Institutional Biosafety Committee
Meeting Minutes
Present: / Absent:Steven Broyles
Cookie Bryant-Gawthrop
Robert Golden
Janice Kritchevsky
Richard Kuhn
Suresh Mittal
Craig Rich
James Schweitzer / Avtar Handa
Stacy Rogers
Mohamed Seleem
Carol Shelby***
Howard Zelaznik*
Rachael DeRudder**
* Ex-Officio
** Non-voting Member
*** Non-voting Corresponding Member
1) Meeting Date and Start Time: January 12, 2017, in BCHM, Room 110. After establishing quorum, the meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by the IBC Chairman.
2) Minutes Approval: The minutes from the October 10, 2016 meeting were approved.
3) Chairman Remarks: The Chair explained changes in the review process for III-E category protocols. Also discussed the meeting schedule for upcoming meetings in 2017.
4) Biosafety Officer Report: There are several III-E category protocols that need to be changed to a category III-D, the BSO asked if the committee should meet for a special meeting time to review all of the III-D protocols, or would the committee prefer to review a few at a time during the already scheduled meetings, throughout the year. It was agreed to schedule a special meeting in February to review all applicable protocols.
5) Committee Remarks/Concerns Reported: Committee members present agreed they would like to see more specific information in the application regarding the names of vectors used.
6) New Business: After discussing the training needed for working on a protocol project, it was suggested that in the inspection memo from the Biosafety Office includes the frequency of all specific biosafety training.
At the recommendation of the NIH, an IBC Charter was drafted. The draft will be sent to NIH as part of the secondary response to the inspection. An email will go out to all IBC members to review the charter draft and return comments to Bryant-Gawthrop by January 19, 2017.
7) rDNA Protocol Review (NIH III-D):
PI Name: Michael Wendt
Approved for BSL: 2
NIH category: III-D-1
Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Agent Awareness information sheet provided, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, and
Lab facility inspection.
Title: # 14-004-17 Identifying Mediators of Tumor Metastasis and Drug Resistance.
Discussion: Needs to verify if animals are involved on this protocol and if there is a connection between PACUC and IBC protocols.
Vote: Unanimously to approve pending verification of additional information.
PI Name: Gregory Hockerman
Approved for BSL: 2
NIH category: III-D-3
Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Agent Awareness information sheet provided, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, and
Lab facility inspection.
Title: # 98-028-17 Molecular Pharmacology and Cell Biology of L-type Ca2+ Channels.
Discussion: Is there a connection between PACUC and IBC protocols? What source are the human pancreatic islet cells obtained? Explain the percent of bleach used in the decontamination method.
Vote: Unanimously to approve pending verification of additional information.
PI Name: Andrea Kasinski
Approved for BSL: 2
NIH category: III-D-1
Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Agent Awareness information sheet provided, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, and
Lab facility inspection.
Title: #13-016-17 Biological Role of MicroRNAs and their use as Cancer Therapeutics.
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimously to approve.
PI Name: Kola Ajuwon
Approved for BSL: 2
NIH category: III-D-2
Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Agent Awareness information sheet provided, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, and Lab facility inspection.
Title: # 08-003-17 Metabolic Changes in Adipose Tissue as Predictors of Risks for Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases.
Discussion: Is there a connection between PACUC and IBC protocols? More information needed regarding utilization of synthetic nucleic acid molecules. Explain the percent of bleach used in the decontamination method.
Vote: Unanimously to approve pending verification of additional information.
PI Name: Stephen Konieczny
Approved for BSL: 2
NIH category: III-D-1
Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Agent Awareness information sheet provided, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, and
Lab facility inspection.
Title: # 99-004-17 Transcription Factors and Structural Gene Function in Development.
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimously to approve.
PI Name: Barbara Stefanska
Approved for BSL: 2
NIH category: III-D-1
Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Agent Awareness information sheet provided, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, and
Lab facility inspection.
Title: # 14-002-17 Epigenetic Effects of Bioactive Food Components in Cancer Prevention and Therapy.
Discussion: Is there an IRB approval connected to this protocol? PI needs to review Section 3 describing rDNA, and explain why it does not apply to this project. If it is determined that the protocol utilizes synthetic nucleic acid molecules, additional information will be required.
Vote: Unanimously to approve pending verification of additional information.
PI Name: Val Watts
Approved for BSL: 2
NIH category: III-D-3
Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Agent Awareness information sheet provided, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, and
Lab facility inspection.
Title:# 98-031-17 Molecular Signaling of Dopamine Receptors.
Discussion: What is the source of primary cells? Is section 3 marked correctly? What decontamination methods are used?
Vote: Unanimously to approve pending verification of additional information.
8) Final Comments: Committee recommends revising the 1A form to include the positions of personnel listed on protocol.
9) Meeting Adjourn Time: 11:20 a.m.
IBC minutes template 2016