
Morning Worship June16, 2013

Welcome to Mount Zion---Happy Father’s Day!

Prelude------Kathy Flake and Melba Jones

Welcome and Announcements


Hymn #779------“I’ll Fly Away”

Children’s Message

Prayer of Praise, Thanksgiving, and Petition

Special Music------Dean & Wanda Shue

Presentation of Father of the Year

Fellowship Time (nursery begins for children 4 years old or younger)

Offertory Prayer and Receiving of Tithes and Offerings

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heav’nly host. Praise Father, son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Scripture------“Deuteronomy 6:6-9”


Hymn of Invitation #630------“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

Closing Prayer and Benediction


Please stand as you are able

See insert for Prayer List

We never outgrow our need of Fathers,

because we are never too big for Fathers to

stoploving us, holding us, nurturing us!

That’s the character of a Father.

Even Jesus, King of Kings, our Lord, bowed and said-


Today we thank our Heavenly Father for giving us

the gift of our Earthly Fathers!


Record for June 9th

Attendance: Sunday School: 29 Worship: 97

Opportunities for the Week

Wednesday------6:30PM------Adult Bible Study


Happy Birthday to: Johnnie Parker (Thurs)

 There will be a VBS meeting on June 30th. ALLVBS workers should

plan to attend. Lunch will be provided.

ALL chairpersons need to attend the Quarterly Business Meeting on

Thursday, June 27th @ 7:30PM. Please bring your Quarterly Reports.

We need volunteers to serve as nursery keepers. Please see Wanda or

Denise if you would like to help out.

The Ladies Circle is collecting plastic utensils and paper goods for

Allied Church’s Homeless Shelter. Please place items in thebox

labeled for this in the vestibule.

The “Just THREE” Food Drive for Loaves & Fishes is an ongoing ministry at our

church---each person is invited to bring THREE nonperishable food items each Sunday to help feed the hungry in our community. Now that school is out

so many children will not be getting meals at school so we have changed the

number to help meet that need.

Looking Ahead

June 27 2013------Quarterly Business Meeting

June 29 2013------Men’s Prayer Breakfast

June 30 2013------Deacon’s Fund Collection

VBS Meeting

July 21st-24th 2013------Vacation Bible School

Welcome to our visitors! We are glad you chose to worship with us today. Please fill out a visitor card from the pew back in front of you & put it in the offering plate. May God bless

youand we hope to see you again, real soon,

Nursery today: Debbie Byrd Nursery next Sunday: Cynthia Davis
