Board of Education October 20, 2008
River Bend Community Unit District #2 June 9, 2009
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of River Bend Community Unit District #2, Whiteside County, Illinois, was held on October 20, 2008, at the Fulton Elementary School.
Member Fish was appointed Secretary Pro-Tem.
President Portz called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. Upon Roll Call by the Secretary Pro-Tem the following members were present: Chris Barnett, Dave Damhoff, Eric Fish, Jane Orman-Luker, Dan Portz, and Larry St. Ores. Absent: Ed Cole. Others present: Dr. Jane M. Bauer, Superintendent and Virginia Petersen, Recording Secretary.
President Portz led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Additions to the agenda: Dr. Bauer asked to add RESPRO, Reading Recovery, food service health department inspection, and a second afterschool tutor at Fulton Elementary School under item X. Informational Items letter D.
President Portz welcomed all visitors. Principals: Mindy Dunlap, Kathleen Schipper, and James Spielman. RBEA Representative: Nick Crosthwaite. Others present: Russ Hoogheem, Patty Hoogheem, Nick Hoogheem, Anne Harrison, Katie Sass, and Joe Vens. Media Representatives: Channel 6 News (3 representatives). Others present: Approximately fifty (50) River Bend teachers, staff, and community members.
It was moved by Member Orman-Luker, seconded by Member Barnett, to approve the September 22, 2008, Regular Board Meeting Minutes, as printed, the October Bills Recommended for Payment, and the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Roll Call:
Member Barnett, yea Member Orman-Luker, yea
Member Damhoff, abstain Member Portz, yea
Member Fish, yea Member St. Ores, abstain
Motion carried.
Member Orman-Luker asked that the September 22, 2008, closed session minutes be held until after tonight’s closed session.
President Portz asked to change the agenda and have the Joint Community Food Drive presentation next.
Anne Harrison and Nick Hoogheem from Fulton High School, Katie Sass from Clinton High School, and Joe Vens from Prince of Peace presented a Power Point presentation on the upcoming Joint Community Food Drive. Local high schools are conducting a food drive entitled River-City Rage Against Hunger. Collection will take place from Friday January 23 through Friday, January 30 and will include only grades 9-12. The final competition, Mr. River City, will be open to the public with representatives from various food pantries invited. The prize for the winning school will be a traveling trophy. A thermometer poster will be displayed in each school showing totals of their own school and the other schools. Publicity will include the Clinton Herald, a video created by Mediacom, school announcements and a school newsletter.
President Portz asked if anyone would like to speak as part of public forum. President Portz thanked everyone for coming including parents, teachers, and community members who have come to tonight’s meeting seeking information and wanting to share comments about the District’s negotiations with the River Bend Education Association (RBEA) which represents the teachers and support staff.
Dr. Bill Wilkin indicated that River Bend has a great faculty, staff and administration. River Bend’s salaries are low compared to districts in the surrounding area. His hope is that negotiations will see movement on both sides and a resolution will be met.
Dr. Steve Harrison indicated that communities need something to attract people to the area and one of those things is good schools. He commended the teachers for the great job they do and thanked the Board for doing what he called a “thank-less job”. If there is a way to produce more to pay the hard working educators he hopes this will be done.
Member Orman-Luker stated that this contract is taking more time than customary because they now have a wall-to-wall union and a contract that will cover both the certified and non-certified employees. The Board feels they are getting closer to a settlement but are not at a point to disclose offers. They know that an intent to strike vote has been taken and the Board is committed to negotiating a fair and fiscally responsible contract.
(The group of teachers and staff left after public forum)
Mrs. Schipper introduced Steamer of the Month Nicholas Hoogheem. One of the teachers who nominated Nick said this. “Nick is very deserving of this honor. He comes to class prepared at all times and willing to help others. He has the respect of his teachers and peers. Nick is quite involved in extra-curricular activities and still manages to excel in the classroom”.
