Construction Contracting Operations
Level 3
Final Version
This qualification has been developed by relevant sector organisations and practitioners and is published on behalf of the relevant industry’s Sector Skills Council(s) operating in the Built Environment (ConstructionSkills, SummitSkills and AssetSkills)
Those intending to use the Standards in this NVQ/SVQ in order to gain the qualification, should contact the appropriate Awarding Body(s) in order to register and obtain further guidance
Construction Industry Council
The Building Centre, 26 Store Street, London, WC1E 7BT
Telephone: 0207 399 7400 Fax: 020 7399 7425
CIC is a partner in ConstructionSkills
Construction Contracting Operations Level 3
This N/SVQ Level 3 qualification is for technical people working in a wide range of job roles. These include people who might be considered to be office based such as estimators, quantity surveyors, buyers and planners; also people who might be considered to be site based and carry out such functions as dimensional control, surveys, physical testing and work planning. People specialising in technical sales will find Units nineteen to twenty two appropriate.
This award covers all sections of the construction cycle. It includes maintenance and demolition and companies specialising in a single operation such as roofing, shopfitting, plastering etc.
The award has been developed by practising technicians supported by the relevant professional institutions, employer bodies, the Construction Industry Council and CITB-ConstructionSkills. The qualification has been designed to be used across the UK.
This award combines the previous Level 3 qualifications entitled Construction Contracting and Site Technical Support. It has been designed on a ‘core and options’ basis to serve the roles mentioned above. To give it greater flexibility it also includes a general route for the person who doesn’t neatly fit into one of the specified routes.
All candidates must produce evidence from the workplace to meet the requirements of these Construction Contracting Operations standards. However some candidates may need to widen their current job roles to achieve this evidence. This is consistent with the notion that NVQ/SVQs should be diagnostic, developmental and qualifying. The benefits of such challenges are that this award will stretch and develop candidates enhance their performance in the workplace and the performance of their business.
Qualification structure
Candidates taking Routes One to Five are required to complete three Core Units and two specified Option Units and one other Optional Unit. Candidates taking the General Route are required to complete three Core Units plus any three Units from the general list. Candidates can also complete and be certificated for further additional units to meet particular career development needs.
Core and Optional Units
Unit / Route 1Estimating / Route 2
Buying / Route 3
Planning / Route 4
Surveying / Route 5
Support / Route 6
Core 1 / X / X / X / X / X / X
Core 2 / X / X / X / X / X / X
Core 3 / X / X / X / X / X / X
Optional 4
Optional 5
Optional 6
Optional 7 / X
Optional 8 / X / X
Optional 9
Optional 10 / X
Optional 11 / X
Optional 12
Optional 13 / X
Optional 14 / X
Optional 15 / X
Optional 16 / X
Optional 17 / X
Optional 18
Optional 19
Optional 20
Optional 21
Optional 22
The units and elements for Construction Contracting Operations Level 3
Unit C01 Operate health, safety and welfare systems (Based on CIC D27.2/D28.1)
C01.1 Operate health, safety and welfare systems in the workplace
C01.2 Identify hazards and assess risks in the workplace
Unit C02 Prepare programmes and schedules of work (Based on CIC /B11.1/D11.2/F27.1(Imported D6.1/D4.2)
C02.1 Obtain the information needed to take critical decisions
C02.2 Record and store information
C02.3 Confirm project requirements
C02.4 Prepare a work schedule
Unit C03 Develop and maintain working relationships of personal development (Based on CIC F47.1/F43.2/F49.3)[Imported MSC C3.2]
C03.1 Develop and maintain relationships with people
C03.2 Optimise your own resources to meet objectives
C03.3 Undertake personal development in the occupational practice area
Unit O04 Prepare for, collect, analyse and present survey data (Based on CIC B22.1/B22.2/B22.3)
O04.1 Prepare to carry out surveys
O04.2 Carry out surveys
O04.3 Present survey data
Unit O05 Record the condition of property (Based on CIC E12.1/E12.2/E12.3)
O05.1 Confirm a condition survey process
O05.2 Inspect condition of property
O05.3 Prepare and present condition survey reports and records
Unit O06 Prepare drawings and schedules (Based on CIC B62.1/B62.2)
O06.1 Prepare drawings and associated information
O06.2 Prepare schedules
Unit O07 Prepare and process estimate, bid and tender enquiries (Based on CIC D13.1/D13.2/D13.3)
O07.1 Identify potential tenderers
