Araceli Damián-González (CV)

Insurgentes Sur 3493 Edif. 28-804,

Villa Olímpica, Tlalpan, 14020, Mexico, D.F.

(52-55) 5606-7938 (home), (52-55) 5449-3056 (office)

Date of birth: 24th October, 1963


Ph.D., Development Planning Unit, UniversityCollegeLondon, LondonUniversity, 1998

Master Degree in Urban Development,Centro de Estudios Demográficos y de Desarrollo Urbano, El Colegio de México, 1988

Academic Post

Professor-Researcher at Centre for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies, El Colegio de México, between 1990 and 1993; and from 1997 to present

Teaching experience

Research Seminar, Ph.D Program on Urban and Environmental Studies, El Colegio de México, August 2008- January 2009; January 2009-July 2009, three hours per week

Urban Poverty and Social Policy, Master on Urban Studies, El Colegio de México, Sept 2006- January 2007, four hours per week

Seminar on Poverty (co-participant with Julio Boltvinik), Ph.D. Programme in Sociology, El Colegio de México, March-July 2004, three hours per week

Research Seminar, Master Degree Program in Urban Studies, El Colegio de México, March - July 2003, Sept 2002 – Feb 2003; March –July 2002; March - July 2001; Sept 2000- Feb 2001; three hours per week

Methodology, Bachelor degree program, at AutonomousMetropolitanUniversity,Sept-Dic 1989; forty hour per week

Regional Studies, Master on Sociology, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico.March-July 1988; three hours per week

Other Professional Activities

2004-presentCommentator, El Financiero (The Financial newspaper)

1989-1990Researcher-Coordinator in the Project to Evaluate Small Loans to Improve Housing, at the National Fund for Popular Dwellings (Fondo Nacional de Habitaciones Populares), Mexico

Academic and Professional Honours

May 2008Visiting Fellow, School for Policy Studies, BristolUniversity.

May 2005Visiting Fellow, School for Policy Studies, BristolUniversity.

2004National Award of Journalism. Asociación Nacional de Periodistas, AC

2003-2006Honorarium Member of the Social Development Council for the Left Wing Local Government of Mexico City

Since 2000 National Researcher of the National System of Researchers(Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, CONACYT, Secretaría de Educación Pública), Mexico

1991-1995 National Researcher Candidate of the National System of Researchers (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, CONACYT, Secretaría de Educación Pública), México.

Annotated Bibliography

I. Time Poverty

In recent years I have been carrying out research on Time Poverty. I have analysed the theoretical and methodological implications of incorporating the availability of time in the povertymeasurement methods.

From the philosophical point of view I have analysedthe concept of free time in capitalism, the way our present society uses free time and whether or not free time may by a key element for human flourishing (see reference number 1 and 3 below).

I have analysed the theoretical and methodological limitations of currently used poverty measurement methods and the need for a new type of poverty indicators. Based on this analysis I have consideredthe academic discussion on the relationship between time and income poverty, and the methodological implications of incorporating time to measure poverty (2, 4to8). I have identifiedand compared existing time poverty measurement methods. Most of them are bidimensional, since they take time and income to measure poverty and only one, the Integrated Poverty Measurement Method (IPMM) is composed by these two variables anda composed indicator of UBN (unsatisfied basic needs) (see reference (2 and 4).

The IPMM’s index to measure time poverty is called the excess of working time index (EWT), which I have used to calculate time poverty in Mexico using empirical data from household surveys during the 1990s and 2000s (4-8).

