The Village of Weston
Council Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2017
The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeremy Schroeder at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call of the council members was then taken: Mr. Greg Stevens, Mr. Bill Barnhart, Mrs. Sarah Easterwood, Mr. Shad Kendall, Mrs. Dawn Blandy, and a motion to excuse Mrs. Penny Taylor was made by Mrs. Easterwood and seconded by Mr. Kendall, Approved 5 - Opposed 0.
Minutes from the previous meeting on June 5, 2017 were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Mr. Barnhart and seconded by Mrs. Easterwood. Approved 5 - Opposed 0.
Citizens and Visitors:
Visitors present were: Terry Green, Frank Kohler, Rob Myerholtz, Rick Easterwood, Roger LaPointe (Sentinel-Tribune), and Sharon Biggins.
Sharon Biggins was wanted to know if there is any zoning regarding the junk properties. Mrs. Biggins was also present to thank Terry Green for finding the person to take care of the water in the ditch she was concerned about.
Frank Kohler was present to get people involved in coming up with a strategic plan to better Weston.
Rob Myerholtz agreed with Mr. Kohler on coming up with a master plan. Mayor Jeremy Schroeder developed a new committee, named “Strategic Plan Committee”. This committee will have its first meeting on July 5, 2017 at 5pm. The committee includes councilmembers Bill Barnhart, Shad Kendall and Sarah Easterwood with two committee members, Rob Myerholtz and Frank Kohler.
Old Village Business
Twenty one trees have been quoted for the village tree removal which is estimated to cost about $20,000.00. Six of these trees need cut down as soon as possible. Four more bids are coming in on tree removal.
Poggemyer will be coming to look at the reservoir to see what the issue is so that we can explain this when getting bids for reservoir repair. Rick Easterwood asked if there is something we could do about the reservoir hill with the water level being so low. He suggested maybe leveling off the hill so it isn’t so much of a peak but more of a plateau. Terry Green is meeting with four contractors this week to get bids for the reservoir repair.
Current Village Business
Committee Business
Upcoming Meetings:
Finance 6/21 at 5pm
Parks & Rec 6/26 at 7pm
Safety 7/3 at 6pm
Strategic Plan 7/5 at 5pm
Cemetery 7/6 at 6pm
Streets/Zoning 7/17 at 5pm
Streets/Zoning reported on their 6/14 meeting. Items discussed include possible permits issued for people wanting to put fences up and what to do about fence violations. Trailer/storage pods were pointed out but there is currently nothing in zoning on those, the possibility of adding a time limit was discussed. The village tree removal was discussed, Terry is in the process of getting bids. The permit for the Halloween House on Locust street was discussed and no permit can be issued due to setback violations. Lastly paving of Union from Center Street to Washington, Oak Street from Broadway to Silver Street and Taylor Street from Main Street to the railroad tracks was discussed and Terry will be getting quotes. Terry is getting bids for the catch basin by Marathon and the church, so far Terry got a verbal bid from Top Excavating for $1800.00. A written bid needs to be submitted. Zoning Inspector Ken Taylor will be taking over sidewalk inspection for people that want to put in or repair sidewalks.
Mrs. Dawn Blandy wanted to note that the cemetery meeting scheduled on August 3 will be moved to August 10.
Maintenance Report
Terry Green reported on town maintenance. Mr. Green said that Northwest Water and Sewer District is about done with the waterline replacement project.
A resolution authorizing participation in the Wood County Park District Grant program received its second reading.
A solicitor license was reviewed and a motion to approve was made my Mr. Greg Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Dawn Blandy. Approve - 5, Oppose - 0.
A delegate needed to be assigned for RITA but nothing was assigned due to needing more clarification on who can be delegated and that the meeting for this has passed.
Mr. Greg Stevens asked about the parking of semi trailers in the lot by the railroad tracks because he is concerned about the liability. A request to have a “park at your own risk” type of sign should be posted around that parking lot to let individuals know the Village is not liable for anything that happens to their vehicle.
Mr. Stevens wanted confirmation on the sidewalk plan. Council told Mr. Steven’s it has been tabled and council can bring it back up if they find it necessary to continue the sidewalk project. A possible repeal of this sidewalk project ordinance needs to be looked at. Currently the sidewalk plan is tabled meaning it will not continue.
Council reviewed bills to paid and warrants to be issued A motion to approve was made by Mrs. Blandy and seconded by Mr. Barnhart. Approve - 4, Oppose - 0, Abstain - 1, Mrs. Easterwood.
Mr. Greg Stevens made a motion at 8:00pm to go into an executive session for personnel reasons, seconded by Mr. Kendall. Roll call was taken, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Barnhart, Mrs. Easterwood, Mr. Kendall, and Mrs. Blandy. A motion to exit executive session was made by Mr. Stevens at 8:17pm and seconded by Mrs. Blandy.
A personnel meeting is scheduled on July 3, 2017 at 5pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
Jeremy Schroeder, Mayor
Stephanie Monts, Clerk