1.1 Country: SERBIA

1.2 Name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail and website of the National Section (NS)

Serbian Section of IBBY

Dositejeva Street. No.5

110 00 Belgrade

+381 3037 976,

Fax: + 381 3037975

E- mail: ,



1.3.1President of the National Section (NS)

Dragana Litricin Dunic, prof.

1.3.2Secretary or main executive officer of the NS

Bogdan Konstadinovic

1.3.3IBBY main Liaison Officer or contact person

Dragana Litricin Dunic, prof.



1.4.1How is your NS organized? Describe the structure of the NS in general.

Our NS is registered non-profitable organization. The 10 members of the Executive Board are elected at a General Assembly for a period of four years

and can be re-elected for a second period.

1.4.2Is your NS affiliated to, or a branch of another organization or institution? If so, which one?


1.4.3Do you have an office and paid staff?

We have an office in the publishing house “Skolski program/ Narodna knjiga”. We use the phone, fax, and computers of the educational publishing house. We have never had any paid staff.

1.4.4How often do you have business meetings?

The Executive Board meets once a month.


1.4.5Do your NS have organizations as members? How many? What kind of organizations?

15 organizations; publishing houses, libraries and schools (primary schools, universities).

1.4.6Does your NS have individual members? How many? How do they contribute to the NS activities?

Yes, we have 40 individual members. They participate in all the NS activities.

1.4.7Who are your members? What percentage are: teachers? authors? illustrators? publishers? students? etc.

Mostly authors, illustrators, publishers and literary critics. 40% authors, 20%illustrators, 30% teachers, 10% professors.

1.4.8What categories of membership, if any, does your NS have?

Publishing houses membership

Libraries and schools membership

Individual membership

1.4.9How often do you keep in touch with your members? How?

Serbian Section of IBBY informs their members about activities by e-mail, phone or by

letter, whenever it is necessary.


2.1Annual Budget What is your average annual budget in US$? Is it increasing or decreasing?

The Serbian National Section of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) was established on 1st January, 2007 in Belgrade so it is relatively new. Therefore we are still working on the budget.
From 2007-2008, we have been working on an average annual budget of 6000$.

1 USD= 53,1278 RSD, rate of exchange on 16 September 2008 ( Serbian National Bank)

2.2Sources of income

2.2.1Is there a membership fee? How much is it? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

Yes:Publishing houses membership: 2000 RSD (38,46 USD)

Libraries and school membership: gratis

Individual membership: 1000 RSD (19,23 USD)

This accounts for 25% of our budget.

1 USD= 53,1278 RSD, rate of exchange 16 September 2008 from Serbian National Bank

2.2.2Do you receive financial support from individual sponsors and/or donors? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

Yes, we received support from: The Publishing house “Skolski program”: 80000 RSD (1538,46 USD)

and the Publishing house “Narodna knjiga/Skola”: 160000 ( 3076,92 USD)

This accounts for 75% of our budget.

2.2.3Do you receive grants from your government? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?

As a newly established representative office of this non governmental and non-profitable organization we have obtained the support of some governmental and domestic associations such as, Association of Educational Publishers of Serbia, Alliance of School Teachers of Serbia, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Culture of Serbia concerning promotion in the media, and giving certificates to the authors of literature for young readers in developing countries. We expect some grants and further support in the future from governmental organisations.

2.2.4Do you receive grants from national institutions or other organizations? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?


2.2.5Have other NS contributed any financial support? If so, how much?


2.2.6Do you generate income through publications? If so, how much? What percentage of your budget does this account for?


2.2.7Do you have other sources of income not mentioned above? What are they and what percentage of your budget do they account for?


2.2.8Are the sources of income listed in points 2.2.1 to 2.2.7 regular contributions?


2.2.9Do you receive support specifically for your IBBY dues? If so, from whom?


2.2.10Describe successful fundraising strategies your NS has developed.

The President of IBBY has made special efforts and after successful meetings with authorities such as, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, the Publishing Houses and certain prominent companies , has reached agreements regarding funds and support which is expected in the following year. Our section is a voluntary organization without paid stuff, therefore executive members work for Serbian IBBY in their free time.


3.1Main activities

3.1.1Has your NS organized national, regional or international meetings and conferences? Which ones?

Yes, we have organised some national, regional and international meetings and conferences.

“The Golden Pen of Belgrade” in cooperation with IBBY office
In cooperation with ULUPUDS (Association of Fine and Applied Artists and Designers of Serbia), IBBY organized a symposium within the traditional International manifestation “The Golden Pen of Belgrade” (9th International Biennial of Illustration) ONE – DAY GATHERING ON ILLUSTRATION (lecturers Farideh Khalatbaree from Iran and Rastko Ciric – professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts of Begrade

A large number of illustrators from different countries took part in the exhibition.

We also organised promotion of the best children’s books at the International Book Fair in Belgrade.

3.1.2Have members of your NS represented IBBY at other national, regional or international meetings and/or conferences?

