ETBC Awards 2017
Information Requirement for ETBC Awards 2017
Name of the Organisation :Address of head quarters/ corporate office / registered office:
Telephone No. / Fax No.
Organisation website address (if applicable)
Contact Person:
Contact Person’s telephone & mobile no:
Contact Person’s e-mail id:
Year of incorporation
Sector(s) in which the Organisation operates:
Name of the Managing Director / CEO / Principal Officer
For purposes of short listing and evaluation for the awards the following information is requested from your organization:
Sl. No. / Documents/ Information Required / Response1 / Please provide a copy of the Organisation’s Audited Annual Reports for the years ended
31 March 2014
31 March 2015 and
31 March 2016
2 / Financial Information as per “Annexure A” duly certified by the Managing Director / CEO / Principal Officer
3 / Please provide number of employees in the rolls of the Organisationas of :
31 March 2013
31 March 2014
31 March 2015 and
31 March 2016
duly certified by the Managing Director / CEO / Principal Officer
4 / Please provide a one page (A-4 size) write up on “Innovation in business model” comprising one or more of the following, during the year ended 31 March, 2016:
- Introduction of innovative product/ service and its impact in terms of its contribution to the overall revenue, if any
- Innovation in manufacturing process or in operations in general and its impact in terms of savings in production cost, if any
- Innovation in product/ service delivery and its impact in terms of increase in outreach to customers, if any
- Incremental benefit to consumers or end users
- How are above measured in the Organisation ?
5 / Please provide a one page (A-4 size) write up on CSR activity undertaken comprising the following, during the year ended 31March, 2016 :
- Type of CSR initiative and the model used (i.e. through specialized agency or own) for implementing the same
- Impact of CSR initiative in terms of no. of beneficiaries
- How is the CSR initiative being delivered measured ? Is there a dedicated team (internal or external) that monitors the same ? If so, details thereof
“Organisation” means any company, partnership, proprietary concern, non-government organisations, trusts etc. duly registered under relevant acts, but excludes any unincorporated joint ventures between companies or group of persons