The Holocaust, Genocide, and Modern Humanity

ID 1800/ Dr. Dennis B. Klein

Team up with two of your classmates to complete this worksheet. Make sure your team is ready to demonstrate its searching strategies to your classmates on the SmartBoard!!

Let’s take this in steps:

1.  Go to the Library’s home page located at; click Articles & More; click Multidisciplinary from the Subject menu of the Databases page; and then select ProQuest Research Databases (ProQuest).

2.  Search for scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles. What search statement did you type into the database?

3.  You can narrow your search by clicking a specific topic from the Suggested Topics box. This will give you targeted search results. Click the Scholarly Journals tab to view the list of scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles.

4.  Now type a revised search statement into the database’s search box, this time incorporating a search phrase such as “human rights” along with the search terms relating to genocide. Combine your search terms with Boolean operators (AND, OR) and utilize parentheses and truncation symbols (*) when appropriate. What search statement did you type into the database?

5.  Browse through the results list and record the citation information for one relevant scholarly article that’s available in full-text format:

6.  Some articles on the results list will NOT be available in full-text format through the ProQuest Research Databases. By clicking Find a Copy just beneath the article’s title and then clicking the TOUR button for such articles, you may be able to locate full-text through one of the library’s other databases.

What database provides full-text access to this article:

Part A:

Let’s take this in steps:

1.  Go to the Library’s home page located at; click Periodicals List; and then click Periodicals List again. [Hint: Type the journal name in the search box and click Go. Click the database name to access the journal.]

2.  What Kean University Library databases provide access to the full-text article?

3.  List the missing author name(s) in the citation above:

Part B:

4.  Browse through the full-text article’s References and record the citation information for one resource on this list:

5.  Is this resource available in full-text format through the Kean University Library?

Let’s take this in steps:

1.  Go to the Library’s home page located at; and then click Books, E-books, Videos, & More.

2.  Browse through the results list and record the citation information for one relevant book that is located either in the Holocaust Resource Center or the main collection: