Promotional Service

This ceremony may to be used for the transfer of Senior Youth to the Young Adult Missionary Society (YAMS) either in conjunction with morning worship or as a separate service. Discuss and plan ceremony with YAMS Coordinator. You may alter the ceremony to fit your needs. It is suggested that the Youth being promoted wear all white, young men may wear white shirts and black pants. All other Youth and YAMS should wear departmental colors.



Processional (Youth to be promoted)

Call to Worship


Opening Hymn “Take My Life, and Let it Be”

Scripture Philippians 1:3-6, 9-11




*If done in conjunction with a worship service it is suggested that ceremony open with the singing of an appropriate hymn.


Youth Theme Song (1 verse) “Give of Your Best to the Master”

Give of your best to the Master;
Give of the strength of your youth.
Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ardor
Into the battle for truth.
Jesus has set the example,
Dauntless was He, young and brave.
Give Him your loyal devotion;
Give Him the best that you have.


Give of your best to the Master;
Give of the strength of your youth.
Clad in salvation’s full armor,
Join in the battle for truth.

Have Youth being promoted come forward.

Promotion Litany (Adaptation of YAMS motto and theme song)

Leader: As Jesus in his youth increased in wisdom and favor, grant that these youth may attain spiritual and human maturity as they move forward into the Young Adult Missionary Society.

YAMS: With hearts and hands let them reach up to God for strength and direction.

Youth: We pledge our all in service to the master, we’ll give to Him our best in every way.

Leader:God bless our youth that they may grow into women and men who honor you, and reflect the best of their families and communities.

YAMS: Let them reach out to love and touch others

Youth: Lord guide our feet, lest we should go astray.

Leader: As, they experience the difficult task of becoming adults, guide them in the pursuit of faith, identity, and purpose.

YAMS: Let them reach down to lift fallen humanity.

Youth: Keep us forever in the path of righteousness, give us the faith we need to do your will.

Leader: Dear Lord, let your Holy Spirit fall fresh on these youth as they grow into adulthood. We give thanks for their dedication and commitment your service. We pray for your continued guidance in their daily lives. This being our promise, our praise and our petition. Amen.

YAMS Coordinator or appointee(s) should then make a presentation of passage. (Suggestions for presentation: YAMS emblem pin, YAMS stole, white or peach rose.)

YAMS Theme Song (1 verse) “Our Promise, Praise and Petition”

We pledge our all in service to the Master.

We’ll give to Him our best in every way.

The road is hard. Lord, keep us from dis-as-ter,

And guide our feet, lest we would go astray.

Oh, thank you Lord for the many ways that you can bless,

And calm our hearts when life seems all “up-hill,”

Keep us for-ev-er in the path of right-eous-ness,

Give us the faith we need to do your precious will.

Have Pastor and Parent Body President offer congratulations and make remarks at this time if they desire.

Closing Remarks and Announcements

Missionary Benediction

“God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause His face to shine upon us and give us peace. Amen.”

Youth Promotion Service submitted by Vicki L. Breaux, July 2015.