Innovative projects and programs in education № 3 (2012)
Author / AbstractGapontsev IL,
Gapontsev VL
On the possibility of a synergistic approach to the analysis of crisis situations / Abstract. The analysis of methodology of applying the synergistic approach in the fi eld of social sciences is developed
in the work. It is pointed out, that in the fi elds of politology and economic history, as well as in the fi eld of theoreticalpedagogics and psychology, the direct applying of synergetics is ineffective. The more expedient use of it is as theheuristic base for the systematizing of empirical material and as the method of forming of empirical generalization. Itis supposed, that the type of internal structure and, accordingly the forms of passing crises in social systems, depend onthe degree of defi ciency of external resources.
Keywords: point of bifurcation, synergetic approach, pedagogics, psychology, politology, world-system analysis,
world-system, world-empire, world-economy, system, environmeht, resources, resource defi ciency, redistribution, market.
Gaponyuk PN
model of educational technology professional-oriented advanced pre-university education / Abstract. The paper deals with the issues of structuring the pedagogic techniques model concerning the advancingprofessional pre-university training. The research subject involves investigating the structural and semantic modelcharacteristics, while its goal is defi ned as structuring pedagogic techniques, with the reference to setting goals and
differentiated approach to students.
The methodology compiles the differentiated approach to teaching, modern didactics issues, relating to educationaltechniques, and optimization theory of education. The analysis and synthesis of the above mentioned theoretical ideasand the modeling method were selected as the basic ones.
The research resulted in substantiating the pedagogic techniques model of advancing professional pre-universitytraining designed to facilitate students’ adaptation to higher educational institution. The model can be replicated forvarious institutions of pre-university training.
The author’s contribution in developing the classifi cation model of pedagogic techniques of advancing professionalpre-university training is defi ned. The structural basis of the study involves the application of the three level technique
complex – i. e. help and support implication (aimed at mastering the knowledge), developing techniques (aimed atmastering the basic activity algorithms) and advancing training techniques (aimed at heuristic activity).
Index terms: pedagogic technique, pedagogic technique of advancing education, professional pre-university training,students’ advancing adaptation to university, creative activities, complex of pedagogic techniques.
Zeer EF,
Novoselov SA
Davydova NN
Institutional support of educational innovation / Abstract. In the context of the new «Law on Education», the paper considers the problem solving approaches tothe legal protection of pedagogic innovations. The necessary conditions for increasing the effective innovation activityis viewed as objectivization of pedagogic creativity, which involves accepting accurate and clear criteria defi ning the innovative features of the content or resulting organizational changes. Finding the creativity objects in educationalprocess should precede the formalization procedures of the above criteria. Solving the problem requires the uniformunderstanding of pedagogic concepts and terms by pedagogic society, reaching the agreement on the content of pedagogic
notions, categories, principles etc, and the rules inserting the content amendments.
The research subject is defi ned as institution nal guaranteeing of educational innovations affecting both regulation andmotivation of the educational service market. The peculiarities of implementing the institutional approach to educationare described, the classifi cation of educational innovations being proposed. The educational innovation concept isdefi ned as the result of pedagogic activity having the new educational effect on the educational service market including
its economic, managerial, social, ecology and health preserving aspects. The development algorithm of educationalinnovation and the exact formula describing the latter are considered along with the mechanism creating the innovativeeducational environment accumulating the advanced pedagogic experience. The paper provides the empirical research
results concerning the Urals region and conducted by the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Education.
Index terms: educational service market, intellectual property, educational innovation, competitive advantages,
institutional approach, innovative educational activity, creativity objects in educational sphere, educational innovation
Prichinin AE Innovative Education: The foundation of the uncertainty principle / Abstract. The paper shows that the modern education does not take into account the «uncertainty» principle to its fullextent. The uncertainty phenomenon is examined from the philosophic refl ection point of view, philosophic prognostic
theories of reality transformation, quantum physics, synergetics, mathematics, management theory, psychology andpedagogy. The bases of the «uncertainty» principle in innovative education are revealed.
Index terms: Innovative formation, uncertainty principle, ontological and gnoseological aspects of uncertainty, basesof the «uncertainty» principle in innovative education.
Chapaev NK,
Choshanov MA
Creative pedagogy: issues, contradictions and ways to resolve them / Abstract. The semantic objective of the paper is a search for identifying characteristics of creative pedagogy basedon the nonlinear methodology. The authors consider the reality phenomena as poly-modal substances showing signs of
complexity and ambiguous alternative ways of development.
