1. Apologies for Absence

All counties except Northumberland/Durham, Wiltshire and Yorkshire were present. J Baxter also sent his apologies.

  1. The 2012 minutes were approved.

Proposed R Walton, Seconded ROwens. Passed

  1. Matters Arising : None
  1. Chairman’s Report

All welcomed to the meeting and congratulated the various Trophy winners. He thanked the Committee for all their hard work and especially Michael Webb for his work on the website together with Peter Pearson. . There had been problems with the Play Cricket website which were ongoing. He commented on the fact we had grown so dynamically that the extra work load was impacting back on certain individuals on the Committee. He hoped that ‘’the old adage of not pleasing everyone all of the time’’ was taken into account! He hated politics in sport and we must make sure everything is geared towards the business end of the Championship. He thanked Spitfire for their five year tenure and also the ECB for their generous donation for the 70+ Tests v Australia.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer circulated the annual accounts and showed that we had made a surplus of £1700 for the year. He thanked the ECB for the funds donated for the 70+ Test Matches and indicated that the surplus from these would be ring fenced for further such matches.

Acceptance of the accounts was Proposed by C Watson and seconded by A Jenner and passed nem con.

  1. Confirmation of Officers

All were confirmed in post for 2014.

  1. Confirmation of New Committee Members

The following were proposed:

G HowgateB Early/C Theedom

M SavageR Owen/B Early

B BriscoeM Armitage/D Ebbage

All were elected nem con.

All other members were confirmed in their responsibilities.

  1. Election of Auditor

B Peay was proposed by the Committee and elected nem con.

  1. Election of President

David Lloyd was confirmed for a further year but we were looking for a more inter-active President for 2015 .

  1. Sponsorship

Shepherd Neame (Spitfire) , our sponsors for the last 10 years had informed us that they now wished to terminate the association . DMS the owner and sponsor of the Spitfire website is believed to be having restructuring problems. The Chairman will ensure that our website is retained. Seevent (Plastics) Ltd had proposed to sponsor us for£2500 per annum for the next four years and give other support If their name was used.

It was moved that we should now call ourselves:


Proposer: R Swann Seconder: D Ebbage. Passed nem con.

  1. Subscriptions

The Committee moved that these should remain the same for 2014.

Ie £ 100 60’s 1st, £40 for each other team.

Proposed: S Lott, Seconded: A Hurworth . Passed nem con.

12a. Amendments to Constitution

Accepted. (i) Proposed: L Attard, Seconded: J Phillips

(ii) Proposed: C Watson, Seconded: C Ainger

Nem con

12b. Structure of Leagues

1st 4 Groups. Proposed: L Attard Seconded: C Croucher

Accepted 23 votes to 4.

2nd 3 Groups. Proposed :H Smith Seconded :J Wilde

Accepted nem con .

3rd 1 Group

70’s 2 Groups (note only counties with a 70+ team to vote)

Accepted 6 votes to 4.

Playing days

These would be set by the Committee as

Tuesday 60 1st

Wednesday 60 2nd60 3rd

Thursday 7060 2nd

These days could be varied by any County with the permission of their opponents, except that Over 70 1st XI matches will never be played on a Tuesday, so as not to conflict with the other Flagship Tournament, the Over 60 1st XI, and vice versa

Passed by 15 votes to 4.

The KO stages to be seeded. Proposed R Swann Seconded: S Lynch .

Passed nem con .

For the 2nd XI’s the top three teams in the South group and the top two in the other groups will go into the Cup and the Plate will also be contested. This will be run by Dave Yorath.

Proposed: H Smith Seconded: L Atard . Passed nem con.

Failure to Play

All Cup games are mandatory. All Plate/Bowl games are discretionary no penalty points (10/7) . If unable to obtain a home ground, the game may be played either neutral or away grounds by mutual consent.

Failure to play a Cup game will result in a 20 point deduction at the start of the following season.

Passed by 12 votes to 10.


60+ No change

70+ Should be for over 70’s only. Currently anyone over 68 could play but the 70 at date of match will be phased in over two years. In 2016 only 70+ will be able to play.

Passed by 17 votes to 1.

70+ should be a 12 a side game normally.

