Design The First Mars Settlement!

You don’t need to be a “rocket scientist” to build a house on Mars!

Help us the plan the first permanent settlement built on another world. This will allow humanity’s migration beyond Earth - one of the most momentous events to ever happen, and will open vast opportunities in space & ensure survival of the human race.

The Mars Homestead Project: The ultimate goal of the effort is to build a growing, permanent settlement beyond the Earth, thus allowing civilization to spread beyond the limits of our planet. Currently, very little research is being done on this important aspect of space exploration, and the research does not require aerospace expertise. No matter what your skills are, you can help us.

Brainstorming: Join our “brainstorming” Internet-based group to identify the key technologies needed for building the first Mars base from local materials, and will discuss habitat layout, furnishings, food preparation, clothing, and everything else that will be needed. Possible building materials are: locally produced fiberglass, all types of metals, polymers (such as polyethylene made from ethylene from CO2), brick masonry (either for unpressurized shelter, or covered with regolith for a pressurized space), and plant products (especially if a byproduct of food growth.)

Program Study Team: Consider joining the small program study team which will work on the initial unified plan for the settlement. We welcome interested professionals with experience in applicable (down to earth) engineering areas, including: Materials, Structural, Mechanical, Architectural, Nutrition, Electrical, Data/Telecom, Spacesuits, Mars Geology & Topography, Systems Integration, and other relevant trades and skills.

Prototype Equipment & Analog Mars Base: After the results of initial planning are in, we anticipate that other projects will involve selecting existing construction & manufacturing equipment which could be used on Mars and building prototypes of new equipment. An example of a prototype project is to design a Mars farm/kitchen, selecting multi-purpose equipment for growing and preparing food with minimal labor and with minimum mass brought from Earth. Eventually we may build a complete analog Mars settlement, showcasing our technologies & methodologies, in order to utilize it for further research and public outreach.

Donations: There will be no membership dues for the project, but donations are especially important. A sponsor has offered to match donations over $100 to start the project (some restrictions apply), so your donation can be twice as effective. Donations of certain items, such as computer equipment, frequent flyer miles, building materials & tools are also useful. Or, you can simply join our electronic mailing list & discussion groups to offer your help.

Signup / Donation Form (All donations will be tax-deductible) I’m interested in: (check any)

Name: ______Email: ______Brainstorming

Day & Evening Phone: ______Agriculture

Address: ______Food Processing

__ Rapid Prototyping

Donations: (all donations above $100 will be matched by our sponsor) __ Metal Refining

__ Fiberglass

___ Matched contribution of $100 or more: ______(doubles w/ matching) __ Polymers / Plastics

__ Power Systems

___ Contribution of $50 or specific amount: ______Data / Electronics

__ CAD / Animation

___ Contact me about a “Senior Associate” pledge, company sponsorship, __ Web Design

or donation of frequent flyer miles, computer equipment, __ Program Team

building materials or tools. __ Print Publicity

__ Other: ______

The Mars Homestead Project - - (781) 944-7027 - Mail form to: 102 Sanborn Lane, Reading, MA, 01867-1009

(“Mars Homestead” and “Mars Foundation” are trademarks of the Mars Foundation.)