The Board of Elko County Commissioners met on Tuesday, January2, 2007, at 4:00p.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse at 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada.
There were present: CountyCommissionersWarren Russell, Chair
Mike Nannini
Charlie Myers
Sheri Eklund-Brown
John Ellison
CFO – Asst. Co. ManagerCash Minor
Executive SecretaryMichele Petty
Deputy District AttorneyKristin McQueary
Deputy County ClerkMarilyn Tipton
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The proceedings were as follows:
Vice-Chairman Ellison called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.
CommissionerNannini led the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice Chairman Ellison called for a moment of silence for President Gerald Ford.
Commissioner Ellison noted for the record that Commissioner Russell was present via telephone. Chairman Russell requested that Vice Chairman Ellison assume control of the meeting.
No public comments were made
A.Commission Chair and Vice-Chair
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to appoint Commissioner Ellison as the Chairman and Commissioner Nannini as the Vice Chairman. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
B.Highway Board Chair and Clerk
MOTION:Commissioner Nannini moved that Commissioner Myers be appointed the Chairman and Commissioner Russell be appointed as Clerk. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
C.Liquor Board Chair (Normally Commission Chair)
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to appoint Chairman Ellison as Chairman of the Liquor Board. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
A.Hospital Board member – Currently Mike Nannini
B.Recreation Board member– Currently Sheri Eklund-Brown
C.Elko Convention and Visitors Authority Board (ECVA) member
Currently – Charlie Myers
D.Museum Board member – Currently Warren Russell
E.NACO Board of Directorsmember – Currently John Ellison & Warren Russell
F. Elko Regional Transportation Commission:
Appointment of two (2) County of Elko representatives with terms that will expire December 31, 2008 (Pursuant to NRS 373.040, 2a and 4, the term of appointment is two (2) years) -Currently Charlie Myers & Warren Russell
MOTION:Commissioner Nannini moved that assignments in A, B, C, D, E, and F stay the same. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if they should put in another alternative under NACO. Cash Minor explained that they would only have a second alternate as long as they have a person on the NACO Board.
The motion was passed unanimously.
A.ElkoCounty Economic Diversification Authority - ECEDA:
Confirmation and/or change of the Director(s) representing the County of Elko. The current Directors are as noted:
1.Charlie Myers
2.Sheri Eklund-Brown, alternate.
B.Humboldt RiverWaterBasin Authority:
Confirmation and/or change of the Directors representing the County of Elko. The current Directors are as follows:
1.Warren Russell
2.Craig Spratling
3.Preston Wright
4.Jim Muth & Mark Hooper, alternates
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the new board members had been active and present. Commissioner Russell stated they had attended the last meeting to observe and get updated on the latest information. He stated Jim Muth had not attended but he was only the alternate.
C. Elko CountyWater Planning Commission:
Confirmation and/or change of the Board of Commissioner member and alternate(s). The current representatives include:
1.Warren Russell
2.John Ellison, Alternate
Commissioner Eklund-Brown suggested that there be a third alternate. Commissioner Ellison recommended that Commissioner Eklund-Brown be the second alternate and he be the third alternate.
D.Nevadaworks - Local Elected Official Board:
Confirmation and/or change of the Board of Commissioner member and alternate(s). The current representatives include:
1.John Ellison
2.Warren Russell, Alternate
Commissioner Ellison stated there was a conference call scheduled on Friday. He felt Commissioner Myers should be the representative with Warren Russell as the alternate.
MOTION:Commissioner Nannini moved that they approve A and B as read and change C with Commissioner Eklund-Brown as first alternate and Commissioner Ellison as third alternate; and change D with Commissioner Myers as the primary representative on the Nevadaworks Board with Commissioner Russell as alternate. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
A.Elko County Debt Management Commission:
(Pursuant to NRS 350.002):
Appointment of the County of Elko representative to a term of two years with term expiring December 31, 2008. Current member -
1.John Ellison
B.Elko Senior Activity Programs Board:
Appointment of two (2) persons with terms expiring December 31, 2010.
Charles “Chuck” Knight and Gerald Ackerman request reappointment for another term.
C. JackpotTown Board:
JackpotTown Advisory Board:
Appointment of five (5) members to a term of two (2) years that would expire January 2, 2009.
Norma Prindle, Gene Frank, Brad Hester, Tom Barton & Beth Winans request reappointment for another term.
D.JarbidgeTown Board:
JarbidgeTown Advisory Board:
Appointment of three (3) members to a term of two (2) years that will expire January 2, 2009.
Jack Creechley, Ken Heil, & Gordon AButch@ Smith request reappointment for another term.
E.MontelloTown Board:
MontelloTown Advisory Board
Appointment of five(5) members to a term of two (2) years that will expire January 2, 2009. No applicants.
Staff recommends this item be tabled.
F.MountainCityTown Board:
MountainCityTown Advisory Council
Pursuant to CountyCode. 2-1 A- 1(F) appoint the five (5)persons informally elected within the community to two (2) year terms that will expire January 2, 2009.
Roberta Culley, Mel Basanez, & Charlene Chambers were informally elected and requested reappointment for another term.
