APE – Terms, People and Events

Ch.25 – Imperialism and World War I

Instructions: Identify all of the following terms, people and events. Be sure to address the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) and draw and image that represents the term, the reason why that particular person or event was important (DO NOT just draw a picture of a person). All terms to be done by hand.


Term / Detailed Definition
Don’t for get to categorize them / Use the textbook, internet and class notes to address the 5 W’s. Remember you need to be detailed, but it should not be more then 3-5 sentences.
Who – (1) are they or (2) was involved?
Where and When – be sure you include dates and time periods (gen. dates are fine)
What – (1) did they do or happened?
Why – (1) did they do it or did it happen?
Significance - why do we study them/it? Why are they/is it important?


opium war [1839-1842] direct rule/Paternalism Assimilation

indirect rule/Sphere of Influence British Raj British East India Company

Sepoy Mutiny Boer War [1899-1902] Mahdi Revolt

Berlin Conference 1885 Suez Canal Boxer Rebellion

Rudyard Kipling Dr. Livingston Cecil Rhodes

Leopold II of Belgium Mohammed Ali Pasha King Menlik II

Causes of WWI:

Triple Entente Triple Alliance Entente Cordiale

Bosnian Crisis 1908-9 Pan-Slavism Dreadnought

Hague Conferences of 1899 & 1907 Central Powers Allied Powers

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip Militarism

The War

“No Mans Land” Schlieffen Plan Treaty of London 1915 General Helmuth von Moltke Gallipoli Campaign Lusitania

Zimmerman Telegram Irish Easter Rebellion Khaki Girls

Armenian Genocide Arab Revolt T.E. Lawrence

The Peace Process:

Armistice Paris Peace Conference Fourteen Points

self-determination Polish Corridor League of Nations

mandate system Georges Clemenceau Vittorio Orlando

Use these questions to help you identify the significant information in your reading. We will not cover all of the material in class, thus you should either be outlining or answering these questions as you read to help yourself retain the information. If you have questions on assigned reading, or are having a hard time answer any of these questions be sure to bring them up in class the day after the reading was assigned. This type of textbook work is an expectation, as this is a college class I will not be collecting it, however if you do not do it you are not likely to pass this class or the AP European History Exam

1.  Why did Europeans feel a need to expand? In what ways was this accomplished?

2.  What is Imperialism? How do you think it affected the lives of native peoples?

3.  Identify and define each of the specific motives for imperialism.

4.  Describe the scramble for Africa and the impact it had on both the European Imperialists and Africans. Be sure to look at positive and negative effects.

5.  How did the emergence of Japan as a great power affect Europeans and the United States?

6.  Explain the relationship between industrialization, nationalism and imperialism. How these things could lead to World War I.

7.  Explain the purpose of the Congress of Berlin and its effects.

8.  How did the Triple Alliance develop and in what ways did it affect the balance of power in Europe?

9.  How did the Triple Entente develop and in what was did it affect the balance of power in Europe?

10.  Why did World War I start?

11.  Explain the connection between the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the onset of World War I.

12.  Identify the different fronts of war and the significant battles that took place in each. Be sure to identify which battles were major turning points.

13.  How did the Russian Revolution effect WWI?

14.  How did WWI end, and what was the fate of the Ottoman Empire?

15.  What were the obstacles to peace faced by the people at the Paris Peace Conference?

16.  Identify and explain the different parts of the Treaty of Versailles, did this treaty create a “just and lasting peace”?