC policy, if a student misses more than 15% of class they may be dropped from the course.)

Assignment Submission Guidelines

Before the due date, all Assignments are to be submitted via email to with the subject: CSC110 Lab X (where X is the lab number). Additionally, you should print out your C++ source code, homework, and other documentation necessary for that lab assignment. The specification sheet will always provide a checklist for students to ensure completeness.

Academic Policies

Students are responsible for being aware of the policies, procedures, and student responsibilities contained within the current edition of the TCC Catalog and Student Handbook. Students should familiarize themselves with the college's policies regarding misconduct and inclement weather found in the Student Handbook.

Withdrawal Policy

Students who wish to withdraw without academic penalty should contact a counselor to determine the appropriate procedure. Withdrawals through completion of 60 percent of a session will result in a W grade. After 60 percent of a session is completed, a withdrawal will result in a grade of F in a credit course or a grade of U in a developmental course, except under mitigating circumstances that must be documented by the instructor and approved by the academic dean. Dynamic session classes have unique refund and withdrawal dates. Contact a campus Enrollment Services Office for more information, or visit the Academic Calendar website (URL provided in Important Websites section).

A student who drops after the last day to withdraw does not receive a "W." He/she receives an "F," in which case there is both an academic and financial penalty. A student who withdraws by the deadline faces a financial penalty, but not an academic penalty.

May30, 2017 / Deadline to drop for tuition refund
June25, 2017 / Deadline to withdraw without academic penalty and to receive a grade of W for the course

Academic Integrity

TCC will expect students to demonstrate personal and academic integrity, to be open to new ideas, and to share in a community where individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures help one another grow intellectually, socially, and personally.

TCC expects students to achieve, not just to get by. And while many caring and talented faculty and staff are here to help, students must take responsibility for their own learning. Students should strive for a high level of academic performance and to be responsible, contributing citizens within the college and in outside communities. Above all, TCC wants students to develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime, along with a life-long interest in maintaining emotional and physical wellness.

Student Outcomes Assessment Requirement

Work products submitted by students to fulfill course requirements may be used by the college to evaluate its academic programs and general education requirements.

Statement on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an examination or quiz -- either giving or receiving information; copying information from another person for graded assignments; using unauthorized materials during tests; collaboration during examinations; buying, selling or stealing examinations; arranging a substitute for oneself during examinations; substituting for another person, or arranging such a substitution; plagiarism—the intentional or accidental presentation of another’s words or ideas; collusion with another person or persons in submitting work for credit in class or lab, unless such collaboration is approved in advance by the instructor.