Instructions for Setting-Up Your Company
1. Decide on who holds what position in company
- Accountant
- Telecommunications
- Graphic Designer
- Programmer
2. CEO will type up the names of employees along with what job they will be doing (some may have to do more than one job if you don't have 5 people in your group) and what computer number they are assigned to. The table # you are sitting at should be at the top of the page.Title this sectionEmployees.
3. Next the group will start brainstorming on product ideas. CEO should decide who types the information. All ideas are good ideas and should be written down - voting will take place later. This section should be named Products. After you have come up with at least15 items voting will take place. The voting is as follows:
- Everyone votes on every suggestion
- If you really like the idea hold up 3 fingers
- If you sorta like the idea hold up 2 fingers
- If you don't like the idea hold up 1 finger
- Once again - everyone votes for every item.
- Record the votes on the file next to the items.
- Have a second round of voting for the top 3-5 items.
- Once again record the voting.
- When you have decided on a product(s) note this at the top of the page along with your table #.
4. The next project will be naming your company. You will follow the same procedure as with choosing a product. Title this section as Company Name.
The Above Assignments are for a Grade......
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Instructions for Setting-Up Your Company
1. Decide on who holds what position in company
- Accountant
- Telecommunications
- Graphic Designer
- Programmer
2. CEO will type up the names of employees along with what job they will be doing (some may have to do more than one job if you don't have 5 people in your group) and what computer number they are assigned to. The table # you are sitting at should be at the top of the page before you print. Save file and call it Employees.
3. Next the group will start brainstorming on product ideas. CEO should decide who types the information. All ideas are good ideas and should be written down - voting will take place later. This file should be named Products. After you have come up with at least15 items voting will take place. The voting is as follows:
- Everyone votes on every suggestion
- If you really like the idea hold up 3 fingers
- If you sorta like the idea hold up 2 fingers
- If you don't like the idea hold up 1 finger
- Once again - everyone votes for every item.
- Record the votes on the file next to the items.
- Have a second round of voting for the top 3-5 items.
- Once again record the voting.
- When you have decided on a product(s) note this at the top of the page along with your table # and print.
4. The next project will be naming your company. You will follow the same procedure as with choosing a product. You will need to print the file and it should be saved asCompany Name.
The Above Assignments are for a Grade......