Instructions for Unknown Bacteria Report for Microbiology 20

Use the Bacteria Determination Chart by first locating if your bacteria was Gram + or Gram – and the shape and focus on that area. Match the tests for the best match and use that bacteria to write your report.

Use the Unknown Report Template and fill in your parts (the blue parts).

You can look at the rubric below to see how it will be graded… as well as the list of the unknown tests we did in the class.

Finally, when you are done with the report, you must email the final report (the template that has been completed by you) to Dr. Sanchez at

NOTE: This email is only for submitting your report.

The report is due Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 10:15am exactly. No late reports are accepted.

If you turn in your report by Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 11:30am, you will receive 15 extra credit point.

Keep in mind neither myself nor Dr. Miranda will answer unknown questions before this cutoff of extra credit.

Grading Rubric for Unknown Bacteria Report for Microbiology 20

Turn a copy of this form paper clipped onto ONEcopy of your unknown report.

Student Name: ______(Fill in)

Genus and Species Concluded: ______

Unknown Bacteria Number: ______(Fill in)

Abstract / 0- Abstract missing or no components present / Each component worth 1 point / 5 – All components present
Introduction / 0 – Intro. missing or components not appropriate / 5 – Missing one or more components or missing last sentence / 10 – All components present
Methods / 0 – Missing or inappropriate methods section / 5 – One or more procedures are missing from the methods section / 10 – Proper methods section. Includes appropriate description
Safety / 0 – Safety section missing or more than two safety considerations missing / 3 – Missing one or two safety considerations / 5 – Safety section is complete and appropriate
Results / 0 – Section missing or multiple (>1/2) experiments are missing / -1 for each missing experiments or experiment with lack of interpretations / 25 – All components of results are properly explained and described
Results (Table) / 0 – Table missing or multiple (>1/2) experiments are missing / -1 – Each Missing experiments not listed or -5 table is disorganized / 25 – All components of table are properly tabled and included
Conclusion / 0- Conclusion missing or both reiteration of results or definitive conclusion both missing / 5- Either reiteration of results or definitive conclusion both missing / 10 – All components of conclusion including reiteration of results and definitive conclusion
Bacteria ID / 0 – Incorrect identification / N/A / 10 – Correct identification
Disease link / 0 – Section missing or multiple components missing / 5 – Missing one component (e.g. disease or treatment) / 10 – All components present
References / 0 – Section missing. Incorrect format, or no additions / 3 – Bad format or no additional entries. / 5 – Correct format and appropriate additional entries.
Writing / 0 – Multiple errors through. Distracting / 3 – Several minor errors. Overall readable. / 5 – No errors or no more than 2 minor errors.
Total Points
Report / Max = 120 points

All observations we have done for unknown bacteria determination

This list is for your information and not needed for the final report to turn in.

  1. Unknown Number
  2. Gram Stain
  3. Streaking, Colony Morphology
  4. Optimal Temperature
  5. Pigmentation, Bacteria Color
  6. Phenol Red Tests
  7. Simmons Citrate
  8. Motility
  9. Gelatinase / Gelatin Agar
  10. Kligers Iron Agar
  11. MRVP Test
  12. Catalase (H2O2 Test)