The main ideas of the research are as follows:
1. Some interpretations of creativity and creative pedagogy involve the two different approaches: the entropy orientedone and its alternative – the negentropy oriented approach. Adopting the former, we deal with the pedagogy simply
reducing the human being to its functional components; in case of the latter, we look at the human being as a whole andcomplex variety of ties and interrelations.
2. Presently the creative pedagogy is going through the stage of postulation, rather then the functional stage. Therefore,now, it is not correct to talk about the creative pedagogy as a systematic unity where all the notions are deducted from
the basic postulates.
3. Any pedagogic tradition implies some creative elements. Along with this, there are several creativity-orientedpedagogic techniques including the problematic training, developing training and didactic engineering, which arecharacterized by a higher creativity degree.
Index terms: creativity, creative education, creative pedagogy, entropy oriented creative pedagogy, negentropy orientedcreative pedagogy, problematic training, developing training, didactic engineering.
Klepikov V.
Value priorities of the social institution of education / Summary. The development of the social institution of education is associated with two leading and complementarysocio-cultural trends: the integration associated with the development of universal, national, civil, collective values,etc., consolidating people with different views, worlds and cultures differentiation - with the development of national,ethnic, religious, personal etc. values that contribute to the identifi cation of distinctive local communities, groups and
individuals individuals. Dialectical synthesis of these trends is found in the spiritual and moral achievements, COG-butthe individual (particular) on the importance and recognition becomes universal. The priority are humanistically orienteduniversal, national and civil values, that promote peace, freedom, democracy and mutual understanding between peoples,different cultures and individuals.
Keywords: education, social institution of education, values, priorities, humanistic ingovernment, integrating anddifferentiating tendencies, subjectivity, human, obschenatsiotional and civil values.
Semenov JL
Dialogue of Cultures in bilingual education as a resource for the formation of the communicative competence of students / Abstract. In the modern pedagogic paradigm emphasizing the activity-competence model and personal interrelations,development of students’ communicative competence is considered to be of great importance. The paper examines the
development opportunities of the above mentioned competence by actualizing the pedagogic potential of culture dialoguein bilingual educational environment. The applied effectiveness of bilingual education in the Yekaterinburg high school
№ 94 is given.
Index terms: communicative competence, culture dialogue, bilingual education, interdisciplinary integration.
Oblasova TV
The development of information skills training students in the study of humanities / Abstract. The paper considers the psychological pedagogic mechanism of developing schoolchildren’s informationtraining skills, which implies mastering general ways of behavior and providing the increasing level of text comprehension:starting from the information retrieval up to its interpretation both in the author’s context and the context of personalexperience. The methodology applied in the research is based on pedagogic hermeneutics.
The defi ned mechanism provides the basis for the new training technique aimed at improving schoolchildren’slearning abilities by acquiring operational and technological skills, along with such personal qualities as dialogic thinking,
subjectivity, refl ectivity in text processing, high level of awareness in selecting value and semantic attitude. The giventechnique can be widely applied in teaching the humanity subjects at comprehensive school.
Index terms: information training skills, pedagogic model, dialogic thinking, psychological pedagogic technique,educational and scientifi c text understanding.
Chigrin SG
Organization of artistic communication in the classroom teaching of world culture / Summary. The present project offers an innovative approach to teaching the world the artistic Noah culture. Artteachercommunication is considered in the context of the problems of educational cooperation allegations of fraud, tomeet the new goals and values education in accordance with the GEF. The project reveals the specifi city of MCC as asynthesis of teaching pedagogy, psychology, history and cultural studies.
Key concepts: teaching cooperation, communication co-creation, world culture, ill-Divine-teacher communication,collaboration, integration, thinking.
Kovyleva YE
Working with the issues as a means of meta-achievement of learning outcomes in secondary school / Summary. The article describes how to work with issues: the development of skills in students to formulate differenttypes of questions and answer them in light of the meta-achievement of learning outcomes in the medium-her school.
Keywords: Federal government standards of the second generation of the meta-results-teaching meta-skills, work withdifferent types of questions, techniques for working with the issues.
Izyurova OS
The collective creative work as a form of tolerance in young children's home / Abstract. The following article describes how to help foster tolerance among inmates of boarding schools of the sameage by studying voice and ensemble singing. Author shows negative features of troubled teens destructive behaviour andproposes an optimal method to help children to manage their behavior in a positive way.
Key words: tolerance, collective creative work