Brocade Firmware Installation

Written by Theodore R. Pritchett IV

Rev 10-14-09


This document describes the processes and procedures for installing Brocade Firmware via command line (using ALEXftp). There is several ways to install Firmware to a Brocade Switch or Director. This way seem to be the most intuitive as far as letting you know what is happening during the process. This process is the only one that allows you to do it either serial or network.

This document is written with the expectation that the user will have basic Brocade skills and understanding. It is not designed to replace training or time with the product.

Table of Content

I - Overview

II – Tools for the Job

III – Precautions

IV – Download and Extract to a directory

V – Process and Procedures

1 - Commands usage

2 – ALEXftp Configuration

(A) - Security tab (Figure 3)

(B) - Access tab

(C) Start and Stop Service

3 Command Line Process

(A) - Login to the environment

(B) - Example of Commands usage

(C) – Watching the Process

(D) – Serial connection settings

4 – Additional Information

(A) – older switches firmware

I - Overview

Brocade updates firmware periodically. Brocade has several ways to implement the newer firmware

  1. Web Portal – via the GUI interface of the switch
  2. Fabric Manager – Brocade software for managing multiple switches and Directors
  3. Command Line

Command Line is the only one that allows you the ability to do the process via serial connection or over the network

ALEXftp is needed because the switch or director using the firmwaredownload needs some sort of way of pulling the files from the assigned server. Keep in mind that when you issue a command it is from the switches prospective, not the servers. That is why it is a “firmwaredownload” and not firmwareupload”

So why use ALEXftp?

ALEXftp is a small, useful program that is easy to use and configure. Recommendation would to load it on your laptop and make a Brocade directory. You can them make sub-directories for different versions of firmware

If a customer doesn’t allow your laptop or this software into the environment, any ftp will work.

ALEXftp can be found several places.

Here is a link to one I found via Google search

II – Tools for the Job

Pre-install check:

  • IP address of the computer installing the firmware
  • IP address of the switch or director
  • Firmware is already unzipped and placed in a directory (c:\brocade is recommended)
  • ALEXftp is installed
  • A good network connection or crossover cable (see user guide for default IP addresses if needed)
  • A good serial connect (if network fails or isn’t anoption)

III – Precautions

As with any command that interacts with firmware there is always a chance of disruption or other challenges related to the process.

Limit the risk by check that the switches or Directors are using.

Dual power (if applicable)

Some switches have “HA – High Availability”. One command to check this would be HASHOW

“HASHOW” should return something like below

Local CP (Slot 6, CP1): Active

Remote CP (Slot 5, CP0): Standby, Healthy

HA Enabled, Heartbeat Up, HA State Synchronized

NOTE: HA is enabled, up and synchronized

Firmware upgrades can take a long time (20-40 mins) per switch or directors. Don’t power off unless it is complete

IV – Download and Extract to a directory


Figure 2

Figure 1 and 2 shows the Firmware being Unzip and copied into the “Brocade” directory. I prefer to use a brocade directory and a folder within that directory with the version level on it.

V – Process and Procedures

1 - Commands usage

Do you want to continue [Y]: (DEFAULT is YES – so just hit enter)

Server Name or IP Address:

User Name: (DEFAULT is anonymous – so just hit enter)

File Name: release.plist

Password: (DEFAULT is blank or empty – so just hit enter)

Firmwaredownload has started.

Start to install packages......

dir ##################################################

ldconfig ##################################################

glibc ##################################################

bash ##################################################

2 – ALEXftp Configuration

Figure 3

Alex ftp is running at the time I am making modifications. Some modifications can be done will the ftp service is running. If you make modifications will running make sure you apply the change, then stop and restart the ftp service.

(A) - Security tab (Figure 3)

Click “options” to get tabs

The user “Account” is set to anonymous; with read and writes as permissions. To modify this highlight the account and click “edit”. Select the access required.

Figure 4

(B) - Access tab

Click “options” to get tabs

In Figure 4 there are 2 “directories to share” setup. By default there is going to only be 1 “Directories to share” setup. That one directory can be use. (I create mine for another reason, not related to this).