Ms. Nancy Buikema and Mrs. Amy Heyvaert gave their annual report regarding the library per capita grant and state library standards. They continue to meet the majority of the standards but they still do not meet the standard of one certified librarian in each building or the standard that deals with organization, access, and long range planning of the LRC program. They continue to work toward having true Learning Resource Centers (LRC) in each building. They appreciate the LRC budgets and try to be good stewards of those funds but they struggle with the cost of on-line databases and subscriptions that are taking more and more of the budget each year. On a positive note, they now meet one additional standard with the addition of Ellen Loncar as full-time Library Aide at Fulton High School.
Ms. Cheryl Piercy gave a Technology report. She thanked the Board for their continued support of technology and providing resources for students. All two hundred new computers in classrooms and labs are up and running. There were a few problems with Service Pack 3 and a few computers had to have their motherboards replaced. Many of the old computers have been redeployed for use in other areas. The district now has twenty-eight Smart Boards and traveling teachers either have laptops or tablets depending on their preference. The Board of Education approved $45,000 for the network infrastructure upgrade which Ms. Piercy is currently working on with RK Dixon. Global connect is all up to date. Cheryl has been investigating different companies for webpage design. She likes the one used by Rock Island ROE which the website design cost is $350 and website hosting cost is $525 per year. Additional modules are $300 to install and $60 per year for hosting. Website design will be further discussed at the next technology meeting. She also informed the committee that it is now required by law to teach internet safety. Items that will need to be looked at in the future are Power School upgrade at a cost of $6,100. Also, in the school year 2010/2011 all buildings may be connected to the internet via Mediacom. The cost to connect to Mediacom is $2,000 a month, but will be cut in half if Cheryl gets the proper paper work completed in advance with E-Rate. Cheryl will also check into the cost of upgrading the T1 lines.
There was no communication.
Mrs. Schipper informed the Board that Jake Hanrahan tied for 46th place in the state golf tournament. She also added that the food drive is being promoted as a leadership exercise and representatives from the area schools will present the same Power Point to all the school’s Boards of Education.
Mr. Spielman presented his newsletter as his Board report.
Mrs. Dunlap informed the Board there is a Title I parent meeting tonight. The teachers were very appreciative for the supplies received from 3M. Mrs. Dunlap presented information on “Search and Give” which is a web browser that donates a penny per search to the school of your choice.
Member Orman-Luker reported on behalf of the Foundation. Several Martin Estate requests were approved as well as a request for tablets for a 5th grade classroom and two high school classrooms. The “Going Green” project from Jen Pepper at the high school was also approved. The foundation also completed their annual fund raising mailing.
Member Barnett reported on behalf of RACE. The RACE Committee recommended the district stop the administration of the ITBS in grades three through eight, will make a recommendation in January for textbooks, and members learned the RtI plan and Title I E-plan will be part of the District Improvement Plan. The District received $5,000 from RESPRO last year but can expect less this year as more districts are in District Improvement and the budget for RESPRO was not increased by the State.
Dr. Bauer added as an addition to the agenda that she has since learned that even though the Regional Office of Education originally reported that Districts would receive less RESPRO dollars, they will in fact be receiving $10,000 this year to spend on professional development.
(Member Damhoff left at 7:35 P.M.)
Dr. Bauer informed the Board that the Fulton Police Department have offered to provide the DARE program if the District pays for the officer. The Whiteside County Sherriff’s Office is confident they can continue to provide DARE at no charge because the City no longer has a trained DARE officer. Dr. Bauer recommended using the county program at no charge.
Dr. Bauer presented enrollment projections based on the last day of September. The Board has had to make tough decisions on employment based on these enrollment numbers. A Fall Housing Report is no longer required to be completed by Districts. The information is now all taken from the Illinois State Board of Education Student Information System.
Dr. Bauer informed the Board the Tabletop Disaster Drill was completed on September 23, 2008, with District Administration, Fulton Police, Firemen and EMT’s present. The drill was recommended and facilitated by Mr. Dave Rogis and was a fantastic experience.