G.Public Health Officer:
Pursuant to NRS 439.290 appoint a Public Health Officer to a term of (2) years that will expire December 31, 2008. Dr. Rick Almaguer requested reappointment for another term.
Commissioner Russell acknowledged that Dr. Almaguer was his physician. Dr. Ellison acknowledged that Dr. Almaguer was his physician.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to approve items under A through F, tabling Item E, and appointing those already in those positions. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to reappoint Dr. Almaguer as the Public Health Officer. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. Commissioners Russell and Ellison abstained from voting. The motion was passed by majority vote.
JANUARY 2, 2007
Review, discussion and determination of Board of Commissioner involvement in liaison activities/meetings with Departmental, Federal, State and City agencies. Current assignments are as follows:
Commissioner Nannini:
City of Wells
Heart Project - Wells Tire Recycling Plant
City of West Wendover
Hospital Board
Indigent Accident Fund
Fair Board
Juvenile Committee
Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted the Juvenile Committee was no longer in existence and this committee should be taken off of assignments.
Central Dispatch Administrative Authority
USFS Liaison
Commissioner Myers recommended that he and Commissioner Nannini be appointed as Sheriff’s Liaisons.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to approve Commissioner Nannini’s assignments. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired about the Central Dispatch. Commissioner Nannini stated Robert Stokes was going out of the Chairmanship. He explained that the Chairmanship was rotated each year.
Commissioner Ellison:
Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board – (President)
Governor’s Task Force
Commissioner Eklund-Brown voiced concern about the Commissioner’s travel budget. Cash Minor noted they had spent 40%-50% of their travel budget. Commissioner Nannini felt the NACO Board should have Commissioner Ellison listed as president.
Debt Management Committee
Commissioner Ellison recommended that Commissioner Myers be primary liaison.
Senior Citizens
HumboldtRiver Basin Water Authority
Commissioner Ellison noted he was taken off of this committee as alternate.
Commissioner Myers suggested that Commissioners Nannini and Eklund-Brown be the BLM liaisons.
Nevada Fire Safe Council
Nevada Division of Forestry Liaison
Commissioner Ellison suggested Commissioners Nannini and Myers assume that Liaison.
Water Planning (Alternate)
Commissioner Ellison noted he wanted taken off that board.
Insect Abatement
Commissioner Eklund-Brown:
City of Carlin
Tuscarora Community
Recreation Board
Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the RecreationBoard had not contacted her the whole year and had posted their meeting notices late.
NevadaStateLand Use Planning Advisory Commission (SLUPAC)
Public Lands Use Advisory Commission (PLUAC)
The Board discussedthe travel budget. Commissioner Nannini felt they were within their travel budget. Commissioner Myers felt they could cut down their travel by participating through conference calls.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown felt that PLUAC had not been very productive. She noted they had been canceling most of their meetings and they had not brought anything forward or any recommendations. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted the BLM and Forest Service were making reports to the PLUAC which should be made to the Commission because PLUAC did not forward any of that information on to the Commission. Commissioner Russell suggested that Commissioner Eklund-Brown help get them organized. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted John Harmening had helped with the public land policy. She noted the old PLUAC board had sent suggestions and had recommended motions to the Commissioners. Commissioner Nannini stated it should be placed upon the agenda for them to decide. Commissioner Russell asked that Commissioner Eklund-Brown and he trade positions. He suggested Commissioner Eklund-Brown take the Humboldt River Basin Water Authority with him becoming alternate and Commissioner Russell assume PLUAC.
Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group
Mining Sustainability
China Spring / Aurora Pines Advisory Committee
Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated she had been appointed by Judge Memeo so this would have to be discussed with Judge Puccinelli.
Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA)
BLM Liaison, BLM – RAC, CaliforniaTrailsCenter Board
BLM Jarbidge RMP Liaison
ECCWMA - Noxious Weed Liaison
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if anyone wanted to help with this committee.
USFS Liaison – Mt. City Ranger District Grazing EIS
Commissioner Myers noted they would be adding Humboldt River Basin Water Authority, Water Planning and taking off PLUAC.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to approve Commissioner Eklund-Brown’s appointments as stated. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion.
Kristin McQueary suggested they finish their trading and then approve the assignments under a blanket motion. She noted they were already have to amend Commissioner Nannini’s assignments due to the additions.
Commissioner Nannini commented that he was also appointed to the Indigent Accident Fund (IAF) Board. Cash Minor stated he would put it on Commissioner Nannini’s list.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Myers:
ElkoCounty Economic Diversification Authority (ECEDA) Board
City of Elko
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC)
Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Liaison
Auditorium Authority Board (ECVA)
Wildlife Advisory Board
Wildlife Arbitration Board
Nevada Division of Wildlife Liaison
Commissioner Myers noted they had added the Sheriff’s liaison, Nevada Works and NDF.
Commissioner Myers stated he would also like to assume the Northern Nevada Regional Transit Coalition. Commissioner Russell agreed to remain as alternate.
Commissioner Russell:
Museum Board
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA)
HumboldtRiver Basin Water Authority
Cash Minor noted Commissioner Russell would now be the Alternate.