  1. Araceli Damián (2010) “El derecho al tiempo para el ocio” (The Right to Enjoy Leisure Time) in Valencia Enrique (coord.) Perspectivas del Universalismo en México, ITESO, México.
  1. (forthcoming) “El tiempo en el análisis del bienestar y la pobreza”,(“Time Dimension in the Analysis of Wellbeing and Poverty”) Renglones, ITESO-Occidente.
  1. (2007) “El tiempo necesario para el florecimiento humano. La gran utopía” (Time Neededfor Human Flourishing. The Great Utopia), Desacatos, 23, CIESAS, January-April, pp. 125-146.
  1. (2005) “La pobreza de tiempo. Una revisión metodológica y su aplicación para el caso de México” (Time-Poverty. A MethodologicalOverview and Its Applications to the Mexican Case) in Mónica Gendreau (coord.) Los rostros de la pobreza, Volume IV, Sistema Educativo Universidad Iberoamericana-Iteso, pp. 225-288.
  1. (2005) “El costo de ser pobre de tiempo” (The Cost of Being Time-Poor), Economía Informa, Facultad de Economía, UNAM, 13, May-June, pp. 48-60.
  1. (2005) “La pobreza de tiempo. El caso de México” (Time-Poverty. The Mexican Case), Estudios Sociológicos, El Colegio de México, Volume 23, 69, September-December.
  1. (2004), “Pobreza de tiempo: conceptos y métodos para su medición” (Time Poverty: Concepts and Measurement Methods)in Boltvinik and Damián (coords.), La Pobreza en México y el mundo.Realidades y desafíos (Poverty in Mexico and in the World, Realities and Challenges),Siglo XXI editores, pp 481-518.
  1. (2003), “La pobreza de tiempo. Una revisión metodológica” (Time-Poverty. A Methodological Overview), Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, El Colegio de México, Vol. 18, 1, 52, pp. 127-162.

Poverty Methods and the Evolution of Poverty in Mexico and Latin America

I have analysed the shortcomings of partialpoverty measurement methods: the poverty line method (PL), the unsatisfied basic needs (UBN). Based on that analysis I have arrived at the conclusion that the Integrated Poverty Measurement Method (IPMM), which combines both methods, and an index of household availability of time (The Excess of Working Time Index)provides the more comprehensive measurement of poverty, since it overcomes some of the limitations of partial poverty measurement methods (15-16).

I have discussed the moral implications of using different poverty methods and thresholds in regard to socio-economic human rights (11, 20).

Based on the IPMM I have calculated and analysed the trends of poverty incidence inMexico, Mexico Cityand the main cities of the country (9-10, 13-19, 21-22). I have also analysed in detail the differences in the magnitudes of poverty between urban and rural areas (16, 17, 18, and 23). I have also looked at the evolution of poverty in Mexico compared with other Latin American countries (15).

I have analysed atthe consistency and reliability of the main source of information to measure poverty in Mexico: the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH). I have found that the ENIGH surveys have several comparability problems that make it difficult toobtain reliable results in time series analysis. This problem has important implications for the evaluation of economic performance and of social policy in Mexico, since conclusions on poverty trends are derived from the ENIGHs (12).