Dr. Bauer informed the Board that River Bend CUSD #2 now has Proportionate Share based on the number of students in special education at Unity Christian School. There are eight students in special education and one special education teacher. River Bend is required to use $11,884 of special education funding to provide special education assistance to Unity Christian School. Bi-County Special Education Director was required to conduct a Timely and Meaningful meeting at which Unity Christian School requested SMART Board equipment be purchased with the funds. This equipment will belong to River Bend, but is for use at Unity Christian School. If possible the Board would like Ms. Piercy to purchase the SMART Board with the same vendor we currently use since she will be responsible for the maintenance and warranties. Unity Christian will have to pay Ms. Piercy for her services
It was moved by Member Orman-Luker, seconded by Member Barnett, to approve the purchase of SMART Boards by Cheryl Piercy, Technology Coordinator, dependent on approval from Drew Hoffman, Bi-County Director, and supply technology support up to the allotted amount of $11,884.
Member Barnett, yea Member Portz, yea
Member Fish, yea Member St. Ores, yea
Member Orman-Luker, yea
Motion carried.
Dr. Bauer informed the Board that ISBE has notified the District that there is a disproportionate number of white students identified for special education. Dr. Bauer has talked to Drew Hoffman, Bi-County and ISBE. ISBE is not happy about this either but NCLB rules dictates these proportions. Dr. Bauer will complete the paperwork necessary and identify all the wonderful interventions that are implemented at River Bend including Gretchen Courtney, the high school SWIM program and Reading Recovery. The Board will act on the final document.
Additions to the agenda included a letter from a parent praising the Reading Recovery Program.
Dr. Bauer also informed the Board that the kitchens all received scores of 100 on their Whiteside County Health inspection.
Mrs. Dunlap is asking for a second tutor for the homework club at Fulton Elementary School.
It was moved by Member Barnett, seconded by Member Fish, to approve a second tutor for the after school homework club at Fulton Elementary School. Roll Call:
Member Barnett, yea Member Portz, yea
Member Fish, yea Member St. Ores, yea
Member Orman-Luker, yea
Motion carried.
Personnel will be discussed in closed session.
Dr. Bauer recommended using Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc. Great American Plan Administrators as the District’s Third Party Administrator for 403b plans at no cost to the district.
It was moved by Member Orman-Luker, seconded by Member St. Ores, to enter into an agreement with Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc. Great American Plan Administrators as the District’s Third Party Administrator 403b plans at no cost to the district.
Member Barnett, yea Member Portz, yea
Member Fish, yea Member St. Ores, yea
Member Orman-Luker, yea
Motion carried.
Dr. Bauer reminded the Board that the IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference is held November 21, 22, and 23 in Chicago. Members Portz, Barnett, Orman-Luker, and Fish will be attending along with Dr. Bauer.
Dr. Bauer informed the Board that the District Office mailed 2,709 brochures to River Bend CUSD #2 registered voters on October 1, 2008, at a cost of $696.92. There were 145 returned at a cost of $60.90 and thirty of these were re-sent with the correct addresses. Mrs. Wendy Ottens presented to 45 citizens during the October 14, 2008, Kiwanis meeting held at Manny’s Too. Dr. Bauer has no indication on whether the tax will pass or not.
Dr. Bauer informed the Board that the RACE Committee has forwarded a recommendation to the Board to discontinue at this time the administration of Iowa Test of Basic Skills in grades three through eight. This recommendation is made based on the following: ISAT now provides a National Percentile and a Lexile score for each student, teachers see more value in teaching than additional testing, AimsWeb Universal screening is done three times a year, and there is a move to problem solving from testing. The cost of ITBS for grades one through eight was $6,420. The cost of grades 1-2 was $2,471 with a projected saving to the district of $3,949, though the recommendation is not cost based.