July 4th, 2009 As of the reading of this information flier the United States of America has a national debt of over
(That’s over $11 Trillion)
However, if one were to include our unfunded liabilities like social security, Medicare and Medicaid
our national debt is actually over
(That’s over $60 Trillion!)
That is NOT a made-up number, nor is it a made-up figure! For more info, please Google David M. Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General or the documentary I.O.U.S.A.
That amount of debt is absolutely unsustainable!

How did we get here?Let’s Revisit Recent History…

September 2008 subprime home loan crisis finally burst into a full-blown financial crisis. The Treasury Department begins it’s deployment of hundreds of billions in taxpayer bailout dollars.
January 2009 By the time President Obama takes office, Congress and the Bush administration have authorized a $700 billion bank bailout (TARP). $324.9 billion of those funds have already been released, and Auto Makers have been promised their own bailout.
Feb 17, 2009 President Obama signs a 1 thousand page, 1 trillion dollar “stimulus” bill, which includes language limiting what banks can pay employees and which lawmakers readily admit they did not read.
April 20, 2009 President Obama proposes a spending cut of $100 million from the historically large 3.6 trillion dollar budget. That is the equivalent of cutting $1 from a $35,000 dollar budget.
April 27, 2009 Zogby Poll finds 70% of Americans do NOT support Cap and Trade (a tax on energy projected to cost the average family thousands of dollars a year). A Gallup poll has similar findings. /

July 4, 1776 The Declaration of Independence:

"… all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men , deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…"


Everyone has the right to their own life.
Government is to protect the lives of citizens,
not direct their lives


Everyone is born free.
Government is to protect this freedom. The people must vigilantlyguard their Liberty from BIG GOVERNMENT.


Everyone has the right to use their skills, their intellect, their talents to secure their happiness—be that riches, property, or anything else— so long as that pursuit does not infringe on anyone else’s rights of Life, Liberty or Pursuit of Happiness
Government protects Individuals’ right to PURSUE happiness, notPROVIDE happiness.
Government is to ensure Equality of Opportunity, not enforce Equalityof Outcome.
Join the movement for Liberty at the following:

Join the San Diego Tea Party at:


May 12, 2009 Freddie and Fannie ask for their fifth bailout. AIG, Citigroup, and several other banks have received multiple bailouts (each one the last…).
June 1, 2009 The Federal government takes over GM, negotiating what they call a bankruptcy. The “deal” robs bond holders of money that is legally theirs, but gives the UAW money (to which they have no legal claim) plus 20% ownership in GM. The “bankruptcy” also pumps 30 billion additionaltax dollars into the company that had already been received 20 billion bailout dollars.
June 28, 2009 The San Diego Union Tribune releases the first of a 3-part investigative report showing that as California slides into bankruptcy and raises taxes, the city of San Diego has a 41 million dollar surge in payroll, up 5.9% from the previous year.
June 2009 The White House calls an Inspector General and gives him 1 hour to clear out his desk, ignoring the 2007 law that (then Senator) Obama cosponsored which mandates they must give 30 days notice and explain their reason to congress. The Inspector was investigating abuse of tax dollars by a close friend of the President.
June 27, 2009 A Suppressed EPA Report on Global Warming surfaces. The EPA is exposed for silencing their own scientist because the findings of his scientific study did not fit their political agenda.
June 25, 2009 3:00 AM A 300 page amendment is added to the Cap and Trade bill. Later that day, against the clear will of the people who have overwhelmed the D.C. switchboards with their pleas to not pass it, the bill that no one has read passes in the House of Representatives.
July 2nd, 2009 The state of California is issuing IOU’s because it did not, and apparently cannot, remain FISCALLY RESPONISBLE! We MUST put a stop to the wasteful spending of our own state government!


What the Founders said:

“We shall all consider ourselves unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts, and morally bound to pay them ourselves; and consequently within what may be deemed the period of a generation, or the life [expectancy] of the majority.”
--Thomas Jefferson
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”
--Benjamin Franklin
“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a
fearful master.”
--George Washington
“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries 8whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”
--James Madison
“If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy.”
--Thomas Jefferson
“Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.”
--John Adams
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.
--Thomas Jefferson /

How TO get involved

Get Educated

The book ‘The 5,000 Year Leap’ is our main educational tool. This book explains clearly, and easily, the original intent of our Founding Fathers. The book is filled with quotes from the Founders, and most of what they say sounds as if they are speaking directly to us concerning what our over-reaching government is doing today!
Think you know our Founders’ original intent? You may have to think again!
We have several book clubs across San Diego County where people come together to discuss the Principles outlined in the book so they can better understand our system of government and why it was formed the way it was.
Copies of the book can be purchased at a group discount rate of $6 each (at no profit to our group). Contact us today to get your copy at

Join Independence Caucus

Our group has joined forces with The Independence Caucus. The Independence Caucus is dedicated to exposing HOW special interest groups funnel great sums of money to BOTH SIDES (bothR and D) in elections in order to ensure that no matter who gets elected they are beholden to these special interests.
After exposing the money trail, the Independence Caucus supports good, moral, and honourable candidates that pledge to listen to and act on the Will of The People!


of seeing bad choices rewarded while productivity gets punished?
about an over-reaching government grabbing power from the people?
when spending sprees became the "smart" way to improve the economy?
to be passing a crippling debt to your children's children?
most politicians from both major parties care about their own self interest (money and power) much more than their country?
And yet:
Americans are moral, generous, responsible, hard working citizens who can self-govern?


The San Diego Tea Party stands with all Americans who expect the government to answer to the people.
Americans who just want to see a little common sense restored in government.