  1. (forthcoming) “La pobreza en México y sus principales ciudades” (“Poverty in Mexico and its main cities”) in Garza, Gustavo, Martha Schteingart (coords)Nuevos procesos y modelos del desarrollo urbano y regional en México, El Colegio de México, México.
  1. (2009) La pobreza, los hogares y la ocupación en el DF, 2004 (Poverty, households and ocupation in the Federal District), Informe de investigación, Consejo de Evaluación del Desarrollo Social del DF y El Colegio de México, México
  1. (2008) “La construcción del dato en pobreza” (“The construccion of poverty data”) in Figueroa, Beatriz (coord.) El dato en cuestión. Un análisis de las cifras sociodemográficas, El Colegio de México, pp. 691-740.
  1. (2007) “Los problemas de comparabilidad de las ENIGHs y su efecto en la pobreza” (Comparability Problems of the National Household Income and Expenditure Surveys) Papeles de Población, Nueva Época, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Población, Mexico, January-March, 13-51, pp. 111-146..
  1. ----and Julio Boltvinik(2006) “A Table To Eat On. The Meaning and Measurement of Poverty in Latin America. An Overview” in Fred Rosen and Erick Hershberg (eds.) Turning the Tide? Latin America After Neoliberalism, The New Press, New York and London, pp.144-170 and 329-334.
  1. and Julio Boltvinik (2006) “La pobreza en el Distrito Federal en 2004” (Poverty in the Federal District) Secretaría de Desarrollo Social del Gobierno del DF, noviembre,
  1. (2004) “Panorama de la pobreza en América Latina y México” (Poverty Panorama of Latin American Countries and Mexico), in Boltvinik and Damián (coords.), La Pobreza: en México y el mundo.Realidades y desafíos, Siglo XXI editores, pp 133-163.
  1. and Julio Boltvinik (2003), “Evolución y características de la pobreza en México” (Trends and Features of Poverty in Mexico), Comercio Exterior, vol. 53, 6, pp. 519-531.
  1. (2002), Cargando el ajuste: pobreza y mercado de trabajo en México (Taking on The Load of Adjustment. Poverty and Labour Market in Mexico), El Colegio de México, pp. 349.
  1. (2000), Adjustment, Poverty and Employment in Mexico, Ashgate, Great Britain, pp. 269.
  1. (2006) “Evolución de la pobreza urbana en México”, in José Luis Lezama and José Morelos (coords.), Población, ciudad y medio ambiente en México, El Colegio de México, pp. 413-460.This article was also published in English (see José Luis Lezama and José B. Morelos, coord., Population, City and Environment in Contemporary Mexico, El Colegio de México, pp. 387-432.)
  1. (with Julio Boltvinik) (2001), “La pobreza ignorada. Evolución y Características” (The Ignored Poverty. Evolution and Features), Papeles de Población, Año 7, 29, July-September, Mexico, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Población, UAEM, pp. 21-53.
  1. (2000) “Pobreza urbana”, (Urban Poverty), in Gustavo Garza (coord.) La ciudad de México en el fin del segundo milenio, El Colegio de México, and Gobierno del D. F. pp. 297-302.
  1. ---- and Julio Boltvinik) (2002) “Evolución reciente de la pobreza y la pobreza extrema” (Recent Evolution of Poverty and Extreme Poverty), in Memorias del Foro sobre pobreza ignorada, DECA Equipo Pueblo, A.C., pp. 36-38.

Gender and Poverty

I have discussed the theoretical and methodological problems involved in the incorporation of a gender perspective into poverty measurement methods(23). I have also analysed and challenged the idea that there is a feminisation of poverty in Mexico an in Latin America. On the contrary I have found that empirical data show thatthere is a slight “masculinisation” of poverty (23-25). I have also been analysing women’s improvement on social indicators, and how this may have contributed to a reduction in income’sgender gap(20 and 21). I have also analysed to what extent socio economic human rights fulfilment differs according to gender in Mexico (23, 26).

  1. (forthcoming) “Pobreza y derechos socioeconómicos en México. Una mirada desde la perspectiva de género” (Poverty and Human Rights in Mexico. A Gender Perspectiv”), in Tepichin, Ana María (ed.) Género y pobreza, El Colegio de México, México.
  1. (2003), “Tendencias recientes de la pobreza con enfoque de género en América Latina”, (Recent Trends On Poverty, A Gender Perspectiveof Latin America), Papeles de Población, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Población, 9, 38, UAEM. Also published in Gerardo Ordoñez, et. al (coords), Alternancia, políticas sociales y desarrollo regional en México. Guadalajara. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores, Universidad de Guadalajara, pp. 299-344, 2006.
  1. (2006) ¿Son más pobres las mujeres que los hombres en México? (Are women poorer than men in Mexico?),Género México, El Colegio de México, A.C., July.
  1. (2006) “Los derechos socioeconómicos con enfoque de género” (The Socioeconomic Human Rights with a Gender Perspective) in “Fray Francisco de Vitoria O.P. A.C., Informe Anual sobre la Situación de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales, con enfoque de género.

Human rights,Social Policy and Poverty

I have analysed whether the official poverty measurement methodand conditional cash transfer poverty programs recognise and promote socioeconomic human rights (27-29, 33, 34)

Special attention has been given to changes in social policy model in Latin American Countries and how the new policy trends have failed to tackle poverty (32).

I have also been working on the limitations of present social policy and programs to tackle poverty, whythey should be modified, and what is the extent of poverty in Mexico (31).

