Inter-Agency Floods Assessment Mission Report
ShangilTobya -21 August 2013
Flood affected house of an IDP woman in Shadadcamp (ShangilTobaya)- (Photo was taken by OCHA Elfasher)
On 27 Aug 2013, OCHA and HAC led a one day Rapid Inter-Agency Assessment Mission to ShangilTobya to assess the impact of flooding as well as general humanitarian and protection situation. UNICEF (Health, Child Protection, Nutrition), WFP, UNHCR, UNFPA, IOM, DDA, Anhar, UNAMID HSP-SN, participated in the mission.
ShangilTobya is located 75kmSouth El Fashir on the main travel road to Nyala, it is under government control.ShangilTobya is hosting three IDPs camps namely Niefasha, Shadad and Umm Diresya. The total population of IDPs camp is approximately…..,
In his briefing UNAMID team site commander described the general security in the area as calm but remain unpredictable. The commander highlighted that IDPs don’t feel safe to move freely far outside the camp due to presence of some armed factions and criminal elements in the surroundings. Civil affairs officer in his briefing highlighted that during UNAMID patrols in the camps IDPs complain of lack of health services, poor environmental health, lack of support to schools and unregistered IDPs.
DDA (Dar Alsalam Association) briefed that due to heavy rains on 08 August, 93 families affected by flood (73 fully and 20 partially), also 46 latrines collapsed. The affected families are scattered in 04 locations ShagilTobya town, Niefasha, Shadad and Umm Diresya IDP camps.
Rain affected class roomsof basic schools in ShadadNiefash IDPs camps,ShangilTobya -(photo taken by UNHCR)
Summary of findings and recommendations by sector:
sector/Sub-Sector / Responsible Agency / Main findings / RecommendationsNutrition / UNICEF, DDA /
- Increased in new admission to the OTP, 150 U05 admitted during the last 02 days.
- Nutrition programme suspended for two months in camps due to shortage of plumpy nut.
- Health facility in town has enough supply of plumpy nut (100 cartons).
- Shortage of routine and basic drugs.
- Lack of health and nutrition services in Niefasha and Shadad IDP camps.
- Increased of diarrhoea, cases among under-five children following the heavy rains on 05 August. This might contribute to increase malnourished cases.
- DDA is implementing IBSF in the 03 camps, currently 2,924 children less than three years are in the programme and 332 are moderately malnourished.
- In SFP, 15 severely malnourished children referred to the OTP in the health centre.
- Provision of routine and basic drugs and vaccination team for ShangilTobaya clinic
- Establishment of one mobile OTP covering the two IDPs camp with no nutrition services.
- Conduct MUAC screening for all under-five children in the three IDPs camp.
- Closely follow up the nutrition situation in ShangilTobya
- Expand IBSF/SFP project to cover more number of affected people, mainly areas around Umderisaia and Dar Alsalam town.
Health/ RH /
- ShangilTobaya Health Centre is the only facility providing health services to ShangilTobaya town, 03 IDPs Camps (Nefasha, Shadad and Um Drasaia) and surrounding villages with minor support of the health post in Shadad camp (operating with very limited resources and capacity).
- Health centre was not affected by the reported flood only the male ward because it was made of local materials.
- The Health Centre look clean, water is available and power supply by generator. The center has designated areas for OPD, ANC clinic, IPD (male, paediatric and female wards) Stabilization center, maternity room, laboratory, EPI unit, Dressing room and Pharmacy.
- The health centre is run by 03 MA, 01 Nurse, 05 Midwifes, 01 pharmacy dispenser and 01 Nutrition assistant.
- Services are provided free of charge. Services included OPD, IPD, ANC, Maternity, EPI, Nutrition, Basic laboratory services; Pharmacy and Minor surgical procedures.
- Currently the Hospital has no drugs; this has affected services delivery leading to suspension of most of the activities with average consultations 200 patient per day.
