Integrated Service Delivery – TAP Implementation Committee
December 14, 2016
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Welcome and Introductions
Ms. Eleni Papadakis called the meeting to order at 1:35 and the other members around the room introduced themselves. Ms. Papadakis reiterated that the charter is a living document and if anyone feels that there should be changes, let one of the staff members know.
Integrated Service Delivery – TAP Implementation Committee
December 14, 2016
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Erin Frasier, SBCTC
Corinne Daffern, PacMtn
Jim Kenney, GORR/ SCSEP
Marie Bruin, ESD
Tony Hanson, Commerce
Beth Blanchard, WDC Seattle-King County
TeeshaKirschbaum, WSRC
Carol Padovan, US DOL ETA Region 6
Jon Kerr, SBCTC
Peggy Lewis, DSHS
Britta Echtle, DSHS/ ALTSA
Integrated Service Delivery – TAP Implementation Committee
December 14, 2016
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Rich Coleman, ESD
Beth Thew,Board Member-Workforce Board
Ms. Terri Colbert explained that the small workgroups should be meeting between ISD meetings so that they are able to give an update at the regular ISD meetings.
Small Group –Updates and Charters
Navigator Framework
Will be meeting with the common intake committee and will report back.
Toolkit Development
The group has a charter and will be sending out surveys to get information from service providers at Worksource about what types of tools they use. The group will need help doing a survey on Survey Monkey.The professional development committee is also looking to do a survey, so to reduce survey fatigue amongst stakeholders it might be a good option to blend the survey. Patrick Woods is the staff contact for that group.
The work is mostly around research right now. They are finding what tools agencies use and what they need. How do they get the information to the people who use the system for their clients?How is it useful and where are there gaps? They are also connecting resources between regions.
Some of the plan will be to reduce redundancies within the system on finding what everyone uses. They have had a presentation from 211 and the Washington Connections would likely be a helpful presentation for ISD to have as well.
Navigators for Youth
The group has not yet met. A suggestion was made to check with OSPI to see about getting more people for the group.
State-level MOU Framework
Mr. Don Kay from DSHS/DVR reported that the charter has been finalized. The members are planning to meet weekly at least through February. They hope to have at least a draft MOU framework by then.There is a possibility of including what the state-level financial responsibilities will be.
Ms. Erin Frasier explained that they will be breaking information down to see what fits in an MOU as a requirement vs. what should be used as a guidance tool. There are plans to work closely with the Professional Development committee and the Barriers and Accessibility committee.
Governor Approach for Contested MOUs
The group took a look at other states’ agreements and had a broader discussion about what the other states recognized was important. One thing was the need to get input from broader MOU group.They wanted input from locals and fiscal staff as a group representing more entities. They have already started to develop guidelines in an impasse situation including how to identify when there is an impasse, and when to get the Governor’s office involved. They did some research and developed some guidelines that might be important for Washington, including the need to meet with the larger MOU group before developing guidelines.
They are still getting input from some fiscal folks and getting started in the next couple of weeks. They are going to make sure they understand all of the formulas involved. They wouldneed to meet with larger state group and put into place recommendations and identifying what the formula would be. Leaning toward being as simplistic as possible (square footage or FTE).
Discussion on Funding for Committee Support
Obligation by October 2017. If anyone has an idea of how to use the money let Eleni or Terri know.
Presentation – System Navigators – Beth Blanchard
Ms. Beth Blanchard presented on Career Pathway Navigators of WDC at Seattle-King County.
The committee discussed the difference between a navigator and a case manager.The members agreed that there needs to be defined difference for this model. Can a case manager be a navigator?There was a request for clarification on what a high-functioning navigator model is. What are alternate models? Are we looking at sector specific, region/ local area specific, or service specific navigators?
Possible presentations by navigators at the January meeting.
Set Meeting Calendar
January 18 (NOT January 11)
February 22
March 22