Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Unit 3.3
Marriage & the Family / Unit 10.2
Community & Tradition / Unit 3.4 Religion & Community Cohesion / Unit 10.1
Beliefs & Values / Unit 10.4
Living the Christian Life / Summer Exams
Work Experience
  • Changing attitude to marriage, divorce, family life & homosexuality in the UK.
  • Christian attitudes to sex outside of marriage.
  • The purposes of marriage in Catholic Christianity.
  • Christian attitudes to divorce.
  • Why family life is important for Catholics.
  • How Catholic parishes help with the upbringing of children.
  • How Catholic parishes help to keep families together.
  • Christian attitudes to homosexuality.
  • Different methods of contraception.
  • Different Christian attitudes to contraception.
  • How an issue from marriage & the family has been presented in one form in the media.
  • The meaning, & importance for Catholics, of the Church as the means to faith & salvation.
  • The meaning, & importance for Catholics, of the Church as the Body of Christ.
  • The meaning & importance for Catholics, of the Church as the communion of saints.
  • Why the Bible has authority & importance for Catholics.
  • The Apostolic Tradition & Apostolic Succession.
  • The role & importance of the Magisterium for Catholics.
  • The meaning & importance of protestant beliefs about the authority of the Church.
  • The role & importance of the Pope, & Bishops in the Catholic Church.
  • The role & importance of the priest in the local church.
  • Why Christians have different attitudes to the celibacy of the clergy.
  • The role & importance of the Virgin Mary for Catholics.
  • How & why attitudes to the roles of men & women have changed in the UK.
  • Different Christian attitudes to equal rights for women in R.E.
  • The nature of the UK as a multi-ethnic society.
  • Government action to promote community cohesion in the U.K.
  • Why Catholics should help to promote facial harmony.
  • The work of the Catholic Church to help asylum seekers & immigrant workers.
  • The U.K. as a multi-faith society.
  • Differences among Christians in their attitudes to other religions.
  • Issues raised for religion by a multi-faith society.
  • Ways in which religions work to promote community cohesion in the U.K.
  • How an issue from religion & community cohesion has been presented in one form of the media.
  • The meaning, & importance of Christians, of believing in God as Unity & Trinity.
  • The meaning, & importance for Christians, of believing in God as the Father.
  • The meaning, & importance for Christians, of believing in God as Creator.
  • The meaning, & importance for Christians, of believing that Jesus is the Son of God.
  • The meaning, & importance for Christians, of believing in the Holy Spirit.
  • The meaning, & importance of Christian beliefs about salvation from sin.
  • The meaning & importance of loving God & how love of God affects Christian’s Lives.
  • The meaning, & importance of Christian teachings on the love of others.
  • How love of God is expressed in the life of a religious community.
  • How a Christian church shows love of God & love of others in a local area.
  • The meaning of vocation & why it’s important for Christians.
  • How & why Christians show vocation in daily life & work.
  • How & why some Christians show vocation by taking Holy orders.
  • How & why some Christians are involved in working for social & community cohesion.
  • How and why Christians use the Ten Commandments as a guide for living.
  • How & why Christians use the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount on the re-interpretation of the Law of Moses as a guide for living.
  • How & why Christians use the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount on displaying religion as a guide for living.
  • How & why Christians use the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount on Christians & money as a guide for living. Matthew 6: 19-34.
  • How & why Christians use the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount on judgement & the Golden Rule as a guide for living. Matthew 7: 1-5 & Matthew 7: 7-15
  • How one Catholic organization helps to relieve poverty & suffering in the U.K.St Vincent de Paul society.
  • Why Catholic organizations help to relieve poverty & suffering in the U.K.