O07.2 Prepare and issue tender documents
O07.3 Check tenders
Unit O08 Prepare tenders (Based on CIC B64.2/D14.1/D14.3)
O08.1 Evaluate estimate, bid and tender enquiry documentation
O08.2 Measure quantities
O08.3 Assess the resource requirements and costs within a tender
Unit O09 Prepare for and organise work operations. (Based on CIC D25.1/D25.2)
O09.1 Prepare for site operations
O09.2 Organise operations
Unit O10 Implement contract work (Based on CIC D25.2/D31.1/D31.2)
O10.1 Implement and control work operations
O10.2 Control contract(s) against agreed quality standards
O10.3 Maintain contract compliance with legal and statutory requirements
Unit O11 Establish and maintain the dimensional control of works (Based on CIC D26.1/D26.2)
O11.1 Apply dimensional control criteria
O11.2 Maintain the dimensional accuracy of works
Unit O12 Prepare for, carry out and present results of physical testing (Based on CIC B26.1/B26.2/B26.3)
O12.1 Prepare for, carry out and present results of physical testing
O12.2 Carry out physical testing
O12.3 Present test data
Unit O13 Plan, review and monitor project methods and progress (Based on CIC D21.1/D21.2/D31.3)
O13.1 Assess and recommend work methods
O13.2 Plan project programming and resourcing
O13.3 Control project progress against agreed programmes
Unit O14 Monitor, maintain and improve supplies of materials (Based on CIC D22.1/D22.2/D22.3)
O14.1 Identify and monitor requirements for materials supply
O14.2 Maintain and record supplies of materials to meet project requirements
O14.3 Contribute to improvements in supplier performance
Unit O15 Recommend, monitor and improve supplies of plant and equipment (Based on CIC D23.2/D23.3)
O15.1 Identify and recommend plant and equipment
O15.2 Monitor economic performance of plant and equipment supplied
Unit O16 Monitor costs, accounts and claims (Based on CIC D31.4/D32.1/D32.2)
O16.1 Monitor contract quantities and costs
O16.2 Prepare interim valuations and final accounts
O16.3 Prepare information for claims for reimbursement for loss and expense
Unit O17 Control expenditure and income (Based on CIC /F32.2/F33.3)/[Imported MSC B4.3]
O17.1 Control expenditure and activities against budgets
O17.2 Identify and record income due
Unit O18 Lead the work of teams and individuals to achieve their objectives (Based on Imported MSC C12.1/C12.2/C12.3]
O18.1 Plan the work of teams and individuals
O18.2 Assess the work of teams and individuals
O18.3 Provide feedback to teams and individuals on their work
Unit O19 Identify, assess and agree customer requirements for products and services (Based on CIC /B11.1)
O19.1 Identify and agree project requirements for products and services
O19.2 Assess construction and operational considerations affecting the provision of products and services
Unit O20 Recommend, advise on and determine the selection and design of products and services (Based on CIC /B52.1/B52.2/B53.1)
O20.1 Prepare and present design recommendations for products and services
O20.2 Advise on the selection and modification to the design recommendation
O20.3 Agree design for products and services
Unit O21 Agree proposals for the provision of products and services (Based on CIC B13.1/B13.2)
O21.1 Prepare and present proposal for the provision of products and services
O21.2 Review and finalise proposals for the provision of products and services
Unit O22 Provide information and advice on products and services (Based on CIC D34.3/F45.1)
O22.1 Exchange information and provide advice on matters of technical concern
O22.2 Obtain and evaluate feedback information
Construction Contracting Operations Level 3 CCOL3
The Unit:
CCOL3/C01 Operate health, safety and welfare systems
The Standards that are part of this Unit
CCOL3/C01.1 Operate health, safety and welfare systems in the workplace
CCOL3/C01.2 Identify hazards and assess risks in the workplace
The Unit Commentary
This Core Unit is about health, safety and welfare policy and its implementation within an organisation. It applies to the workplace whether a site, workshop, office or elsewhere.
CO1.1 Operate health, safety and welfare systems in the workplace
You will need to encourage a culture of health, safety and welfare and carry out inductions. You will need to check systems regularly, report/record information, identify possible improvements and make recommendations for improvement.
CO1.2 Identify hazards and assess risks in the workplace
You will need to identify hazards, obtain and review information relating to them and assess risks. You will need to apply the protection and prevention principles, identify any residual risks and pass on information relating to them.
C01 Operate health, safety and welfare systems
C01.1 Operate health, safety and welfare systems in the workplace
Performance Criteria - this involves...(a) taking responsibility for personal health and safety in the workplace.
