Instructor Checklist

 / Area / Tool / Feature / Description
Announcements / Often, the first page displayed when any user enters a course site. Brief messages should be posted here, such as a message welcoming students to the class and messages conveying pertinent information about course assignments, updates, reminders, and exams.
Welcome Message / Have you included a welcome message that greets students, invites them to explore the course site, and directs them to specific information within the site? Have you made the announcement a permanent announcement, so it will be available throughout the semester?
Navigation Cues / Have you included a permanent announcement containing a table or list defining what each of the main areas of the site contain (types of information, types of tools, etc.)?
Updates / Have you instructed students to check announcements regularly? Are you using announcements to keep students informed and updated on important developments as the course progresses?
Email / If you are sending a time-sensitive or important announcement, have you also sent the announcement to student emails? This is done by placing a checkmark in the checkbox in section 4 of the Add Announcement screen. NOTE: Emails are sent immediately. If you are setting up announcements to be sent at a future date, do not select the email option.
Syllabus / This is your "contract" with the student.
Identifying Information / Does the Syllabus display the course title, course number, and the instructor's name? Is the course number and course title the same as the listed in the current College of DuPage Catalog?
Credit Hours / Are credit hours listed?
Course Start Date and End Date / Are dates listed for the start and end of the course? This information is particularly important for online courses, for which the start and end dates may differ from those of on-campus courses.
Course Description / Does the course description contain, at a minimum, the official course description found in the College of DuPage Catalog?
Prerequisites Defined by Catalog / Are all prerequisites listed as they appear in the College of DuPage Catalog, such as prerequisite courses or minimum test requirements?
Prerequisites Defined by Instructor / Are all instructor-defined prerequisites listed, such as level of computer experience, access to particular software, need to come to campus, or need to arrange a proctor?
Textbook Information (Bibliographic and Purchasing) / Does the syllabus list the title, author, publisher, date of publication, and ISBN? Is a link to the Bookstore provided, along with instructions for purchasing the textbook? Suggested link:
Other Materials Information / Does the syllabus list all other required or recommended materials?
System Requirements / Does the syllabus list the minimum system requirements for participation in the course, including all necessary hardware and software? (Blackboard-specific requirements: Are links provided for any required helper applications or plug-ins, such as PowerPoint Viewer or Adobe Acrobat Reader? Have you noted any special hardware or software required for course work (for instance, modeling or graphing software)?
On-Campus Sessions / Does the syllabus list the dates and times of any on-campus sessions (such as presentations, labs, or proctored exams)? Does the syllabus identify these sessions as either required or optional?
Grading Criteria / Does the syllabus list grading criteria, including any specific criteria for individual assignments?
Participation Criteria / Does the syllabus define expectations about participation in the class, including the frequency, timing, and quality of participation? If participation is graded, are grading criteria included?
Policies / Have you included information concerning:
  • S/F policy?
  • Withdrawal policy?
  • Incomplete policy?
  • Academic honesty policy?

