Instructions for Preparing Abstract forQualify Examination (QE)

Author Name

Department of ASEM, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University

Fundamental Research I ~Simulation of Nanostructure Formation in Honjo Laboratory~

1. Introduction

This document presents instructions for preparing camera-ready abstract for Qualify Examination (QE) of Green Asia program. The set of instructions is given in the style and format to be used by the authors. The abstracts will be printed and bound in the abstracts book on the day of QE.

A three-page camera-ready abstract must be sent to GA office by e-mail () until 12:00, 25th August, 2015 as a “MS-word” or “pdf” document.

2. General Instructions

2.1. Contents

The abstracts should contain three researches in different laboratories (laboratory rotation). Each research should be written about one page with a concise description of the objectives of studies, method of approach, significant results and conclusions.

2.2.Page Format

Prepared abstracts must be camera-ready and in 3 pages. Use A4 size paper. Set the top and bottom margin to 25 mm, and the left and right margins to 20 mm.

Text must be typed clearly in English. At the center top of the first page, the title of the paper, author name and affiliationshould be given.

The main text should be typed single-spaced in the two columns. Place a blank line between the sections. Section and subsection headings, if any, should be bold and italic, respectively.Sections should be numbered as shown in this document. Justify the column at both the right and the left.

2.3. Figures and Tables

Figure captions should be placed below the figures; table captions above the tables. Arabic numerals should be used for figures like Fig. 1, and Roman numerals for tables like Table I.

2.4. Equations

Equations, if any, should appear on a separate line from the text with a blank space above and below. The equation number should appear in parentheses flush with the right margin, as shown below for eq. (1).

y = mx+c. (1)

Fig. 1. This is an example of a Figure.

Table I. Desirable Fonts.

Font size / Style / Text
10pt / Affiliation, Main text
10pt / Bold / Headings (e.g., 1. Introduction)
12pt / Author name
14pt / Bold / Title
10pt / Italic / Subheadings (e.g., Page Format)
12pt / Italic / Title of each research
9pt / References, Tables, Table captions, Figure captions


Use proportional serif fonts such as Times New Roman. Font styles and sizes as specified in Table I are desirable. Fonts for double-byte characters such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. fonts cannot be used.

2.6. References

List and number all the references, if any, at the end of the abstract. The reference style in accordance with the given examples below is recommended. When referring to them in the text, the reference number should be designated by square brackets like this [1, 2].

3. Conclusions

A typical example of the page style and format for the camera-ready abstracts for QE has been given.

Fundamental Research II ~Research of Hydrogen Energy System in Suzaki Laboratory ~

1. Introduction

2. Experimental

3. Result and Discussion

4. Conclusions

Fundamental Research III ~Research of Crystal Physics and Engineering in Nishida Laboratory ~

1. Introduction

2. Experimental

3. Result and Discussion

4. Conclusions


[1] D. Krüger et al., Surface and Interface Analysis, 33(8), 663 (2002).

[2] J. Murota, Extended Abstracts of the 2003 International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting (2003) p. xxx.