Welcome to Grade 4

Antigonish Education Centre

Mrs. Brown’s Communication Letter / September 3, 2014

Hello students and parents! This is an overview of expectations and routines that will assist us in having a successful year. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this information.

My name is Kerri-Lyn Brown and I will be your child’s teacher this year for math, science, health and art. This is my second year teaching at AEC and I feel very fortunate to be apart of a wonderful school and to work amongst fantastic staff and students. Alongside of my grade 4 assignment, I will also be teaching Reading Recovery in the mornings. Because this is my first year teaching Reading Recovery, I will be attending several training sessions throughout the year. Please be advised that the substitute teacher will carry on with daily lessons to ensure the curriculum is covered and our classroom runs as it should. I will do my best to inform you of the days that I will be absent.
I look forward to meeting and getting to know you throughout the school year. We will be hosting our Curriculum Night on September 10thbeginning at 6:00. This will give us an opportunity to meet. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Communication is an essential part of a successful school year. If at any time you wish to contact me, I can be reached at school (902-867-8800) or via email I also update Strait Up for Parents weekly which is an online homework site on the board’s website It is used to keep parents informed about upcoming events and assignments. Students will be expected to use their agendas. This is a great communication tool to use between home and school. I will check agendas daily and I ask that you do the same as well as initial each day. Finally, our school website will provide you with current information regarding school events and information. Visit it at
PE: Days 2,3, 5 and 6.
Library : Day 5
Music: Day 1 and 4

We get out of life what we put into it. Give 100% in all you do and you’ll be amazed by your results.

Homework : There will be math homework assigned periodically. Homework should not take more than 20 minutes to complete. If at any time you have questions regarding what is being sent home, please let me know as soon as possible.
Our homeroom begins at 8:30. If not travelling on the bus, please ensure your child arrives to school on time. The first dismissal is at 2:30 and anyone travelling on the second bus run will be dismissed at 2:37.

Expectations for student behavior and responsibilities have been outlined in our classroom and will continue to be reviewed. Students are expected to respect their teachers, peers, school property, their personal belongings and everyone’s right to an education. If a student is respectful in all areas of our building, he/she will be meeting the behavior expectations placed on him/her. I will communicate with home if and when these expectations are not being met. I ask that you please keep the lines of communication open between home and school. This way, we are all on the same page! Thank you for taking the time to read this important information. I look forward to meeting you on September 10th.
Mrs. Brown