  1. (forthcoming) “Pobreza, bienestar y derechos socioeconómicos” (Poverty, Wellbeing and Socieconomic Rights”) in Villarespe, Verónica (ed.) Concepciones contemporáneas de la Pobreza, UNAM.
  1. (forthcoming) “La Meta del Milenio 1: reducir a la mitad la pobreza ultra extrema, ¿se ha cumplido en México?” (The Milenium Goal 1: to Reduce Extreme Poverty by Half” Has been Achieved in Mexico?) in Garrocho, Carlos (ed.) México y las Metas del Milenio, El Colegio Mexiquense, México.
  1. (2009) “Progreso y bienestar” (“Wellbeing and Progress”) in Rojas Mariano (ed.) Midiendo el progreso de las sociedades. Una perspectiva desde México, Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico, México.
  1. (2007) “Los retos en materia social en México a inicios del siglo XXI” (Challenges on Social Policy in Mexico at The Beginning of the XXI Century), in Calva, José Luis (coord.) Empleo, ingreso y bienestar, Agenda para el desarrollo, Vol. 11, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM, 315-345.
  1. .---- and Julio Boltvinik (2005) “Derechos humanos y política social en México” (Human Rights and Social Policy in Mexico), in Centro de Derechos Humanos “Fray Francisco de Vitoria O.P. A.C., Informe Anual sobre la Situación de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales, Nov. 2003-Nov.2004, pp. 13-52.
  1. --- and Julio Boltvinik(eds., 2004) Pobreza en México y el Mundo. Realidades y desafíos (Poverty in Mexico and in The World. Realities and Challenges) Siglo XXI editores.
  1. (2004), “Derechos socioeconómicos y pobreza. Una alternativa para medir la pobreza en el DF” (Socioeconomic Human Rights and Poverty. An alternative to measure poverty in the Federal District), in various authors, Pobreza, Desigualdad y marginación en la ciudad de México, Mexico, Secretaría de Desarrollo Social del Distrito Federal, pp. 67-98.
  1. and Julio Boltvinik (2003), “Las mediciones de pobreza y los derechos sociales en México” (Poverty Measurement Methods and Socioeconomic Human Rights in Mexico), Papeles de Población, Nueva época,35, pp. 101-136.

Employment and Labour Markets

I have analysed whether economic changes generated by policy reform and globalisation have modified the extent to which people are engaged in the labour market. I have challenged the idea that labour force participation rates in Mexico increase as the living conditions of households deteriorate. I looked at the interaction between income poverty and extra-domestic working time at the level of households. The calculations have been based on The National Income and Expenditure Surveys and cover the period 1989-2004 (35-38).

  1. (2002), Cargando el ajuste: pobreza y mercado de trabajo en México, (Taking on the Load of Adjustment. Poverty and Labour Market in Mexico) El Colegio de México (Chapter 4 and 5).
  1. (2000), Adjustment, Poverty and Employment in Mexico, Ashgate, Great Britain (Chapter 4 and 5).
  1. (2004), “El crecimiento del empleo y las estrategias laborales de sobrevivencia en México. Apuntes para un debate”, (Employment Growth and Labour Survival Strategies in Mexico. Notes for a Debate), Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 25, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales.
  1. (1999), “Participación de la población en la actividad económica de la ciudad de México, 1986-1993”(Population Participation in Mexico City’s Economy,1886-1993) in Figueroa (coord.) México diverso y desigual: enfoque sociodemográfico, (Diverse and Unequal Mexico: Sociodemographic Approach) Sociedad Mexicana de Demografía y El Colegio de México, Mexico, pp. 357-372.

