2001-2002 Administrative Plans and Priorities

Pacific Lutheran University

Division: Provost

Office: Information Resources

Overview and Selections

End of Year Update, May 2002

Italics Indicate Highest Priority

Part I. Dean’s Initiatives

Part II. Technology Strategic Plan, Phase II

Part III. Library Highlights

Part IV. Computing and Telecommunication Services Highlights

Part I. Dean’s Initiatives

InitiativesResponsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A. Address escalating public printing costs
1. Explore options for public printing cost control
2. Select and investigate feasibility of recommended response
3. Review issues and options with students, faculty, and others
4. Implement appropriate response following public review / Dean, in consultation
with Provost,
VP Student Life,
students, and faculty / High-speed printer trial with print management software set for J-Term in Haley Center; if successful, will extend to UC lab / Printer and print release station working satisfactorily in Haley; now coordinating with photocopier rollout and scaling print management model to other public locations.
B. Analyze uses and costs of computer labs campus-wide
1. Conduct census of computing labs, incl. data on sponsoring dept./unit,
equipment, programs supported, funding source, access policies
2. Assess on-going cost of, funding sources for, and access to the labs
3. Relate findings to parallel discussions on technology funding,
equipment replacement program, and support for academic uses of
computing / Dean, in consultation
with Provost,
Equipment Cmte,
and appropriate
Deans and Dept.
Chairs / Census of labs being updated; balance to follow in later January. / Census of labs (26 of them) and discussion paper on technology funding reviewed by Deans’ Council and forwarded to President’s Council via Provost
C. Gain deeper understanding of preferred computing and information services environments for students and faculty
1. Arrange forums, speakers, and other public discussions around
themes of access to information, information literacy and technology
awareness, new directions in scholarly uses of computing, and related
knowledge & abilities we wish to see in graduating students
2. Survey students and faculty on their uses of information services,
information resources, and general computing needs
3. Summarize findings in ways that can inform next year’s initiatives and
budget priorities / Dean, working with
IR leadership and
units, student and
faculty groups and
committees, and
Provost / 1. Have instead worked extensively with IRC & other groups, met with many depts.. schools, & student orgs. (incl. ASPLU and forum in UC)
2. Surveys underway from IRC and CTL.
3. Short- and long-term budget strategies formed by these findings & articulated in budget proposal. / Since mid-year review, have also launched major organization review including planning framework discussion paper, planned leadership group retreat(s) in June/July, and parallel discussions with key groups and key individuals & groups outside IR. Expect public review in Fall of long-term vision and key initiatives for next year or two.

Part II. Technology Strategic Plan, Phase II

InitiativesResponsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A. Make sure students have appropriate skills in using modern technologies through strategic integration in core courses and academic major
1. Identify appropriate points for integrating technology in the existing PLU Curriculum
2. Establish technology components for the freshman experience, including an introduction to sophisticated use of the Internet, understanding and use of electronic databases, productivity software, communications resources and the nature of interconnectivity
3. Be sure every student has library instruction in on-line resources, including electronic databases, on-line full text documents and journals, and the Internet
4. Include the ethical and legal use of technology in coursework.
5. Include in coursework psychological and sociological implications
of technology / Dean
Reference, User
Reference / 1.-2. New FEP proposed without inclusion of these components. Will continue offering and promoting to individual instructors. This fall 50% included this instruction by reference librarians.
3.-4. Our program continues to expand: c. 1K student contacts three years ago to over 3K contacts last year
5. No progress to date / 1.-2. New FYP resists these components. We continue to offer and promote info literacy instruction to individual instructors. During J-Term and Spring semester provided 8 sessions to 122 students. (FEP for year: 29 sessions to 449 students).
3.-4. Reference program offered 54 sessions to 913 students during J-Term and Spring semester. Total for the year = 141 sessions (up 4% over last year) to 2422 students.
B. Develop campus infrastructure to meet the curriculum needs of technology
1. Continue to develop the campus network by extending Ethernet connections to the library, commuter and residence hall lounges, classrooms, labs and lecture halls, so faculty and students have adequate resources to integrate technology where appropriate
2. Develop and support capabilities in specific advanced technologies related to teaching and research, including Internet II high speed connections to campus
3. Support various computer platforms necessary for a PLU education
4. Provide campus help-desk for on-line assistance and support and software for managing repairs and maintenance
5. Establish appropriate distance learning connections and opportunities, including a connection to the Washington State K-20 network
6. Establish and implement a replacement and upgrade schedule for all PLU purchased computers, software and networking equipment
  1. Improve back-up resources so valuable information is not lost, and expand disaster recovery capabilities to support our growing dependence on electronic information and communications
/ Systems & Communi-
Systems & Communi-
User Support
User Support
Systems & Communi-
Dean w/Equipment
Systems & Communi-
cations / 1. Classroom wiring in Admin has progressed, wireless zones added in Xavier and Library, and now putting finishing touches on Xavier classroom technology
2., 5. We are now ready to implement K-20 network access
4. Using help desk software exclusively for calls; since June over 1.3K calls opened by faculty & staff
6. Reisberg assessment being modified for VP Finance, presumably with respect to CEF allocation for 02-03
7. Now proceeding on campus- wide file server for back-up of important PC files. / 1. Xavier finished. Fiber recently installed in Olson will enable classroom connections this summer. Plans also made for classroom connections in Ramstad and Ingram this summer.
2. K-20 connection will enable I2 access. Waiting on WA state for K-20 connection.
3. Offer hardware support for PC and Mac platforms. Support University standard software.
4. From June 1, 01 to May 21, 2002, 2283 calls recorded.
5. Nursing ISDN system complete and operational Fall and Spring semesters. ISDN capability extended to X-20, UC-Scandinavian Center, and Olson Stage.
C. Support faculty, staff and students through adequate training opportunities
  1. Prepare and implement an annual faculty and staff training program for computer technology, on-line training programs for computer technology, on-line resources and web products with particular emphasis on assisting new students, both freshman and transfer; make self-paced resources available through the library and on-line
  2. Keep the skills of technical support staff current, and assure that they support the curriculum
/ User Support,
Reference, Media
Dean w/IR leadership / 1a. Fall Faculty Conference work-shops presented on basic and advanced eCourse, PowerPoint, advanced web, and multimedia; plus custom workshops for several academic departments
1b. Also researching computer-based instructional possibilities
2. Ongoing / 1. Additional workshops and instructional materials provided in Dreamweaver, Publisher, and slide scanning for courses and departments. Additional step-by-step handouts prepared.
2. Ongoing training and learn-at-home days for some staff.

