A meeting of Mumby Parish Council was held in Beckets on Tuesday 21st July 2015at 7.15pm

Present:CouncillorsJoan Stapleton (Chairman), Selma Harrington, Mick Spencer,Roger Gilburd, JeanMorlini, Jean Bradley and Peter Lawley-Wright.

Also Present:District Councillor Alan Vassarand 4 members of the public.

  1. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: The Chairman welcomed all those present

During the 15 Minute public foruma member of the public brought the council’s attention to the fact that there was no longer a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in the village. There was no-one in an official capacity to carry on. It will be put in the next available newsletter.

Cllr Vassar offered the village use of gazebos and other event equipment should it be needed.

  1. APOLOGIES: County Cllr Colin Davie
  1. NOTES OF LAST MEETINGheld on 19th May and the Planning meeting of 16th June 2015 were unanimously approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman.

a)Insurance had been taken out with Came and Company. The previous insurer, Community Lincs had been paid a cancellation fee of £50 in lieu of the 3 year agreement. There had still been a saving of £50.

b)Couts Lane potholes had been filled in by the council with rough chippings.


Dist Cllr Vassar reported that only one meeting had been held so far at ELDC where no business was discussed but he expected to be able to give an update by the next meeting. There had been an infestation of flies in Orby and Welton and a chicken farm had been identified as being the problem. He asked that anyone who has a fly problem should report it to Environmental Health as it was possible to identify whether the flies come from chickens or cattle.

Cllr Lawley-Wright noted that the green box had been installed in the village for super-fast broadband (SFBB) which would be available from 28th September. However, those wishing to take advantage of SFBB would need to upgrade with their supplier which could incur additional charges. There are suspicions that some of those remaining on ordinary BB could find their speed becomes slower.


a)The clerk reported that a letter had been received from the British Legion inviting the chairman to an event for the laying up of the Standard and Dedication of New Standard at the Alford Church on 2nd August. The Chairman had agreed to attend.

b)A letter from the Leader of ELDC, Craig Leyland had been received stating that he wished to visit as many PC meetings as possible.


After discussion it was resolved that the standing orders should be amended as follows:-

Item 1a) delete the words “at Beckets Community Centre, Mumby”

Item 1d) replace the words “in June of each year” to “between 1st March and 1st June each year”.

Item 2c) insert a comma after “has been elected” and delete the words “The current Chairman of the Council”.

After making the changes the clerk would circulate to all councillors.


a)The financial statement as at the 30th June 2015 showing a balance at the bank of £10809 was approved.

b)Payment of accounts was approved for £50 to Community Lincs (already paid), £30 to A O’Brien for internal audit work, £144.34 to clerk for expenses, £457.50 to R Aldrich for grasscutting and £2.47 to LALC for the Councillors Guide publication. It was agreed to purchase another three Councillors Guides.

c)A request for a donation towards the running costs of the village magazine was requested. It was agreed that a District Councillor grant for £200 would be requested


a)The planning application by Energiekontor for erection of four turbines at Asserby had been refused.

b)It was agreed to support the changes to the planning application for Simon Field Farm at Anderby junction.


a)Speeding signs – It had been agreed to take up the offer by Alford Police for the loan of an electronic speeding sign. They would be in contact when it becomes available.

b)The clerk noted that the notice boards needed attention: the one in the layby needed restraining chains fitted to avoid breakage by the wind when opening, the church notice board was becoming unstable in the ground and the one by the Red Lion needs repainting and cleaning up. Cllr Lawley-Wright agreed to look into this.

c)Shop Hill – The clerk reported that one of the allotment holders had strimmed the whole of Shop Hill. The council were very grateful for this but should further strimming be required in the future, the council should consider a payment. Whilst the strimming had taken place, other problems came to light (1) that the fence on the west side was falling down and the trees were encroaching onto the lane (2) that bushes had been allowed to grow into the east side of the lane (3) that rats had been noticed at the back of the property which housed an aviary and (4) that a car was being parked at the entrance to the lane. It was agreed that Cllr Bradley would take up the problem of the fence and the trees with the owner and that the clerk would talk with the owners of the other problem areas.

d)Churchyard trees survey. The clerk noted that in the previous year the trees on the perimeter of the churchyard had been surveyed and maintained accordingly. She suggested and it was agreed that she should contact the Tree Department at LCC with a view to getting the other trees surveyed.


a)Allotment upkeep. The clerk was in the process of drafting a new allotment agreement and would circulate this to all councillors for comments. Discussion took place on whether the planting of trees should be allowed, whether dogs could be taken on the allotments and what approach to take with regard to issuing the new agreement.

b)The water pump at the far end of the allotments had been broken and had now been repaired by one of the allotment holders but needed fixing more firmly. The clerk was given approval for expenditure of up to £100 to get this repaired by the same allotment holder and was asked to contact him.


The heating at Becketts Community Centre was totally inadequate, was noisy and not fit for purpose. Discussion took place on how to go about this and it was agreed, in the first instance that as discussions were being held on the church constitution, Cllr Lawley-Wright would contact Rev. Terry Bardell to get his opinion.


It was noted that there were problems with some of the public footpaths where the paths had been covered where Anglian Water works had been working and that piles of stones and chippings were across a right of way.

The Chairman and Cllr Morlini would again walk the paths and identify any problem areas.


The next Parish Council meeting was confirmed at Beckets on Tuesday 15th September2015 at 7.15 p.m.


RWE Triton Knoll and Hedges /Pavements would be put on the September agenda

Cllr Bradley suggested that in order to help the clerk who attended a Rotary Club meeting prior to the PC meetings, the day of the PC meetings be changed. This was not well received but there were no firm objections. Cllr Harrington asked that further consideration be given to this request

Meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

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