Schedule / Does the schedule contain due dates of all assignments, activities, and tests? Does it list class meetings and topics of discussion, where appropriate? Does it list all on-campus activities, such as labs or proctored exams? Does it note that the instructor reserves the right to make changes to the schedule and that changes will be announced on the Announcements page?
Instructor Information / Contact information and biographical information about the instructor involved with the course.
Biographical Information / Does “Staff Information” include the name and title of instructor? Does it contain brief biography? Does it include a photo (optional)? Students need to know that a real person is responsible for teaching the course – not a computer.
Office Hours / Are virtual office hours listed, along with an explanation of how virtual office hours are conducted (through instant messaging, e-mail, virtual classroom, etc.)? Are any on-campus office hours listed? Are both types of office hours convenient for students with varied schedules?
Phone Number / Is an office phone number listed?
E-Mail Addresses / Is an e-mail address listed? Is a policy on response time provided (for example, “I try to respond to all e-mail within 24 hours (except weekends.”)?
Course Information / Content-specific area containing the majority of content information delivered online, such as lecture materials, handouts, presentations, and related readings.
Organization / Have you placed content in folders within the Course Information area? Does each folder have a unique, informative name? Have you organized the folders in a logical, intuitive structure? For example, you might create folders organized chronologically (Week 1, Week 2, etc.); by unit (Unit 1, Unit 2, etc.), by author (Updike, Bellow, Smiley, etc.), or by type of material (Handouts, Presentations, Lecture Notes, etc.). Not only does this help organize your materials, but dates can be easily placed on folders so the material can be released on a schedule you determine.
Statistics / Have you enabled statistics for key items so you can track a student's progress? (optional)
Plug-Ins and Additional Software / If the material requires plug-ins or additional software (such as RealAudio or PowerPoint), have you included links to sites where the plug-ins or software can be downloaded?
Assignments / Course assignments
Organization / If appropriate, have you placed assignments in individual folders within the Assignments Area? Does each folder have a unique, informative name? Have you organized the folders in a logical, intuitive structure? For example, you might create folders organized chronologically (Week 1, Week 2, etc.); by unit (Unit 1, Unit 2, etc.), or by author (Updike, Bellow, Smiley, etc.). Folders are the recommended method to help you organize your materials. Additionally, dates can be easily placed on folders so the material can be released on a schedule you determine.
Submission Requirements / Does each assignment specify the manner in which students are to submit their work? (Specify file name and file format, if necessary.)File name rules.
Statistics / Have you enabled "track views" for each assignment so you can view a student's progress? (optional)
Plug-Ins and Additional Software / If the assignment requires plug-ins or additional software (such as RealAudio or RealVideo), have you included links to sites where the plug-ins or software can be downloaded?
Assessments / Course tests, quizzes, surveys
Practice Tests / Have you provided a pre-test or practice test so students can see how Blackboard tests work? This will also help students catch any possible problems with their computer configuration.
Exams / Have you placed exams in individual folders within the Assessments area (or Course Information area)? Does each folder have a unique, informative name? Have you organized the folders in a logical, intuitive structure? For example, you might create folders organized chronologically (Week 1 Exam, Week 2 Exam, etc.); by unit (Unit 1 Exam, Unit 2 Exam, etc.), or by author (Updike Exam, Bellow Exam, Smiley Exam, etc.).Folders are the recommended method to help you organize your materials. Additionally, dates can be easily placed on folders so the material can be released on a schedule you determine.
Exam Instructions / Have you provided general exam instructions with exam-taking tips? Taking a Test Online
Have you placed basic exam information outside of timed exams so students don't have to waste exam time reading this information? Have you clearly stated what penalties (if any) students may expect if they exceed the time limit?
Exam Security / Blackboard exams are not considered "secure." However, have you considered ways to make your exam more secure? See tips.
Survey / Have you provided a survey at the beginning of the term to learn about your students? You might ask about experience with the course topics, course expectations, and how students plan to complete the course. You might ask about technical skills. This is especially important for online course instructors. Students may have the mistaken impression that online courses are "easier" and less time is required for these classes. Or, you may find a student who does not have regular access to a computer. How does he expect to complete an online class?
Have you provided a final survey to find out what students thought about the course? Ask what they liked and didn't like. What items might be adjusted or even removed? Ask about technical problems they may have experienced. Ask current students to provide "advice" for next semester. (You might even post some of this advice for the next term.) Use this information to continually improve the course.
Communication / Holds all of the communication tools. Links to the discussion board and e-mail are located here, along with student and group pages. If you don't want students to have access to a communication tool, turn it off via the Control Panel.
Collaboration / The Communication Area contains a link to the Lecture Hall (Virtual Classroom) and Office Hours (Chat). See “Virtual Classroom,” below.
Discussion Board / The Communication Area contains a link to the Discussion Board, which is also linked from the main navigation Panel. See “Discussion Board,” below.
Group Pages / If you have formed collaborative groups of students, have you enabled the collaboration and communication tools for each group (e-mail, virtual classroom, discussion board)? Have you provided an accurate, informative description for each group?
Roster / The student roster is updated daily.
Send E-Mail / Have you considered creating groups of students to make sending e-mail more efficient? When sending e-mail, do you send a copy to yourself so you maintain an archive of e-mail you’ve sent?
Discussion Board / A web-based, asynchronous communication tool that permits users to carry on a conversation without having to be available at the same time. Conversations consist of messages posted by the instructor and students and are grouped into forums containing threads and all related replies or responses.
Forums / Have you created forums with unique, informative titles and useful, informative descriptions? Have you organized the forums in some logical, intuitive structure? For example, you might create forums organized chronologically (Week 1, Week 2, etc.); by unit (Unit 1, Unit 2, etc.), or by author (Updike, Bellow, Smiley, etc.). Have you provided a forum (Coffee Shop, Student Lounge, etc.) for off-topic posts that may still be of interest to members of the class?
Content / Have you posted thought-provoking questions or assertions that will generate discussion? Where appropriate, have you steered the discussion by posing additional questions or assertions? Have you provided students with guidelines for participating on the Discussion Board? Have you provided students with examples of appropriate and inappropriate posts?
Security / Have you carefully weighed the advantages and disadvantages of allowing anonymous posts? Have you considered any potential problems, such as viruses, that might be caused by allowing files to be attached to posts?
Grading / Have you enabled grading for forums that generate points? Have you provided a rubric for discussion points? Example: or
Setup / Have you carefully considered whether students should be able to start new threads? Edit or remove their posts? Upload file attachments? Rate posts? Post anonymously? NOTE: Anonymous posts cannot be graded.
Have you allowed students to subscribe to threads? Subscribe is a great option if you want to be immediately notified by email about new postings.
Virtual Classroom / Synchronous tool consisting of a chat room, a whiteboard, and a question-and-answer area, primarily for advanced users. If you won’t be using the Virtual Classroom, you may wish to disable it in Course Settings.
Applications / Have you considered using the Virtual Classroom to hold "live" classroom discussions, tutoring sessions, or virtual office hours? Have you considered asynchronous alternatives to synchronous Virtual Classroom sessions, which require that everyone participate at the same time?
Logistics / Have you informed students that they must have a Java-enabled browser to use the Virtual Classroom? Have you provided instructions for enabling Java? Have you notified students of the start times and dates of any Virtual Classroom activities? Are the activities scheduled to accommodate working students (for example, with alternative or multiple times and dates outside of work hours)? Have you considered creating small groups when using the Virtual Classroom, to keep the conversation manageable and reduce confusion?
Groups / Pages that allow groups of students to use collaborative tools (e-mail, virtual classroom, discussion board, and file exchange).
Collaboration Tools / If you have formed collaborative groups of students, have you enabled the appropriate collaboration and communication tools for each group (e-mail, virtual classroom, discussion board, and file exchange)?
External Links / Links to web sites and other online resources that contain content relevant to the course.
Course Content Links / Have you provided links to websites, newsgroups, mailing lists, or other online resources relevant to the course content?
Distance Education Services / Have you provided links to information provided by on-campus distance-education services? Suggested link: COD Online
Other COD Resources / Have you provided links to other online resources provided by COD? Suggested links include:
  • Library Research Guide for your subject,
  • Academic Calendar,
  • Online Class Schedule,
  • Faculty Directory,
  • Academic Support Center,
  • Blackboard Student Tutorials,
  • Library Workshops and Tutorials,