Library Board of Trustees Liaison
Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board
Northern Nevada Regional Transit Coalition
Commissioner Myers noted Commissioner Russell would become the Alternate.
Water Planning
Commissioner Ellison noted Commissioner Russell would be the Alternate.
Spring Creek Association
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC)
Cash Minor noted they had added PLUAC to Commissioner Russell’s list.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if Commissioner Russell made any of the last Library Board meetings. Commissioner Russell stated he had not attended many of their meetings. Commissioner Nannini volunteered to take the Library Board.
Commissioner Myers asked if they should change the motion for IV B removing Commissioner Russell as primary county representative and replacing him with Commissioner Eklund-Brown. Commissioner Eklund-Brown suggested that Commissioner Russell remain her alternate. Cash Minor explained they had three voting members. He stated if one of the three members could not go then the alternate could do the voting. Cash Minor stated if they make Commissioner Russell as alternate then he could vote but they could not place him as alternate only for the CountyCommissioner’s slot. Commissioner Russell suggested they take off Jim Muth as alternate and put him in as the alternate.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to amend VIBunder Other Board Organization Assignments (B. Humboldt River BasinWater Authority) to remove Commissioner Russell as primary and add Commissioner Eklund-Brown and make Commissioner Russell the number 4 alternate with Mark Hooper as the primary alternate and delete Jim Muth. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Kristin McQueary suggested they make a blanket motion to pickup the additional changes under VI. Department and Agency Liaison Assignments as discussed.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved on item VI (Department and Agency Liaison Assignments that:
Commissioner Nannini be appointed as liaison to:
City of Wells
Heart Project
City of West Wendover
Hospital Board
Fair Board
Central Dispatch Administrative Authority
USFS Liaison
Sheriff’s Liaison
Library Board
Bureau of Land Management
Indigent Accident Fund
Nevada Division of Forestry Liaison
Commissioner Ellison be appointed as liaison to:
Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board - President
Governor’s Transportation Blue Ribbon Task Force
Debt Management Committee
Senior Citizens
Nevada Fire Safe Council
Nevada Division of Forestry Liaison
Insect Abatement
Commissioner Eklund-Brown:
City of Carlin
Tuscarora Community
Recreation Board
NevadaStateLand Use Planning Advisory Commission
Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group
Mining Sustainability
China Spring / Aurora Pines Advisory Committee
Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA)
BLM Liaison, BLM – RAC, CaliforniaTrailsCenter Board
BLM Jarbidge RMP Liaison
ECCWMA - Noxious Weed Liaison
USFS Liaison, Mt. City Ranger District Grazing EIS
Water Planning
HumboldtRiver Basin Water Authority
ECEDA - Alternate
Commissioner Myers:
ElkoCounty Economic Diversification Authority (ECEDA) Board
City of Elko
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC)
Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Liaison
Auditorium Authority Board (ECVA)
Wildlife Advisory Board
Wildlife Arbitration Board
Nevada Division of Wildlife Liaison
Nevada Division of Forestry Liaison
Northern Nevada Regional Transit Coalition
Commissioner Russell:
Museum Board
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA)
HumboldtRiver Basin Water Authority - Alternate
Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board
Northern Nevada Regional Transit Coalition - Alternate
Water Planning
Nevadaworks - Alternate
Spring Creek Association
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC)
Public Lands Use Advisory Commission (PLUAC)
Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
The Board considered approval of the 2007 Meeting Schedule for CountyCommissioners inclusive of rural meetings.
Cash Minor pointed out that July 4th was on the first Wednesday and the Board would have to schedule a one day meeting on July 5, 2007 or schedule another date. He noted the November 21st was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Cash Minor stated the NACO Conference was scheduled on October 2 thru 4, 2007 to be held in Elko. Commissioner Myers noted that Commissioner Nannini suggested they move back the meeting time to 1:30 on their mid-month meetings. Commissioner Nannini noted he had a work related problems with coming in during the mornings for the mid-month meetings.
Commissioner Nannini asked about the County picnic date. Commissioner Myers noted they had spokento staff about holding it on August 24th. Commissioner Nannini noted it was the first Friday of the County Fair. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted she may be refereeing tournaments at that time.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to approve the regularly scheduled meetings for the 2007 Meeting Schedule with the following changes: to re-look at dates for the Oct 3rd and 4th meetings due to the NACO conference and the July 5th meeting due to the July 4th holiday and moving the County Picnic to August 24 and moving the mid-month meetings to 1:30p.m. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion.
Cash Minor noted Owyhee had discussed holding a meeting with them possibly in July. Commissioner Nannini suggested inviting them to the meeting to be held in MountainCity. Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked about the Montello meeting. Cash Minor explained that there was no town board.
Commissioner Ellison asked about the meeting dates in March for the meetings in Washington and if there would be any scheduling conflicts. Cash Minor would check on those meeting dates.
The motion was passed unanimously.
The Board Members expressed their appreciation to Commissioner Russell as Chairman in 2006. Commissioner Russell thanked each Commissioner and staff for all their support throughout the past year. Commissioner Ellison noted they would do a year-end review.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
JANUARY 2, 2007