Part III. Library Highlights

Initiatives Responsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A. Implement new library automation system
1. Deploy acquisitions/serials, circulation/reserves, OPAC, cataloging,
media scheduling modules; migrate archival records
2. Provide staff and user training / Migration Team,
Library Staff
Library Mgmnt Team,
Reference Librarians / 1. Completed migration, Aug 01; data cleanup still in progress
2. Formal training cycle completed June 01; workshops for faculty & students provided in fall; informal training ongoing / 1. Data cleanup continues mainly in cataloging and serials.
2. Voyager SQL workshop developed and presented May 2002
B. Investigate patron initiated services, including ILL, check-out, renewal and holds / P. O’Neill, S. Chase,
S. Golden.
S. McDonald / Prospero ILL enhancement (delivers articles electronically rather than paper/FAX) in beta testing with trial during J-Term; email notifications and electronic self-service renewals now operational / ILL enhancements for desktop delivery of articles completed. 90% of articles requested now wholly electronic from order to receipt on requestor’s computer. Investigation of patron initiated check-out and holds still needed.
C. Improve and promote library holdings of books, magazines, journals and periodicals
1. Maintain collection (weed, replace, update collection; revise and
set collection development policies)
2. Evaluate and add appropriate electronic resources and journals
3. Promote new library holdings and resources / Circulation, Technical
Services and CDOs
CDOs, Reference
Librarians / 1. Weeding plan in place for nursing, math, business, short journal runs, and ref collections; no progress on collection development policy revision
2. Evaluated resources, changed several print titles to electronic, added several new electronic titles, incl. major science ref title and humanities indexes; added electronic trials webpage with 6 trials currently underway
3. Customizable “new books” finder for online catalog will soon be released for public use / 1. Substantial progress made in weeding designated areas. Major effort to streamline the collection by removal of unnecessary duplication between electronic and paper reference tools and journals will be completed by the end of June. Reference and index collections will be integrated.
2. Added electronic only subscriptions for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, AMS journals, Wiley encyclopedias. Continue to evaluate additional sources.
3. Promote new resources via library’s web page, instruction sessions, IR announcements, and email. New books module operational.
D. Develop effective methods of surveying student, staff and faculty satisfaction with Information Resources facilities and services / Assessment Committee
(S. Chase, chair) / No progress to date; waiting to see surveys of faculty by IRC and CTL. / No progress to date; faculty surveys not reviewed.