Tools / Blackboard provides a variety of tools for students to send email, create blog and journal pages, create a list of tasks, calendar items, etc. You can give access to specific tools on the course menu, or give students access to the entire tool menu (which still allows you to turn off specific tools).
Address Book / Users may create address book contacts. This tool is not course specific.
Calendar / Have you used the Course Calendar to enter the due dates of all assignments, activities, and tests? (optional) You may also list class meetings and topics of discussion. The Calendar may also include institutional term information, such as course start/end dates, holidays, and withdrawal dates.
Glossary / You can create course-specific glossaries. Glossaries can be imported into Blackboard from existing sources.
Student Web Page (using Blog, Journal, or Wiki tool) / Have you encouraged students to create a page containing information about themselves, their studies, and their other interests (optional)? Student web pages can help to build a sense of community and camaraderie. Have you provided guidelines for appropriate content? Have you reviewed student pages to ensure that no inappropriate content is present?

My Grades / Have you informed students that they can check their grades online? Have you assigned meaningful names to the entries in the gradebook, so students can easily identify a particular assignment? Have you kept the gradebook current?
Personal Information / Have you notified students that they can use this tool to set the CD-ROM drive on their computer, and restrict, limit private information available to others, set the availability of the Visual Text Box editor, or set the Language Pack?
FYI: Students who need to update their personal information must do this through Registration. See information about changing a password.
Tasks / Have you encouraged students to use the Tasks feature to help them schedule their time? Have you considered ways to use the Tasks feature in conjunction with scheduled exams, upcoming assignments, etc?
User Manual / Have you notified students that an online manual is available? Have you encouraged students to use it?

Course Options

(in Control Panel) / Tools that enable you to manage and revise the structure and appearance of your course web site.
Manage Course Menu / Have you arranged your Course Menu in a logical order for students?
Course Design / Have you selected an appealing color scheme for navigation buttons (optional)? Have you considered adding a banner to the course entry point? See
Settings / IMPORTANT!Have you made your course available to students?
User Management
(in Control Panel) / Tools that enable you list and modify users of the course, and create groups of users.
List/Modify Users / As necessary, are you using the Users feature to list students enrolled in your class and to find contact information (phone numbers and addresses)?
Manage Groups / If you have formed collaborative groups of students, have you enabled the appropriate collaboration and communication tools for each group (e-mail, virtual classroom, discussion board, and file exchange)?
(in Control Panel) / Tools for creating quizzes and surveys, as well as tools for displaying grades and course statistics.
Pool Manager / Have you considered creating pools of questions that can be used to create quizzes and surveys consisting of randomly generated questions?
Grade Center / Have you informed students that they can check their grades online? Are you posting grades as soon as possible? Have you created unique, informative titles for each grade entry, so students can easily find a particular assignment? IMPORTANT!Are you regularly backing up your grade center by exporting it as a comma-separated value file (.CSV) or saving the spreadsheet view as an HTML file?
Course Statistics / Have you considered ways in which you can use the course statistics to determine how students are using the course web site? Have you considered using course statistics to identify areas of your course that need to be refined, revised, or further developed?
Performance Dashboard / Have you considered ways in which you can use the Performance Dashboard to monitor course progress?
Early Warning System / Have you considered setting up the Early Warning System to notify students who have fallen below specified levels of performance? Performance options include grades, due dates, or date of last access.
/ Links to technical support and other online resources.
/ Have you visited the Online Support pages at to see what kind of technical support is available for instructors and students?
Online Manual / Have you reviewed the online manual for instructors (as opposed to the manual for students)?
Contact System Admin / Self-explanatory: E-mail link to COD's Blackboard Administrator
On-Demand Tutorials / Are you awareof the tutorials available on

This checklist is based on a checklist developed by Boise State University. Many thanks to BSU Academic Technologies.