Key activity : The Role of Wetlands and other terrestrial ecosystems in the CIS for the WFD
- General introduction:
During the development of the implementation process of the Water Framework Directive, certain crosscutting issues (e.g. the definition of water bodies, the role of wetlands and other terrestrial ecosystems) have emerged which require further clarification. In the Strategic Co-ordination Group (SCG) meeting held on the 30 September and 1 October 2002, NGOs participating in the implementation process presented a draft paper on wetlands in the context of the WFD implementation. The SCG agreed to take the issue under the umbrella of the CIS and to prepare a “horizontal guidance” within 2003. In addition the SCG agreed to include a general reference to this new activity into other relevant guidance documents.
- Objective:
- Elaborate the common understanding on the requirements of the WFD regarding wetlands.
- Identify the role of wetlands in the WFD and in particular in relation to the Programmes of measures.
- Link these activities with other Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) guidance, by preparing generic text on wetlands for use in existing guidance documents.
- Address problems and obstacles for the consideration of wetlands in the river basin management and elaborate solutions. Identify and take forward a process for integrating wetlands into the pilot river basin exercise and other future activities of the CIS.
- Expected outcome:
- Generic text for use in other guidance documents.
-Horizontal guidance document. As a starting point, the document will integrate the draft paper presented to the meeting of the SCG held on the 30 September and 1 October 2002 and the comments/opinions raised by the SCG members in reference to it. The drafting group will tackle all the comments addressed regarding the presented paper.
- The final guidance document will be ready early 2003, in order to have the chance to be integrated into the pilot river basin exercise.
- Lead country: Italy.
- Participants:
- In the above-mentioned SCG meeting, several members have mentioned their interest in participating in the drafting group, in particular, Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, and WWF, EEB, Eurelectric, and RTD project (Evaluwet). Participation in the drafting group is open to all other members of the SCG. A number of those interested have already identified WG members, see list attached.
Other participants shall be identified by end November (contact on the issue Marta Moren: ).
- Links with other activities:
- The activity is a crosscutting issue for the rest of the guidance documents. In the light of this, an explanatory text on the issue will be proposed for inclusion in every guidance document.
- As a future activity, the practical implications side of the guidance document will be integrated into the developing work on programmes of measures.
- The activity of this drafting group will be integrated within the Pilot River Basin Exercise. However, the issue also has crosscutting relevance with ecological reference conditions, and there may be a case for ensuring some joint activity with this element of the future CIS..
- Financing:
At this early stage, no external financing is envisaged.
- Timetable:
- November 2002 agreement on the Terms of reference by the SCG.
- 30 November 2002 nominate participants to the WG.
- Prepare a common text to be integrated in the guidance documents to be approved in the water directors meeting to be held in November 2002.
- December 2002 agreement on the table of content for the horizontal guidance.
- Set up the working group and prepare a kick-off meeting by January 2003.
- March 2003 first draft to be presented to the SCG.
- June 2003: Prepare the horizontal guidance document to be ready by the Water Directors meeting to be held under the Greek Presidency.
Members of the Drafting group “Role of Wetlands in the WFD”
Mrs. Birgit Vogel
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment & Water Management, Department of National Water Management – Aquatic Ecology Ref. VII 1b,
Marxergrasse 2, 1030 Vienna 1
(Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft
Ref. VII 1 b - Gewässerökologie
Marxergasse 2 , A-1030 Wien, Austria)
Tel. ++43-1-71 100-7121 fax: ++43-1- 71 100-17156
Adelheid Vanhille (Flanders)
Commission DG ENV
Marta Moren
Czech Republic
Mr. Jan Pokorny
Mr. Pavel Puncochar
Mr Jaroslav Kinkor
Mr. Ivan B. Karottki
Head of Section
Danish Forest and Nature Agency
Haraldsgade 53
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel: +45 3947 2828
DG RTD- Evaluwet Project
Prof. Edward Maltby
(coordinator of the EVALUWET Project)
Alternate Contact: Richard Thorne
Post Doctoral Research Assistant
Royal Holloway Institute for Environmental Research
Huntersdale, Callow Hill
Virginia Water, Surrey GU25 4LN
Tel: +44 (0)1784 477404
Fax: +44 (0)1784 477427
Ruth Davis
Senior Water Policy Officer
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
The Lodge
SG19 2DL
Telephone: 01767 680551 ex 2556
Mrs. Marie Françoise Bazerque
Ministère de l’écologie et du développement Durable,
Direction de l’eau
20, Avenue de Sègur
75 302 PARIS 07 SP
Tel: 01-42-19-13-07
E-mail: Fax:
Mrs. Marie Claude Ximenes
61, Boulevarol Alexandre Martin
45058 Orleans Cedex
Tel: 03-02-38-708-70-47
Fax: 03-02-38-708-70-60
Stephan Naumann
Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environment Agency)
Bismavckplatz 1
D – 14193 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-8903-2486-2965
Fax: +49-30-8903-2965
Mrs Maria Hatziyianni
Hellenic Ministry for Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works,
Water Section
Tel: +30 210 8645762
Fax: + 30 210 8662968
Mr. Gabor Csörgits
Ministry of Water and Environment,
Authority of Nature Conservation,
Department of Nature Conservation,
H-1121 Budapest, Költö u.21
Tel: +36-1-395-2605/218
Fax: +36-1-395-2605-7250
Jim Ryan
National Parks and Wildlife
Duchas - The Heritage Service
Department of the Environment and Local Government
7 Ely Place
Dublin 2 IRELAND
Telephone: +353 1 6472391
Fax: +353 1 6788123
Italy– lead country
Giorgio Pineschi – project leader
Ministry of the Environment and Land Protection
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44,
00147 Rome, Italy,
Tel: 0039 06 57225153
Fax: 0039 06 57225193
E-mail: (personal): gpinesk@tin
E-mail: (Ministry):
Nicola Pacini
Italian EPA (APAT)
Rachel Bindless
(C/O Ministry of the Environment and Land Protection)
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44,
00147 Rome, Italy,
Tel: 0039 06 57225153
Fax: 0039 06 57225193
Jonas Karpavicius
Leading specialist
Nature protection department
Ministry of Environment
Fax: +370-5-2663663
Ms. Valerica Grigoras,
Adviser in the Ministry of Water and Environmental Protection
Tel: 0040 21 410 44 65
Fax: 0040 21 410 20 32
Dr. Madalina State,
Chemist in National Administration "Romanian Waters"
Tel: 0040 21 315 55 35
Fax: 0040 21 312 21 74,
Mr. Jan Seffer, PhD.
Director, Dapne Institute of Applied Ecology, Bratislava
Tel: +421-2-65412162
Alternative Contact: Eleonora Bartkova:
Mrs. Grabiela Grcar.
Mr Ramòn Peňa
CEDEX Ecology of Inland Aquatic systems,
Paseo Bajo Virgen du Puerto, 3,
28005 – Madrid (Espania),
Tel: +3491 3358011
Fax: + 34913357994
Charlie Avis
Policy Officer,
WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme,
C/o H -1124 Budapest,
Nèmetvölgyi ÚT 78/b,
Tel: +32-2-7438800 (until end of February, 2003),
European Policy Office,