- Common diseases are Malnutrition, Diarrhoea, ARI, Malaria and Skin infections.
- Referral system is not in place, there is no ambulance for referring of emergency cases, people usually renting local vehicle with their own cost.
- From the discussion with the health staff and Umdas an average of 9–11 deaths occurred during last week related to malnutrition and diarrhoea.
- No floods related injuries or deaths.
- SMoH supported by health sector partners to provide essential drugs and medical supplies for ShangilTobaya Health Centre. SMoH/Health Sector Partners
- Advocate with SMoH to establish referral system of emergency cases.
- SMOH to send an urgent verification team for deaths related to malnutrition and diarrhoea. (SMOH/WHO-UNICEF)
- UNFPA to discuss VMW capacity building with SMOH/ RH department.
- UNICEF and WHO with the support of SMoH to identify and temporary fund a Health partner on ground to run the clinic of ShangilTobaya for the coming six month.
- UNICEF to support training of rapid response team , malaria focal points and malaria home-based management (UNICEF/SMoH)
- 93 families affected by flood (73 fully and 20 partially).
- 07 classrooms in shadad and Niefasha camps are affected by wind storms during the heavy rains.
- Support the verified fully affected families with NFIs kits.
- Rehabilitate the affected classrooms.
WASH / DDA, Anhar /
- DDA only focusing on provide safe drinking water, no hygiene promotion and sanitation activities.
- Lack of water chlorination.
- Breaks on water supply lines.
- Provision of fund for WASH activities
- Water chlorination
- Improve water supply lines.
Child protection / UNICEF /
- UNAMID conducts daily patrols to the camps; there is a lack of clarity and understanding of child protection concerns. It is a good opportunity to build the capacity of patrol teams to identify and collect child protection information.
- No birth registration being done for new born. The community do not have the means to understand how this can be done as the process is too complicated.
- No reported incidents of any girl getting cut and the community were very aware that it was no longer an accepted social norm.
- There are 12 Child friendly spaces (07 supported by UNICEF and 05 run by the community) in the two camps. However, the majority of activities are targeted at younger children.
- No reports of children getting injured and reported to the basic health unit after the reported bombings in the surroundings. There were reports of children afraid of loud noises.
- No report on children being recruited or abducted, also no reports of any injuries sustained by UXOs.
- The health issues remain to be the overall concern as children are affected by the lack of the nutrition supplies.
- The UNAMID daily patrols used to report on cases of rape during the route to collect fire wood- this was in the beginning of the year. But they changed routes and there have been no cases of GBV reported in the past 03 months.
- Observed that the CFS and the education facilities need to have better latrines and wash facilities installed
- The government school has asked for support to conduct activities for children in the school- and they can give space as well. They have also presented a list of requests to the education section that has been handed over to UNICEf Education unit.
- The ShangilTobiya team site can benefit from getting training on protection and child protection in emergencies.
- Important to build the capacity of UNAMID and help them monitor some basic CP indicators
- UNICEF and PLAN assistance DDA the implementing partner in helping them manage the children groups better.
- We will work with the UNICEF nutrition section to follow up on the action points.
- UNICEF CP will Flag the issue of CFS and school latrines and water facilities with UNICEF WASH
Protection / UNHCR /
- Presences of different armed elements in the surroundings restrict IDPs movement.
- Very limited access to remote farming sites as it’s not safe.
- Firewood patrol is temporary suspended due to frequent military operation a round areas of wood collection.
- Women were not used to report rape incidents to GoS police; however following UNAMID awareness session to GoS police and women on IDPs protection, women begin report the cases to GoS police.
- UNAMID to keep liaising with the GoS police and IDP women to ensure protecting their rights.
- Advocate UNAMID to resume firewood escort, also to consider farming patrols.
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- Due to lack of funding all activities are suspended in women centre in Niefasha and Shadad IDP camps.
- Funding support to women centres.