Economic development and Poverty

In this group of publications I have analysed whether the stabilisation and adjustment reforms (recommended by the IMF/World Bank) increased poverty in Mexico. I have also analysed if government’s social expenditure reduction affected the well being of the population, especially the poor. I noted that governmental capacity to determine the shape of national economies has been undermined in the last three decades. As global integration develops, the supposedly autonomous national basis for production (upon which government policy seeks to act) tends to decline, and governments are increasingly required to respond to external signals. At present, governments, which wish to continue receiving much-needed international investment and loans, have limited freedom to choose their economic policy (39 to 45)

  1. (forthcoming) “Efectos de la crisis en la pobreza” (“The Impact of Economic Crisis in Poverty”) in Boltvinik, Julio (ed.) La crisis capitalista mundial actual, Fundación Heberto Castillo.
  1. (2007) “Introducción” (Introduction), in Fundación Heberto Castillo A.C., ¿Cuáles son las reformas estructurales que necesita México? (What Structural Reforms Needs México?) México, pp.7-21.
  1. (2007) “Reformas estructurales en materia económica” (“Economic Structural Reforms”), in Fundación Heberto Castillo A.C., ¿Cuáles son las reformas ..., op cit., pp. 23-57.
  1. (2002),“Pobreza y Globalización. El caso de México”, (Poverty and Globalisation. The Mexican Case) in Reflexiones sobre la globalización, Fundación Heberto Castillo, México, Novembre, pp. 70-86.
  1. (2002), Cargando el ajuste: pobreza y mercado de trabajo en México, (Taking on the Load of Adjustment. Poverty and Labour Market in Mexico) El Colegio de México (Chapter 1 and 2).
  1. (2001), “Paradojas de la evolución de la pobreza en épocas de crisis. México y ciudad de México, 1982-1994” (Paradox of Poverty Trends in Periods of Economic Crisis in Mexico and Mexico City) in Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, El Colegio de México, Vol. XVI, 1, January-April, pp. 19-51.
  1. (2000), Adjustment, Poverty and Employment in Mexico, Ashgate, Great Britain (Chapter 1 and 2).

Other Topics

  1. (forthcoming) Prólogo, Huehuetla y Hueytlalpan: un análisis comparativo en el marco del proyecto: “100 x 100 la universidad adopta un municipio, Reyes Guzmán, Gerardo (coordinador), UIA-P, BUAP, México
  1. (1996) (collaborator), Cincuenta años de investigación urbano regional en México, 1940-1991 (Fifty years of urban and regional research in Mexico, 1940-1991) Gustavo Garza (author), El Colegio de México, México.
  1. (1994) (collaborator)Los Flujos migratorios internacionales en la Frontera Sur de México (International Migration Flows in the South Border of Mexico), Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social, Consejo Nacional de Población, Dirección General de Estudios de Población, Rodolfo Casillas y Manuel A. Castillo (authors) Irene Palma (collaborator), México.
  1. (1991) "Infraestructura, equipamiento y segregación urbana" (Infrastructure, Equipment and Urban Segregation), in Delgado, Javier y Diana Villarreal (eds.), Cambios territoriales en México: exploraciones recientes, Centro de Ecodesarrollo y Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico, pp. 259-277.
  1. ---- and Gustavo Garza(1991), "Ciudad de México: etapas de crecimiento, infraestructura y equipamiento" (Mexico City, Development Stages, Infrastructure and Equipment), in Schteingart, Martha (ed.), Espacio y Vivienda en la Ciudad de México, El Colegio de México, Mexico, pp. 21-49.
  1. (1992) "Ciudad de México: los servicios urbanos en los noventa" (Mexico City: Urban Services in the 1990s), Vivienda, Nueva Época, Instituto Nacional de Vivienda para los Trabajadores (INFONAVIT), Vol. 3,1, January-April, pp. 29-40.
  1. (1991) "La investigación urbana en México, 1980-1990" (Urban Research in Mexico, 1980-1990), Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, El Colegio de México, Vol. VI, 3 (18), September-December, Mexico, pp. 613-648.
  1. (1988) “Conformación histórica de la región del Soconusco, Chiapas” (Historical Development of the Soconusco Region, Chiapas), Estudios Fronterizos, Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Año VI, Vol. VII, 17, September-December, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, pp. 61-80.
  1. (1994) (collaborator) Urbanisation in Developing Countries. A World Overview Development Strategy and Policy Unit, The Urban Foundation Johannesburg, South Africa, Development Planning Unit, University College London, Nigel Harris (author), London, 1994.