(b) encouraging a culture of health, safety and welfare whilst in the workplace and identifying and recommending opportunities for improving the health and safety of the work environment
(c) inducting people and checking that they are correctly certified and monitored whilst in the workplace
(d) maintaining health, safety and welfare equipment and resources which meet statutory requirements
(e) complying with systems which meet statutory requirements for identifying and reducing hazards and reporting accidents and emergencies and preventing recurrences
(f) checking health, safety and welfare systems regularly, in accordance with statutory requirements, and identifying and recording any special workplace conditions and situations which do not comply with regulations
(g) making recommendations for improving the work environment clearly and promptly to stakeholders / The Range...
[1] Workplace
• office;
• workshop;
• factory;
• warehouse;
• site
[2] Inducting:
• health and safety responsibilities;
• work operations;
• health, safety and welfare equipment and resources;
• risk control procedures;
• first aid arrangements
[3] People:
• workforce;
• visitors
[4] Health, safety and welfare equipment and resources:
• protective clothing;
• protective equipment;
• first aid facilities and arrangements;
• welfare facilities;
• storage and security of materials and equipment;
• accident and incident reporting;
• fire fighting equipment;
• provision of health, safety and welfare training
C01 Operate health, safety and welfare systems
C01.1 Operate health, safety and welfare systems in the workplace
The Evidence - performance and processTaken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the performance criteria, across the ranges for the Element.
References in brackets after items in the Evidence specification refer to the corresponding performance criteria, eg. (a), and range, eg. [1], to which they apply.
There must be workplace evidence against each performance criterion. Where the workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant performance criterion.
Product Evidence:
The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following items that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrate competence
(1) Record(s) of health and safety responsibilities and recommendations made (a,b) [3]
(2) Record(s) of implementing, checking and maintaining system(c,d,e,f,g) [1,2,3,4]
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this Element.
Process Evidence:
(1) Record(s) of inducting and monitoring the health safety and welfare of people in the workplace and encouraging the culture, recommending opportunities for improvement and checking certification (a,b) [1.2,3] / Evidence: knowledge and understanding
Established from questioning the candidate or from industry recognised education and training course assessment, which is matched to the Element. A candidate's knowledge and understanding can also be demonstrated through presented performance evidence.
(1) How do you take responsibility for personal health and safety in the workplace? (application) (a) [1,4]
(2) How do you encourage a culture of health, safety and welfare whilst in the workplace? (application) (b) [1,4]
(3) How and why do you recommend opportunities for improving the health and safety of the workplace environment? (synthesis) (b) [1,3]
(4) How do you induct people and check that people are certified and monitored whilst in the workplace? (application) (c) [1,2,3]
(5) How do you maintain health, safety and welfare equipment and resources which meet statutory requirements? (application) (d) [4]
(6) How do you comply with systems which meet statutory requirements for identifying and reducing hazards and reporting accidents and emergencies and preventing recurrences? (application) (e)
(7) How do you check health, safety and welfare systems in accordance with statutory requirements and record any special workplace conditions and situations which do not comply? (application) (f)[1]
(8) What do you identify as special workplace conditions which do not comply with regulations? (understanding) (f) [1]
(9) How and why do you make recommendations for improving the work environment clearly and promptly to stakeholders? (analysis) (g)
C01 Operate health, safety and welfare systems
C01.2 Identify hazards and assess risks in the workplace
Performance Criteria - this involves...(a) identifying the hazards in the workplace arising from work products, processes and equipment that need to be assessed
(b) obtaining and receiving accurate information on any factors relating to the hazards
(c) assessing the significance of the hazards
(d) applying the principles of prevention and protection
(e) identifying the residual risks
(f) checking that resulting information on significant residual risks is provided to the appropriate people / The Range...
[1] Hazards
• falls from height;
• slips, trips and falls (same level);
• hit by falling or moving objects;
• manual handling;
• health issues;
• power sources;
• hazardous substances;
• trapped by something collapsing or overturning;
• confined spaces;
• fire
[2] Workplace:
• office;
• workshop;
• factory;
• warehouse;
• site
[3] Factors:
• injure people;
• cause ill health;
• damage property;
• adversely affect the man-made and built environment;
• cost
[4] Assessing:
• likelihood of occurrence;
• severity of harm incurred
[5] Risks:
• high;
• medium;
• low
[6] Principles of prevention and protection:
• eliminate;
• control at source;
• cumulative protection;
• manage;
• personal protection equipment
C01 Operate health, safety and welfare systems