Napa Babe Ruth

Cal Ripken League

“Minor” Division Rules



  1. No new inning will start 2 hours after the start of the game (no Exceptions). All innings in progress can be completed, provided there is sufficient light.
  2. The home plate umpire shall determine when play becomes unsafe due to darkness, temperature, or rain. (*** Rule 3.10-a/c – Book states manager or president need to clarify***)
  3. If a game is called due to weather, insufficient light, etc., and a minimum of 4 innings have been played, the game results will revert back to the last complete inning of record. If 4 complete innings (or 3 ½ if the home team is ahead) have not been played, the game is considered a suspended game and upon rescheduling, the game will be resumed at the point the game was suspended. Rule 4.12 a4;5/d
  4. If a team cannot field 8 players by 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, they will forfeit the game. (**** Rule 4.15-a Book states 5 minutes***)


  1. Pitchers may not pitch more than six (6) innings per calendar week. Rule 0.06-1
  2. Pitchers may pitch a maximum of 3 innings per game. ***** (Not accepted by all members of rules committee*** still open for discussion.***). As interpreted by Babe Ruth Rules committee.
  3. Pitchers who pitch more than 2 innings in a game must have 2-calendar days rest. –(Monday – Sunday). Rule 0.06-3
  4. If a pitcher delivers one pitch in an inning, that pitcher will be charged for one inning pitched. Rule 0.06-1b
  5. A coach’s second trip to the mound in the same inning to the same pitcher shall automatically result in the removal of that pitcher from the game as a pitcher only. Rule 8.06
  6. No Balks will be called. (As interpreted by Rules committee)
  7. Pitchers will be allowed 5 pitches between innings. New pitchers will be allowed 8 warm up pitchers. Pitchers replacing an injured pitcher will be allowed a reasonable amount of warm up pitches. Rule 8.06


  1. Any coach/manager may only call 1 “time out/conference” per inning. Rule 6.02
  2. No leadoffs – Pg 11 Special Base Running Rule


(All substitution rules are as interpreted by Babe Ruth of Napa)

  1. Every player on a team roster, who is at the game, shall play a minimum of three (3) innings on defense (9 outs), except when:

a)The game is called before the end of 6 innings

b)The game is complete after 4 innings because the home team is ahead,

c)A player is ejected from the game due to code of conduct violation, or

d)A player is suspended due to prior behavior problems

  1. A coach for one game may suspend a player only. If the behavior problem continues, the manager of the team must attend a Board of Director’s meeting and outline the problem. The child and his parents will then be invited the Board meeting to address the issues. Any further suspension is pending upon a decision by the Board of Directors. The Division Coordinator shall be notified of a suspension as soon as possible.
  2. All defensive substitutions must be made no later than the start of the 4th inning.
  3. All players on a team roster who are in uniform will be placed in the batting order. This order remains the same for the entire game, except if there is an injury, ejection or departure of a player. Late arrivals will be placed at the end of the order.


  1. 10 Run rule adopted by Napa Babe Ruth. Only enforced once a complete game has been played (4 innings).
  2. Infield Fly rule applies (**** still up for negotiation****) Rule 2.00
  3. Drop 3rd strike applies. Rule 6.05-b, except for overthrows???
  4. One manager, two coaches, bat person (wearing a helmet) and players are the only ones allowed in the dugout. Rule 3.17
  5. All coaches (except base coaches) shall stay behind a line parallel to the backstop.
  6. All games must start and end with 8 players.
  7. HOME team must report game results to their division coordinator and Cindy Westerberg within 24 hours after the end of their scheduled game.
  8. All games tied at the end of six (6) innings shall be entered in the standings as a tie. Rule 4.10
  9. All players must wear proper protective gear when playing catcher.
  10. The HOME team book is considered the official record of that game.
  11. Scorekeepers need to verify book throughout the game to avoid conflicts.
  12. Pitchers, # of innings, and days pitched must be recorded in the scorebook IN INK.