Yes, the President Dragana Litricin Dunic has represented IBBY at all important national and regional manifestations. Also she represented IBBY at the international “AEP Educational Publishing Summit „ in Washington

3.1.3Does your NS organize courses or seminars at a local level? Who are these aimed at?

Yes, educational seminars and lectures for experts, teachers and professors.

3.1.4Does your NS organize or host exhibitions and/or fairs?

We have a special successful presentation at the International Book Fair in Belgrade, but IBBY Serbia does not organize book fairs.

Along with the main manifestation an additional exhibition was organized in the domain of illustration in different galleries in Belgrade.
In cooperate with ULUPUDS we organized “The Golden Pen of Belgrade” and numerous art manifestations with famous artists.

3.1.5Does your NS administer awards or prizes? Does it organize contests?

Serbian IBBY is responsible for awarding Golden Pen for children’s book.

3.1.6Does your NS run a library or bookstore?


3.1.7Has your NS organized other activities? Which ones have been especially successful in your country? Please specify.

The newly established National prize “Duško Radović“ for the best children’s book in 2007. awarded by the Serbian National Section of The International Board on Books for Young People.

The decision on awarding the prize was brought by the jury consisting of:
Phd Aleksandar Jovanović,
Phd Jovan Ljuštanović
Phd Milivoj Nenin, chairman

In the programme the pupils of the elementary school “Kralj Petar“ performed a play based on the motives of the fable “The Cricket and the Ant“ and the speech was given by Ivana Dimic, Assistant Minister of Culture and Dragana Litricin Dunic, prof.of Serbian literature.


3.2.1Does your NS have a website? What is its URL?

Yes. URL is

3.2.2Does your NS publish a regular newsletter? Who receives this? Is it available online?


3.2.3Does your NS develop lists of book selections? Which ones?


3.2.4What, if any, are your other regular publications? Please give names (original and translation into English) and a description of their content and purpose. No.


3.2.6Does your NS work with national media to promote your own activities or the work of IBBY?

Yes, the NS works with the national media to promote activities and the priorities are the work of the IBBY.

3.3Cooperation at a national level

3.3.1Is your NS consulted about children’s books in your country? By whom?

Pedagogical experts, scientist..

3.3.2Are there NGOs or established institutions in your country for which the development of a children’s reading and publishing culture is an objective? Which ones? Are you informed of their projects and needs?

Yes, we´re cooperating with Alliance of School Teachers of Serbia, (campaign for support of children´s reading“International Standards of High Quality Textbooks”.

3.3.3Does your NS collaborate with these agencies?

Yes. We are collaborating with them.


4.1International activities in cooperation with IBBY

Congresses and General Assemblies

4.1.1How many of your members participated in the last two IBBY Congresses and General Assemblies?

None of our members participated in the last two IBBY Congresses and General Assemblies.

4.1.2Does your NS participate in IBBY regional conferences? If so, which ones?


International Children’s Book Day (ICBD)

4.1.3What activities, if any, does your NS organize to celebrate the ICBD?

At the initiative of IBBY Serbia for the first time a big celebration was organised on the occasion Children’s Book Day on 2nd April in National Theater, with the topic The eternal adventure of reading.In the lobby of the National Theater on 2nd April a banquet was held to celebrate the International Children’s Book Day.
Together with a small recital and a danceperformance of children from “Kralj Petar” School, the International Section of Serbia award for contribution and promotion of domestic literature for children, handed awards to: teachers, famous actors; journalists, illustrators,the authors of the Dictionary of Theater Glossary for Children.

4.1.4Did you design your own poster? If not, did you use the message and poster of the sponsoring NS?

Yes, but we used, too, message and posters!

4.1.5How do you disseminate information about the ICBD?

The information is posted on website and sent to various printed media as well as radio and TV shows. Our members receive it by e-mail.

IBBY Awards and projects

4.1.6Did your NS present any nominations for the Hans Christian Andersen Awards? If so, who were the nominees? If not, why not?

In the year 2008 Serbian section of IBBY has nominated Zoran Bozovic (author) for the Hans Christian Andersen Awards.

4.1.7Did your NS present any nominations for the IBBY Honour List? If so, who were the nominees? If not, why not?

4.1.8Did your NS nominate a project for the IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award? If so, which one?


4.1.9Did you nominate any titles for the Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities selection?


4.1.10Did you donate or recommend any books for the IBBY Documentation Centre of Books for Disabled Young People? If so, how many? No.

4.1.11Did you host any IBBY travelling exhibitions (Honour List, HCA, Books for Disabled, etc.)? If so, where and when were they exhibited? Not during this period.

Bookbird and other projects

4.1.12How many members of your NS have individual subscriptions to Bookbird?


4.1.13Does your NS have a Bookbird associate editor? Have you contributed any articles to, or cooperated with Bookbird? Not yet.

4.1.14Have you participated in any other IBBY international activities not listed above? If so, which ones?


4.2 Cooperation with other National Sections

4.2.1Are you involved in regional cooperation with other NS? What is the nature of this cooperation?

Yes, we are in constant contact with other NS and exchange views, ideas and suggestions.