
School of Arts and Humanities

Magdalena Prize for Feminist Research

Application Form


The Magdalena Prize for Feminist Research has been established to recognise excellence in students who have undertaken feminist PhD research at Edith Cowan University. The prize of $1500 will be awarded to the student determined by the Selection Committee to have submitted the best feminist PhD thesis.

Eligible applicants for the 2017 award will be ECU students whose PhD thesis has passed examination between30 September 2016 and 30 September 2017. Eligibility will apply to theses which contribute explicitly to the feminist research endeavour, through their application and/or elaboration of feminist thought and/or their application and/or development of feminist research methodologies.

Applicants are requested to complete this Application Form and to email it to Dr Lekkie Hopkins, Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Arts and Friday 8 December 2017.

The Selection Committee of three feminist scholars will base their decision about the relative quality of each eligible PhD thesis on information supplied in the nomination process and, where necessary, on the thesis document itself.

The winner(s) will be notified by the University in January 2018and will be advised then of the date and location of the prize-giving ceremony.

The Selection Committee reserves the right not to award a prize in any given year.

Please supply the following information

Applicant’s name

Applicant’s ECU student number

ECU Faculty of PhD enrolment

Supervisors’ names

Thesis title

Thesis abstract

Date of submission of thesis for examination

Name and institutional affiliation of examiners

Date of conclusion of the examination process

Grading received under the examination process

Please answer the following questions as succinctly as possible (up to 500 words each)

1. How has your thesis contributed to the feminist research endeavour?

2. Which feminist theorists and/or feminist research methodologies does your thesis engage with?

3. What do you consider to be the political significance and impact of your PhD research?

Supporting documentation

Appendices: Please scan and submitexcerpts fromany documents you consider relevant to support your application, eg examiners’ reports and/or other scholarly responses to the research (peer review of papers, journal publications); responses from industry, media, popular press.

Please indicate here what supporting documentation you have supplied.




Applicant’s signature


Applicants are requested to complete this Application Form and to email it to Dr Lekkie Hopkins, Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Arts and by Friday 8 December 2017.