
Introduction to athletic training

Instructor: Mr. Josh Smallwood, MS, LAT, ATC

Phone:(540) 297-7151

Course web site:


Meeting time:3AB

Location: Room 413 (Athletic Training Room for Lab)

Course Description

This course includes the basic concepts of anatomy, mechanism of injury, and administration of athletic training. Students should be able to demonstrate a basic mastery of athletic injuries of all body parts. Students should also display knowledge of the NATAcode of ethics and standards of practice for athletic trainers (ATs).

Course Expectations

  1. This is a professional preparation class; you are expected to attend all classes.
  2. Participate enthusiastically.
  3. Hand in assignments on time.
  4. 25% point deduction each day an assignment is late
  5. 1day late= 25% deduction/friendly reminder
  6. 2 days late=50% deduction/after class conference
  7. 3 days late=75% deduction/lunch detention/parent contacted
  8. 4 days late=Automatic 0%/after school detention/parent contacted
  9. Continued late assignments will result in a referral to the grade levelprincipala
  10. Be responsible for assignments missed.
  11. Unexcused absences: Assignments due at next attended class
  12. Absences are excused only if an excused-absence form is presented.

Course Objectives

  1. Know the fundamental principles of lifetime health.
  2. Understand local, state, and federal healthcare standards, including sanitation, healthcare delivery systems, safety of therapeutic modalities, and design and efficient use of training rooms.
  3. Understand basic anatomy and physiology of the human body.
  4. Develop a working knowledge of basic first aid and the treatment of athletic injuries, diseases, and conditions.
  5. Understand the basic assessment procedures used by the AT.
  6. Demonstrate knowledge of nutrition and weight control.
  7. Know the basic techniques of taping and bandaging as related to athletic participation.
  8. Understand and demonstrate the principles of athletic conditioning.
  9. Have knowledge of various drugs, drug abuse, and aids for athletic participation.
  10. Understand life-threatening conditions and shock.
  11. Understand the use of rehabilitation and reconditioning techniques.
  12. Comprehend the use of therapeutic modalities in the care of athletic injuries.
  13. Understand basic sport psychology.

Instructional Methods

Independent reading, case analysis, projects, discussion, presentation, small-group work, video, computer data analysis, one-on-one work, practice sessions, and some lecture

Assessment Methods

Chapter quizzes/tests, enthusiastic participation/observation, debates, term papers, small-group work, and worksheets.

Class Materials

3 Ring Binder; Dividers; Blue/Black Ink Pen; College Rule Notebook Paper

Observation Attire [required]: Khaki pants or shorts; Polo (black, grey, white, yellow); belt; closed toe shoes (see section below for further information)


Summative Assignments / 60%
Participation/Observations / 10%
Formative Assignments / 30%
Total percent possible / 100%


A = 90%-100% / B = 80%-89% / C+ = 70%-79% / D+ = 60%-69% / F = 59% and below

Participation in and observing athletic training services

Each student is required to observe the Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) and actively participate in assisting the ATC during select sporting events throughout each 9 weeks. These observations allow the student to observe the ATC in the work setting outside of the classroom as well as assist in ways determined by the ATC.

The dress code for observations are as follows: Khaki pants or shorts (NO JEANS); tucked in black, white or yellow polo; belt; closed toe shoes; jewelry should be kept to a minimum as to not pose a hazard to the student or those around them (example: dangling necklaces, hoop ear rings, etc.); only SRHS hats are acceptable for outdoor events. All school rules and policies must be followed during observation hours (including the cell phone policy). A journal is required within one week after the date observed. The teacher reserves the right to not allow the student to participate in their selected observation due to unprofessional dress or actions during an event, thus resulting in failure of that observation and receiving a “0” for the assignment.

Observations will be graded as follows: Professional Participation: 50%; Journal Entry: 25%; Dress Code: 25%

Unexcused absences for observations will result in a “0” for that observation. Excused absences or missed events due to inclement weather will be either made up with another observation or a 1,000 word essay on a relevant topic of the student’s choice due one week after their scheduled observation. In the case of inclement weather, students should follow SRHS Athletics on Twitter for schedule changes. Participation beyond the required observations are highly encouraged and welcomed.