This part is one of the most important steps to do. It is imperative that you know where the brocade firmware is.

Recommendation – keep it simple

I usually create a “brocade” director on my local drive (same computer as where the alexftp is installed). Inside that director, I create a folder with the firmware version (just in case you have multiple copies)

Access tab

Click “options” to get tabs, Add/Edit Directory

In this case both of these are pointed to the same directory

But if you only had on virtual directory to, I recommend the following

Point it to the directory of the firmware you are going to be using. So if you have a brocade directory and several versions of firmware. Point it to the directory of the firmware you want to use in this case. If you have multiple entries like I have I would recommend making them all the same. This is till you understand how to make ALEXftp work the way you want.

Also ensure that the access “User can download files” and “User can upload files” is enabled

Make sure to “apply” setting

(C) Start and Stop Service

When you have set all the needed setting, start the service or if it is already started stop and start it.

Another key point on this screen is that the “server information” box displays a “listing on address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX on port 21.

That IP address will be used when you type the “firmwaredownload” command

3 Command Line Process

(A) - Login to the environment

I would normally run the command “version” on the switch to makes sure it needs the updated firmware.

(B) - Example of Commands usage

Do you want to continue [Y]: (DEFAULT is YES – so just hit enter)

Server Name or IP Address:

User Name: (DEFAULT is anonymous – so just hit enter)

File Name: release.plist

Password: (DEFAULT is blank or empty – so just hit enter)

Firmwaredownload has started.

Start to install packages......

To explain each line:

Do you want to continue [Y]: - Yes, this gives you the option to back out

Server Name or IP Address: As pointed out earlier, this is the IP address of the system with ALEXftp loaded on it

User Name: Because we set ALEXftp with an account as “anonymous” we can hit enter

File Name: the file that the firmware software is looking for is “release.plist”. If this is confusing I will try and explain the process at the end

Password: Was not set, therefore it is blank

(C) – Watching the Process

A good sign of progress is indicated in 2 areas:

First the command line area will state that “start to install packages”

The other area is within the ALEXftp “server information area you will see which files are being requested and sent.

This screen looks as if the process worked.

But if you review it carefully you will see it fails about the middle of the screen. This is a good reason the use the “version” command after every attempt.

(D) – Serial connection settings

In a case you are not able to use the network or crossover cable. Serial connection is just as simple, connect via serial and start at the beginning.

4 – Additional Information

There is additional information available on the Brocades website.

Brocade provides a detailed description of all the commands using the word “help” in front of the command. Once logged into the command line of a switch type help “command” Example: help firmwaredownload

Google search finds several sites that may answer additional questions

(A) – older switches firmware

This is from on Brocade and may reflect what older firmware will display. You may only need to follow these if you are using older firmware. (3.X and some 4.X)

Switch firmware upgrade /
  1. Issue diagdisablepost on both logical switches.
  2. Upgrade standby CP
  3. Telnet to standby CP
  4. hashow
    (DO NOT CONTINUE until both CPs are in sync)
  5. firmwaredownload -s(current FabOS version >= 4.1.x)
    firmwaredownload(current FabOS version <= 4.0.x)
filename: / 12000 / = v4.0.0c/release.plist
3800 / = v3.0.2h
  1. Full Install: Y
  2. Auto Commit: N
    (Moves downloaded os from /mnt to /)
  3. Reboot System: N
    (Reboots this standby CP)
  1. reboot
    (Reboots this standby CP)
  1. Telnet to active CP
  2. hashow
    (DO NOT CONTINUE until both CPs are in sync)
  3. hafailover
    (Reboots active cp, resulting in standby cp takeover)
  1. Repeat step "Upgrade standby CP" for the new standby CP.
  2. Telnet to active CP
  3. hashow
    (DO NOT CONTINUE until both CPs are in sync)
  4. Issue firmwarecommit on both CPs
  5. Issue diagenablepost on both logical switches

Console port connection settings / Serial Cable = Pins 2, 3, 5 straight through.
9600 Baud
8 Data Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
No Flow Control

Written by Theodore R. Pritchett IV