E. Multimedia and Public Computing

1. Develop plan for streaming media server
2. Improve and expand workstations providing access to electronic
information resources, email, and productivity software
3. Deploy videoconferencing equipment for School of Nursing
4. Equip new and renovated spaces with multimedia technology, incl.
but not limited to Xavier and planning for CLT / Multimedia Svcs
Systms & Comm
Haley Center Cmte
(F. Lane Rasmus,
Multimedia Svcs,
Systms & Comm
Multimedia Svcs, / 1. Streaming encoder computer configured, to be tested during Dec graduation; business plan for ISDN and streaming services being developed
2. Currently have 20 PCs in Haley Center & 2 additional for email; of these, 6 now also have Office productivity software
3. Nursing videoconferencing equipment operational, additional equip to be added by spring
4. Xavier project in final stages, CLT planning nearly completed / 1. Testing completed for December graduation. Live streaming provided for selected women’s basketball and softball games. Spring graduation to be webcast.
2. Four workstations added, most workstations now running MS Office productivity software.
3. Completed
4. CLT AV Specifications complete, Xavier classroom technology complete. Plans and purchases in progress for A-101 classroom technology and Lagerquist sound system.

F. eCourse Support

1. Provide instruction and on-going help for users
2. Upgrade Blackboard / Multimedia Svcs, User
Multimedia Svcs,
Systems & Comm / 1. Ongoing support continues
2. Upgrade to ver 5.5 completed Aug 2001 / 1. Currently support over 600 eCourses (not all active).

Part IV. Computing and Telecommunication Services Highlights

InitiativesResponsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A. Network & Systems
1. Upgrade Internet connection to substantially increase bandwidth
2. Enable dynamic IP assignment for plug-and-go and desktop computing
3. Establish policies for the installation and use of wireless networking
on campus
4. Deploy and test wireless networking gear in the Library and
Administration buildings
5. Configure, install, and/or upgrade Banner , ILS, campus file, WebMail,
and email servers
6. Implement an all-students listserv for use by Student Life / Systms & Comm
Systms & Comm
Systms & Comm
Systms & Comm
Systms & Comm
Systms & Comm / 1. Connection increased from 3 Mbps to 9 Mbps
2. Dynamic assignment is in place in Xavier
3. In progress
4. Completed
5. All servers deployed and operational
6. Completed / 1., 5., 6. Completed
2. All new systems are now routinely “registered” & older systems are during maintenance.
3. In progress
4. Improved coverage is planned with summer upgrades.
B. Telecommunications
1. Plan and implement re-assignment of residence hall phone numbers for
non-sequential numbering (“phone scramble”).
2. Enable caller-ID and on-demand ISDN for teleconferencing
3. Support changeover to 10-digit dialing / Systms & Comm
Systms & Comm
Systms & Comm / 1. Completed during summer
2. Completed without incident
3. Not yet required, so remains open / [Same as mid-year]

C. Training and User/Patron Support

1. Support Murdock Technology Initiative
2. Provide open labs and departmental workshops for faculty and staff
3. Identify and develop reports in Clientele help desk software
4. Provide support and assist in training for additional listservs on campus
5. Support university in ID number changes / User Support
User Support
User Support
User Support
User Support, Admin
Computing / 1. Coordinated facilities and provided technical support
2. Open labs continue to be held; custom workshops for Nursing, Dining Svcs, Plant Svcs, Residential Life
3. Few reports added due to other work duties
4. All requests covered
5. Front desk providing assistance as needed; due to success of web links, very little help needed / 1. Coordinated facilities for assessment phase and additional workshop post-project.
2. Ongoing
3, 4, 5. No change from mid-year

D. Computer Support

1. Install new systems under the direction of the Equipment Committee
2. Plan and carry out support of university moves: Xavier, Business
Office and various departments / User Support
User Support / 1. About 80 systems installed, 51 under direction of Equip Cmte
2. Moves completed without significant glitches / [Same as mid-year]
E. Administrative Computing
1. Implement Banner 5.x
2. Participate in evaluation of systems for upgrade/replacement
BSR/Advance RMS system.
3. Convert PLU IDs from SSN to 8-digit random format
4. Implement web-enabled Banner forms
5. Deploy Resource25 server and web interface for campus-wide events
calendaring / Admin Cmptng
Admin Cmptng
Admin Cmptng, User
Admin Cmptng, User
Admin Cmptng, Multi-
Media Svcs / 1. Banner 5.x installed, patches being applied as required
2. Attended presentations, just completed cost assessment
3. Completed without major glitch.
4. Server installed, test implementation configured
5. Resource25 installed; web interface pending /
  1. Completed by mid-year.
  2. Due to budgetary constraints, purchase of new system delayed until 03/04 fiscal year.
  3. Completed by mid-year.
  4. Testing nearing completion. Deployment scheduled for June 2002.
  5. Web interface delayed due to security issues; these challenges have been resolved and work has resumed on the interface.