Tel: 01270 874237

September 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 4 Residential Trip to York May 2018

After a hugely successful residential visit to York in the summer with our Year 4 and Year 5 classes, we have decided to offer this residential every year to our Year 4 class. We feel that residential visits greatly enhance the school curriculum while developing the children’s independence and resilience.

With that in mind, we have provisionally booked with the Youth Hostel Association in the centre of York to take Year 4 onWednesday 2ndMay 2018 and return on Friday 4th May 2018. We are still finalising prices and activities, but expect the trip to cost no more than £160 which could be paid in monthly instalments beginning at the end of October. We will be able to give a more accurate price when numbers and activities are confirmed.

The price would include return travel to York, full bed, breakfast, lunch and evening meals for two days and all activities and visits. There would be no special clothes or equipment required and no spending money needed.

Proposed itinerary to include:

  • Tour of York Minster
  • Visit to Jorvik including taking part in an archaeological dig
  • River Cruise and City Walls Tour
  • National Railway Museum and workshops

If you would like more information about this proposed trip, please have a look on the school website or speak to a member of staff. Please return the slip below, registering your interest, no later than Friday 15th September 2017.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Sehné

Acting Assistant Headteacher


Year 4 Residential Trip 2018

I would like my child______to attend the residential visit to York.

I would not like my child______to attend the residential visit to York.

Signed ______(Parent)

Headteacher: Mrs S L Gohr