AIM : To show the young people all the supports / programmes available and how they can use them for their CV
Resources Required:TV Screen, Laptops, IPADs (Princes Trust), Videos from Partner Agencies, Pens, Flipchart, Word Bubbles, Paper Foot Steps, Score Board, Microsoft Resources.
Session Plan:
Introduction to menu of activities – 15 Mins
*Menu of Activities Displayed on Screen and Foot Steps showing activities/Journey on wall.
- YP will receive information on how the menu of activities will work. Explain that the next time the YP meet with their coaches they will choose their activity and discuss which step they feel they will start off at.
- Foot Steps will be used to explain what is involved in each step of the Activity List and how the programme aims to support each of their individual journeys and progressions onto college, Training, Modern Apprenticeships etc.
- Explanation on how the day will work – focusing on First Step Activities and the Journey that each YP will take – explanations/pictures and video clips will be on display around the room for the YP to look at as we are talking. This will then be used in detail at the end of the session.
- Interactive introduction to Duke of Edinburgh – Slide Show of photos from Expeditions.
- Game – YP will get the chance to look at the different options for each of the three sections in Duke of Edinburgh. Physical, Skill and Volunteering word bubbles will be displayed on the wall, YP will then have to match different pictures/words to each section. The aim of this game is to use all of the learning styles so that each YP is happy to get involved.
- This part of the workshop will allow the YP to go around the room and find out more about each of the activities in ‘1st Steps’ we are hoping to get videos from partner agencies such as YCSA/Life coach explaining what they do, YP can use the IPADS/Laptops to watch these. There will also be pictures and word bubbles around the room out lining the other options. YP will be given a score card which they can use to rate which the activities in order or what they really want to do and what they are not so keen on. This will be taken in at the end and given back to coaches so they have an idea on what their YP are interested in before they meet them to choose their activities.
- Group discussion on what was done in the workshop, re addressing the Activity Menu and what the YP can expect from other workshops.