Voting 5/5. Motion failed on the Chair’s casting vote .ECB rules will continue

Selection for lower XI’s

The proposals were deemed to be too complex and unworkable. The vote was 17/2 to retain the status quo with the Committee monitoring the games and able to reverse any result if there is wrong doing.

Inclement Weather

Matches must be cancelled in good time. If a match is called off after the away team has started to travel. The fixture will become a home match for the travelling team.

Passed 13 votes to 3.

Report of results

Brief details must be with the Website Administrator by midnight on the day of the match. Not played or abandoned match also.

Full details to the Website Administrator within 24 hours.

Home County responsible for full scoreboard details on Play Cricket within 7 days ,

Persistent offenders will be docked points , and the Committee will be far more proactive in this regard

Passed : nemcon .

Match Conditions

Minimum overs

The minimum overs each side must play for a result remains 30 overs .

Passed : 30 votes to 1 .

Uncompleted Matches

There will be only one attempted replay. If no result both sides will be awarded their average points for the season and not the 11 points of previously.

Passed : 20votes to 1 .

13. Extra Competition

The Committee proposed an extra voluntary KO competition for the lower 1st XI teams . There was no desire for this.


Web master Michael Webb £800

Play Cricket Administrator Peter Pearson £400

Executives of Committee £250

Passed : Nem con .

15. Tours /Internationals 2014

We have a reasonably strong Test Party currently plus and are still chasing other players. There will also be a non-test touring party. The tour is now reasonably certain.

Internationals will also be played against Wales, Scotland and hopefully an ECB 50+ XI.

The Australians Tour here was in some doubt as only 6 Counties would accept the Australians retirement rule, formerly at 35 and now at 50. Many commented if they wanted to come here they should play cricket as it has always been played and not try and impose on us ‘’mickey mouse/ farcical’’ cricket. Suffolk and Gloucestershire were happy to play retirement at 50 but 25 counties were against. The Chairman will discuss further with the Australians. It was felt the Australian Captain can always call his own players in if he is unable to vary the Batting order match to match but that the English Counties would play as normal. As they wish to play upwards of 15matches in three weeks, they would have more than enough batting, certainly more than their UK counterparts!

There will be another Festival at La Manga in October 2015. The Australians have promised to come. All counties are requested to state if they want a place. It will be over a week and will cost ca £800 per person for flight,room, food and cricket.The Australians (Victoriabased)are happy to play normal cricket rules.

17. Website

The Chairman congratulated Michael Webb on a sterling job and noted the Website has many hits from outside the UK, showing the enormous interest in Masters Cricket.It is by far and away the most comprehensive and informative website in any form of International Masters Cricket.

18. Balls

Kreeda have agreed to sponsor us with £500 and will be the ball supplier for 2015. the logo on the ball will reflect our new sponsors Seevent . There will be a review for 2015.

19. Defibrillators

A number of Counties have already purchased these, the cost of these is currently £700 + VAT from Physio Control. Counties should talk to Graeme Howgate for further information. One source can be County Heart Charities.

The Committee is considering making this compulsory for all our member teams.

20. Insurance

All counties should have all their teams insured to cover injuries both in matches and during travel. All counties should check their policies to ensure there is full cover.

Key suppliers of this type of Insurance are:


OVAL INSURANCE 01-243-793756 (Paul Goodman)

21 Health

The Chairman spoke about Health and the sad fact that Paul Rice, his opening partner for Norfolk (15 years)and England passed away suddenly on February 16. He had negotiated a 20% discount from LIFESCAN , the leader in MRI/CT scans for the Over 40’s –he highly recommended them as they show with finite detail all your inner body and so give the individual the chance to negate a terminal disease before it goes too far, as was currently happening to three of our members.

He also explained why the human cells need feeding daily with pure vitamins and antioxidants as the food we eat and the water we now drink is broadly contaminated. This leads to gross free radical damage and oxidative stress witness the explosion of the 75 degenerative diseases proliferating. He explained the enormous difference between EU/UK Food supplement ‘’Vitamins’’and Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements such as USANA , 96% purity as against 3% for UK top brand Centrum....

.com was the website and the Company supplying all the WTA PGA and over 600 Olympic Athletes. They also were the top Company out of 1650 Vitamin Supplements analysed in the ‘’Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements’’. A donation to Charity would be given for each initial order placed.

The meeting closed at 3:47 pm

Dr Gil Collins

Hon Sec