Instructions for Preparation of A Paper for PGBiomed/ISC 2014

C. J. James1

1School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK


Abstract - This two-page paper is a sample that contains information for preparation of a paper for PGBiomed/ISC 2014, the IEEE EMBSS UKRI Postgraduate Conference at the University of Warwick, July 8-10, 2014. The sample is written in the format required. Please carefully follow the instructions provided to ensure legibility and uniformity of all papers. All papers must be submitted electronically. Please visit the web site ( for further information.


Papers to be submitted to the conference are peer reviewed. The papers should have sufficient detail to clearly explain the authors' idea, method or formulation. Papers should include an abstract of no more than 100 words. The paper should be in double-column format and within the two-page limit, including figures, tables and references. Papers longer than two pages will not be considered for review.


The papers to be submitted should consist of introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. It is recommended that the authors should try to emphasise novelty and originality of the work as much as they can.

The papers must be in Microsoft Word formats for A4 size paper. Use a typeface such as Times or Times New Roman, and use the type sizes specified in Table I throughout the paper.

The papers should be prepared in double-column format. Papers should have the paper title, author(s) and affiliation(s) centred on the top of the first page across both columns.

A. Additional Information

Please follow the IEEE standards for items such as title, headings and sub-headings, symbols, abbreviations, equations, figures and tables. Figure captions should be placed under the figures while table captions should be over the tables.

When citing references, type the corresponding reference number at the end of the sentence [1]-[3]. Examples for listing of book, conference and journal papers are respectively given in references [1]-[3].



Place of text /

Type sizes and appearance

Authors’ Names
Affiliation, Address, e-mail
Main Text
Section Titles
Figure Captions
Table Captions
References / 12 ptsBoldAll capitals
11 pts
9 pts
10 pts
10 ptsitalic
8 pts
8 ptsBold
10 ptsAll capitals
8 pts
8 ptsAll capitals
8 pts
8 pts

The use of spelling and grammar checkers is strongly recommended. Please try to place tables and figures at the top or bottom of the columns.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vulputate dignissim odio ut dignissim. Suspendisse cursus consequat ante at varius. Aenean viverra elit eu consectetur dapibus. Nam et turpis vitae erat condimentum tempor egestas quis arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam ac dui semper leo mollis suscipit. Maecenas posuere arcu nisl, vitae gravida neque pellentesque at. Pellentesque ut pulvinar est. Mauris sem purus, aliquam eget congue sit amet, rutrum at orci. Sed vulputate commodo dui vitae tempus. Curabitur condimentum erat eget vulputate rhoncus. Integer eu leo sit amet ipsum suscipit tristique. Morbi tincidunt tristique justo, ut ultricies sem condimentum vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Duis suscipit posuere eros auctor aliquet. Proin commodo luctus tempus. Quisque consectetur metus velit, non congue odio facilisis ac. Integer vulputate sapien a aliquet malesuada. Cras blandit nisl tortor, et tristique nunc porta id. Vivamus scelerisque convallis hendrerit. Vestibulum gravida rhoncus venenatis. Mauris quis velit fermentum, posuere orci et, mollis odio. Donec tincidunt turpis id orci tincidunt, quis blandit lacus eleifend. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin molestie sapien at metus euismod, ut adipiscing lorem consectetur.

Nulla eu lacus ac libero posuere ullamcorper at a libero. Sed dignissim consectetur lorem vitae feugiat. Maecenas quis nulla nec felis vehicula viverra. Proin bibendum semper hendrerit. Sed vel turpis arcu. Maecenas nec metus metus. Morbi sed justo a est lobortis pharetra. Curabitur tempus, libero eu sodales adipiscing, justo purus pellentesque tortor, vitae ultricies neque enim sit amet ipsum. Suspendisse venenatis, nisl ac eleifend consequat, lorem enim malesuada sem, sed euismod arcu tortor quis erat. Etiam iaculis aliquet sem ut bibendum.

Proin molestie imperdiet purus. Cras nec blandit tortor. Mauris orci lectus, dignissim ut nisi eget, condimentum placerat dui. Phasellus egestas magna vel sodales bibendum. Integer pulvinar, turpis a porta lobortis, leo tellus fringilla augue, aliquam interdum justo ligula suscipit urna. Ut leo magna, tempus at varius faucibus, tempus a elit. In mattis, libero nec fermentum blandit, mauris dui pretium dolor, at egestas risus turpis at risus. Sed in enim libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque non lacinia felis, vitae placerat lacus. Vestibulum odio libero, elementum eget ultricies vel, dapibus ut odio. Sed dignissim ornare tortor id tempus. Curabitur ac euismod massa. Ut pulvinar leo a cursus convallis. Nullam lacinia eu dolor sodales auctor. Vivamus id tempor velit.

Etiam vestibulum, est eget scelerisque convallis, sapien est ultricies nibh, interdum ornare lectus nunc placerat augue. Duis non lacinia lacus, sed volutpat magna. Suspendisse in ligula mollis leo pharetra pulvinar id eu urna. Proin at lorem sit amet enim sagittis feugiat. Proin non felis sed lorem sollicitudin sagittis. Sed tincidunt condimentum velit, vitae varius neque dictum et. Morbi blandit sapien in neque facilisis, et adipiscing felis eleifend. Duis lectus nulla, eleifend at molestie vitae, tempor non est. Mauris a nisl ut diam tempus dictum.


This guideline has been prepared for authors of papers for the IEEE EMBS UKRI Postgraduate Conference, to be held at the University of Warwick on July 8-10, 2014. Further details regarding the meeting, registration, accommodation and activities during the meeting can be found on the web site of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Student Society - UK & Republic of Ireland

IV. References

[1]W. Welkowitz, S. Deutsch and M. Akay, Biomedical instruments: theory and design, Academic Press, 2nd Ed., 1992.

[2]H. Seker, M. Odetayo, D. Petrovic, R.N.G. Naguib, C. Bartoli, L. Alasio, M.S. Lakshmi and G.V. Sherbet, “Prognostic Comparison of Statistical, Neural and Fuzzy Methods of Analysis of Breast Cancer Image Cytometric Data”, the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Istanbul, Turkey, October 25-28, 2001.

[3]C.J. James and D. Lowe, “Using dynamical embedding to isolate seizure components in the ictal EEG”, IEE Proceedings: Science, Measurement and Technology, vol.147(6), 2000, pp. 315-320.